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Everything posted by Genghis78

  1. I too agree with everything. Am 31, Southampton born and bred, and am constantly thinking of how much potential we have here, but the seemingly obvious things to build, develop or provide don't get done. But its ok because we've got a communications director on £85k a year to tell us how great everything is in Southampton...
  2. I'll be happy with keegan - even if he just gets us out of League 1 then sods off. I don't think tactics come into it at this level so much. we have superior training facilities, our players should be at physically much fitter than players from Yeovil or Wallsall, simply because of the facilities and expertise at our disposal left over from our days in the Prem. Even if we're a goal down, we just need to do a Mohammed Ali and hang in there, when they're knackered after 70 mins we should still be fighting fit and can sucker punch them. But then I thought that about the Championship...
  3. There was a good article in the Observer about it. Milton Keynes are a 'wildcard' host. They want a geographic spread, and the only 2 cities south of London to express an interest were Portsmouth and Bristol City. I think Bristol are building a ground anyway with the long term plan of being an established Premiership club by 2018. However, they would build a smaller ground with the ability to remove a roof and temporarily add in a load of seats to get the required 40000 for the World Cup, then afterwards they can reduce it again so they don't end up playing in League 1 with a half empty ground...Teams/cities have about another month to signal interest in also hosting matches, but I think our unknown status and lack of leadership will prevent us from doing that.
  4. Art is one of the things in the world right now that I think is holding its value, and Southampton Council (so us by definition) owns £150m worth. Much as I would hate to see it go, SFC is more of a part of our heritage than a donated Monet, so I wonder if the Council can sell £20-30 million worth and by the stadium. The previous post on rent could be agreed on, the council get some nice conference facilities, and there's change left over to carry on investing Win-win? http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/search/3767831.They_are_in_the_Monet/
  5. I love seeing Le God on Sky Sports News when he's talking about Saints. You can see the passion still in him for the side, none of this objective journalism for Matty! Other than that, Dellhurst even though me and my mate got so drunk before hand that we weren't let in, and Marsden and Bridge overlapping down the wing during our St Marys 'glory days'
  6. Genghis78

    share price

    I wouldn't expect anything less than suspicion and cynicism in response to my first post! Thank you! No PR, no-one's instructed me, I'm just trying to think of ways of getting rid of Lowe. I took my 10 yr old son to a game before xmas (can't even remember which one it was so terrible) and to be honest if he turned round to me and said he was going to support Man Utd from now on because Saints are naff, I couldn't argue with him. Thats the worst thing about all this - the team are going to lose a generation of supporters unless some wholesale changes are made, and it has to start with that man at the top, same as any other business.
  7. Genghis78

    share price

    If Rupert Lowe won't leave SFC on his own, then maybe some sort of action needs to be taken which might put him in a position where he has to leave? He is currently a director or on the board of quite a few major companies. If enough Saints fans wrote to the CEO or Chairman or whatever and pointed out that RL had presided over a company whose shares are now worth a mere fraction of what they were a couple of years ago (independent of the recession etc), and ask if this the sort of person they want to be associated with? If they suddenly gets hundreds of letters all alluding to the same thing, then they might be forced to call him up and ask to discuss his financial prowess, which could be embarrassing, even for Rupert. The companies are: Appleclaim Limited – insurance Appleclaim Ltd Sidcup House 12-18 Station Road United Kingdom Coverpoint Holdings Limited – internet insurance management St Clare House 30/33 Minories London EC3N 1DD Intelligence Research Limited – worldwide market and political data Intelligence Research Ltd 61 Old Street London EC1V 9HW United Kingdom IP Maestrale Energy Italy 3 LLP – electricity generation SENATOR HOUSE 85 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET LONDON EC4V 4DP WH Ireland Group plc – stock broker and corporate finance house 11 St. James's Square Manchester M2 6WH Also, if he can work at somewhere like WH Ireland, who specialise in providing finance for things like corporate takeovers, and can't refinance Saints, then he must be numpty.
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