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St Lightjaw

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Everything posted by St Lightjaw

  1. Times have us down for 15th. Leeds and Norwich for 1st and 2nd. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/football_league/article6736752.ece
  2. Took about 30 mins from what I saw of the Colosseum when I last visited Italy. It is falling to bits, and not fit to host a football match imho.
  3. The liebherr family are far from idiots .... agreed. And they will want a return for the purchase. However, they could get a nice return by just giving us an average league 1 wage budget, and creaming money off from a well supported clubs income from pay on the day gates and season ticket sales. Spending £££ on trasfers is a gamble in football. We've established the liebherr family are not idiots ... so forget the big bucks and hope for some crafty frees and loans.
  4. Not aimed at us or any posters on here, but I love the term "invest" (investment). I think sometimes fans of football clubs confuse that word with "gift". Whereas if you replaced "invest" with "loan" or "debt", you would get a different outlook as to how a football club is run. Big money signings don't look so hot when we wake up and realise Santa aint real. The Natwest recently "invested" £500 in me (overdraft). Might pay it back one day ....
  5. No. I think he was implying that we now have premiership fans because of some clever thinking by our CEO. Sign posts in London to the Emirates Stadium and Stamford Bridge now point in the direction of the M3 with "Park and Ride only 80 miles". Catering have been ordered to sell jellied eels and pie and mash to accommodate our new fan base.
  6. Very happy with Alan Pardew. :cool: But Peter Taylor, Steve Tilson, Dave Penney, Kenny Jackett, Simon Grayson and Paul Tisdale are no mugs. A few others are going to be out to give us a bloody nose too. Really wish you hadn't posted that list. ****ed on my fire tonight
  7. Poor Lawrie Mac No poor sod deserves that punishment :smt022
  8. Got a gut feeling we wont walk league 1 (billionaire owners or not) But I admire your optimism sir!
  9. So in return for "money", players are going to have "flybe" stamped across their shirts / training tops. And I bet they get a mention in the match day programme. I have a Degree in Marketing, and this all stinks of advertising if you ask me. Yet again, us Saints fans have had the wool pulled over our eyes. :mad:
  10. Flashy sods in London with "Conference Calls" and "Electric" and "Running Water" They can stick this new technology witchcraft up their arse. We're happy in Southampton as it is without having to sell our souls to the devil. Nowt wrong with carrier pigeons and well oiled squirrels imho. :mad:
  11. Nice. 2 things here for all posters. Don't bring up the war (references to Hitler are a no no ... and none of this please http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-AVDeLNC0M ) And don't mention nazi gold to the swiss or german. Just stay kewl and try to be polite.
  12. Kewl! Do it Just don't use the term "cheese eating surrender monkey" ... i.e. "Do you like football you cheese eating surrender monkey" Could offend and may scupper the deal. That's my pearl of wisdom for the day :cool:
  13. Silly question probably, buy why bring a car all the way from Switzerland? Why not just get on a plane and taxi the rest? I wouldn't take my car to Switzerland .... no matter how much money I had. More comfy ways to travel imho!
  14. Finishing 6th was uber ... i'll give you that .... but then Reading finished 8th 05/06. FA Cup Final ... well, Cardiff made it to the finals too a few years ago. I still wouldn't class them as successful. I love the club .... love my fellow fans .... and please don't get me wrong or think i'm being patronising, but how we perceive our club only leads to false hope and false dawns. We were never a big club ... we were never a goldmine ... and we were never ever going to get a white knight in shining armor. It (our perception) ... imho .... has deluded us to the point where if we had "smelt the coffee" a while ago, we might have been in a position to look at alternatives such as a supporters trust who could have saved the day. And a few years down the line ... we could have done a "Notts County". All imho of course. Respect to you all St Lightjaw
  15. Erm .... I remember lots of relegation battles. Think our definitions of "successful" may differ a bit One mans excrement is another mans gold I suppose.
  16. A wise man also said "Stay out of the black and into the red, nothing in this game for two in a bed" Very deep imho ... think about it :cool:
  17. "insolvent" is 9 letters :cool:
  18. Or Welsh Echo nearly had it. I suppose Shamrocks and Leeks do look a bit alike
  19. Ditto that and great post. Lets face it, nobody really knew what mess we were getting into 2 years ago. Not as if SFC were posting weekly accounts on the official website. Gut feelings ... yes ... but hard facts .... don't think so. One thing I am certain of. We will have a Southampton FC in some shape or form (whether it be in league 1 or the blue square) in the future. And we will be a stronger club because of our experiences. We will be proud of our history, whilst also recognizing the value of proper football and will we have respect for our opponents now matter how big or small they are. COYR !!!
  20. ok ... you caught me out I have £9.12 and a packet of polos. I only started fundraising about 10 minutes ago. I would have started back in April, but posters kept saying that we were a goldmine and Bill Gates was interested. I didn't want to rock the boat and put him off.
  21. Don't worry Derry :cool: For the last 3 months, us fans have been fundraising (I salute those Saints fans who walked to Nottingham Forest) .... raising the media profile .... and getting local business on side to form our own supporters trust consortium. We should now be in the position to rescue the club (with some help from the council). Forward thinking by us Saints fans has saved the day. We accepted a long time ago that we are not a "big club" and Saints fans can be proud that we haven't been sat on our backsides posting threads with links to the Forbes top 100 billionaire rich-list .... and we can also be proud that we are not gullible supporters who crack open a bottle of champaign and lie back for a month when a new "bit of info" thread is started. :axe:
  22. I just hope he didn't remortgage his house last month to pay for the exclusivity period. Anyway, I love the guy. Think he should only be flogged 50 times, and not the statutory 100 if the bid fails. IMHO of course.
  23. Ouch ... better take my binoculars! I drove past Walsall's ground on Sunday. Looked like it was tucked away in an industrial estate :confused:
  24. They're Welsh, not Swiss.
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