It makes me laugh how people are calling for stewards out and the stewards are this and that!! Without them the games couldnt go ahead! When the team is winning they are ur best friend yet when the team is losing its all their fault!! Why should any person put up with being sworn at, personally abused, threated, spat at, physically assulted the list goes on... all because saints are losing!! Would people treat there bank manager shop assistant in the same way if things didnt go thier way I doubt it! It is an offence to go on the pitch at anytime weather the game is in play or not, and it is also an offence to stand in a seated area some people should take a few mins to read the back of their beloved match ticket or list of ground regulations outside each turnstile these rules are not made up by a steward they are there to ensure spectator saftey! and as for weather they are from pompey or not does not matter how many people in soton have people from pompey in their work place? do they do the job different because of where they live? Time for people to grow up and see bigger picture. God forbid some people should ever really need a stewards help cos They prob enjoy helping people more than having to deal with some of the s**t ive seen some deal with!