3,402 -
Everything posted by Nineteen Canteen
More than enough evidence? A separate poster using the same IP address and with similar views as myself? Is it one username per household from now on then Steve? I would be interested to hear on what grounds you wish to get rid of me as well? Posting a valid alternative opinion? Not all Saint's fans start frothing at the mouth at the mere mention of Portsmouth and some just appreciate the much needed rivalry they provide. We are no better then Portsmouth when it comes down to filling our ground and so a thread based on some misdirected oneupmanship I think it should be challenged. Yes we have a bigger fan base allegedly, although how that can be proved I am not sure and yes we had 50k at Wembley but they sold out their FA Cup Final tickets didn't they and in any event where are all our supporters red and blue now? Not even 50% of our Wembley turnout bothered to come along and greet the team at the first home match since that win. Remember, I am an old school football fan and was bought up in a family who followed both red and blue for many years and still enjoy seeing both clubs do well. In my case I am a completely committed Saints fan but at the same time respect the role Portsmouth have played in our history and one I hope they continue to do so in the future. Or are you simply prejudiced against allegedly retarded ***** or posters who report such ignorant abuse? If you consider removing me perhaps you should consider dropping 'forum' from the title although you seem happy to let Portsmouth fans post their views or perhaps your particular branch of prejudice runs a little deeper?
Hello Tame, Barmitzvahs? I'm only half Jewish but upon asking I was allowed to make half my normal posts. Not relevant to your post but just to say I agree we have the larger fan base and therefore percentages of those that do attend vs capacity is a fair way of determining support. We have as many disaffected fans post administration as Pompey have currently - fact.
Don't disagree with most of this to be fair Wes it just seems odd that we were in a better position than Pompey but still deserted the club in our hour of need or least many did. If we spoke of percentages in terms of attendances vs capacity we were barely achieving 60% and even post admin when the call to arms went up he didn't break 28k even with Charlton's support. If Pompey's attendances fall to 12k next season they will be more than on a par with ours post relegation as 18k is c.55% and 20k is c.61.5%. We keep telling ourselves we have the larger fanbase so perhaps percentages rather than simple numbers is a more fairer way of d1ck waving. We got rid of a hated regime but unlike Pompey's they at least gave us a legacy worthy of saving and it is a much sadder state of affairs down the road. At least they have a supporters trust who seem more dynamic than our disjointed efforts ever were and facing up to the prospect of a new incarnation of Pompey something many of our fans refused to acknowledge in the dark days of Fialka and MLT's ostrich like endorsement. In my defence I have been very reserved in my comments on the whole sorry saga so whinging about my inability to resist a response is very wide of the mark. I may be in the minority but it will be a sad day for us all if our greatest rivals fold and for many on this forum who have become obsessed to the point of distraction by our neighbours. Having gone through the car crash scenario ourselves its very surprising we have quite so many rubber neckers. Even in our most recent moment of triumph our supporters could not simply celebrate the Saints winning the cup and we had to resort to the boring songs about Pompey. Sometimes it's best to focus on what we have (or not), than what others don't. Yours truly The sort of retarded c u n t that Saintkiptanui and Vershinin can only hope of pulling one day with their collective wit. +1
Considerably less than those fans of ours who chose to stay away last season and run the risks Pompey fans now face. It makes of laugh that at times some posters can be so delusional it beggars belief. Perhaps i was one of the 11k at the Sheff Utd game last season who still can remember asking the question where have all the so called supporters gone ? 16k in relative terms dwarfs our efforts when the chips were down and we couldn t even deliver a coherent supporters association let alone a plan. Time to reign our thick necks in a touch ?
If you agree with the second statement then you are judging without the facts . When his drink drive offence came to light it war easy to judge him as am idiot acting as if he would not get caught and i fell into the trap of judging on that event in isolation. In hindsight it may now be the case the man is dealing with more serious demons than simple stupidity and arrogance.
Agreed and some of the stupid and inflammatory comments are the ramblings of the ignorant or those in denial who believe they can control their own addictions. I hope he gets the help too look forward and enjoy his life without the crutches of drugs and booze . The real chumps are the likes of Dune and SRS but what do we expect
I agree about feeling sorry for him but it makes Capello's job easier as Beckham's selection would have been more akin to a rabbits foot than a serious selection (a specialist free kick taker on the bench) and we are not exactly short of choices on the right. I like Beckham and hopefuly he can a get job in English football so he can start to challenge the baffoons who run European and World football. It will be waste of his celebrity / kudos in the game if we fon't use them but lets' not hodl our breath the forward thing FA will see things like that. Why does this sort of thing always happy to the guys and not the likes of John Terry? Anyway, in a way for Beckham it may turn out to be a blessing disguise to go out on a career injury than keep playing until you fade away or simply overlooked.
Black clouds still closing? Keep taking the pills? You don't know the half of it Daren but then again I didn't go for the sympathy vote like yourself. For me it was always about dealing with a betrayal of trust and the resultant and expected prejudices that this forum delivered unfortunately just like in real life except the comments are perhaps not quite so robust. If mouths had been kept shut I would not be subjected to your childlike insults which frankly most have respectfully refrained from playing that personal insult apart from the ignorant minority. I suppose it was lucky I didn't have cancer because that really is a laugh a minute just like any other untreatable and serious illness. Anyway, this I suspect may be my last post for a while but before I go can I suggest some reading for you even though you will need to get past the fact they don't come with a red top. Depression the Curse ot the Strong - Dr Tim Cantopher Darkness Visible - William Styron I'm sure being a literary giant like Styron you will be familiar with his works and in this one he explains why 'black clouds still closing' doesn't even get close in serious cases of clinical depression. Dr Cantopher delivers some hope for those who find themselves in that situation. Unfortunately, for some of us our options are extremely limited for many reasons and are less real than Tim suggests. Not terminal but nonetheless interminable and in particular at times of uncontrollable descent into self-destruction a wretched existence for both sufferer and their loved ones and one borne in secrecy out of prejudice and the shame felt by the sufferer and their family because of painfully ignorant people like yourself. With that in mind do you think I'm due a signed shirt from the club? I would hate to ask and get turned down and have to go for the sympathy vote on the forum but then again some of us fight our personal battles in private. Apologies to those enjoying their ironic ex-pat postings. I enjoyed them and I guess it will now be my turn to join you in exile. Top right Daren.
I know it's a disgrace as back in my day I was paid a pittance compared to today and now I have to try and survive on 3 posts a day. If only I pulled off that friendly little sting I would have enough fivers to keep me in posts for life. Now if you will excuse me I'm off to view some local entertainment venues with a view to investment do you fancy writing the flyers/programme...on second thoughts I know an average ghost writer.
It was just a play on words and granted, maybe an obtuse angle but perhaps not all Cortese's philosophy on the the future of this club and what we have acheived this season in comparison to Nooorwich and Charltoon (Solent interview) shows he is at times not thinking and that does not always justify or explains his existence at the club. What is more important by interminable degrees is Mr Liebherr's involvement. It's a worry that with all Pardew has achieved and the apparent lack of recognition from Cortese we could end up with QPR syndrome. Add that to some less than IMO rational ideas at least until out 5 year plan is consolidated with stability in the top flight we are gambling with either gifts or loans from a wealthy owner who really needs to be worshipped as our Deity and that is something we do not need to think about, we are at SMS because he is,
It's a bizarre suggestion and hopefully not one based on the turn out for the JPT final where numbers have been bouyed by ST holders taking the chance to give members of their family a day out who would never normally contemplate or probably be able to afford a ticket on a regular basis. I like to try and read and understand the great philosophers in life such as Descartes, Sartre, Camus etc and it appears just recently so has Cortese whose philosophy appears to be 'I don't think, therefore I am not'. If there is any mileage in this suggestion then I would like to know how it will be funded as I doubt Mr Liebherr will risk his own millions which means more collateralised debt no doubt. We have a great stadium but appear to have learned nothing from building it and someone needs to stand up to Mr Cortese and give him a history lesson.
Blimey, Daren you really didn't 'get' my post did you. I thought you were a bit smarter than that but clearly some things do indeed pass you buy. Best keep me on ignore and not respond or ask Block 5 or Diben Purlieu Saint for an explanation as they obviously 'got it'. I find it a bit patronising to have to explain what I thought would have been clear to most so will refrain from doing just that. Pip pip, I'm off to rub oil on my Mum's hamstring - not nice but in the absence of donations.....seems long standing Sainst Fans aren't as worthy as long gone ex-Saints.
I don't know at the moment Hamster tbh. My annual renewal came up and it coincided with some other events that made me consider should I curtail my online activities for a while. As you know this place can eat time like only serious gaming geeks can understand and a limit of 3 posts a day seemed just the ticket although the inability to start a thread or send a pm are big drawbacks. I also have an aversion to Paypal and I don't care how safe they say it is but IMO any payment system linked into your email address is a poor one and especially one with an annual renewal. Doesn't appear to be an option to renew by online payment from my bank as I have used in the past so I let it lapse. Ironically still probably logging on and spending a lot of time reading the threads but obviously restricted in making more comments which some would say is a blessing for us all but then issues build up and fester into a crescendo of pent up bile as i watch the 24 hour clock count down to my next posting date. Failing that i could always open a few more user ids (Joke mods) Not joke mods but to say that was me making a joke btw mods. Other then that things are more Rotary than Rolex but ticking along nonetheless. I enjoyed the river boat thread but when you spoke about firing up the boiler I couldn't help thinking that was a bit derogatory.
Family Tax Credit - whats all that about? Tax the people who can't afford to pay tax and then get them to write a novel explaining why they can't afford to pay their tax although it should be obvious. Then those who collect the tax arrange to pay it back but in the meantime the families have become destitute! Why are benefits like ICB for example not means tested? Many people can afford these days to pay for some kind of income or mortgage insurance and may be lucky enough to have other revenus streams such as income from rent. Why should they be paid ICB over a person on lower income who could not afford insurance? The Government is talking about pay rise freezes for civil servants when frankly they could change the benefits system to be more equitable and less bureaucratic and lay off thousands of dusty and ill-motivated pen pushers in dusty offices. Alternatively, lets pay people to collect taxes and then pay it back to them instead of issuing higher tax codes in the first place or is that me being simple or overly pragmatic? The trouble is they can't change the systems because the system is such a behemoth that all they can do is tinker with its extremities IMO. Master B I can empathise with your situation to a degree but I would sincerely suggest that you channel your anger away from the race angle. Some people only perceive that this country looks after other ethnic groups more tham white British citizens because that is the picture some newspapers in this country like the Mail and Express would like us to believe. Bottom line for every white male such as yourself their will be equally frustrating tales from a British male of Asian descent. You are both a victim of the system and not favouritism bourne out of some misguided belief that the benefits agencies are scared to turn down applications from ethnic minorities but happy to shaft those of a White British background. In any event it sounds like you are having a very difficult time and I admire how you are approaching the task of finding a job and coping with your grief. It can't be easy and perhaps it may help to have a chat with your GP about what you are going through. Anger, frustration and grief can be a combustible and destructive mixture of emotions and it may help to talk it through with someone. (I hope you don't find this advice patronising as that was far from my intentions)
Daren, do you find that sometimes things in life seem to pass you by?
Prawn Sandwiches? Isn't that so 20th C? Surely it's the Sushi and Skinny Latte brigade these days brandishing their loyalty cards for a little stamping. My guess is the debenture seats will be 'sold' or empty as not many holders will want to go and watch such an important and major game. I'm going but am I alone in being ever so slightly embarrassed about going to such a worthless piece of junk and the over the top hype many are giving it. Who have we beaten of any note??? To think we could have concentrated on the league and sent out a reserve team for some much needed first team practice.
Why? Have I missed the bit where GM refers to Taking Le Tiss as one of the all time great sporting biographies? Or perhaps he mentioned what an absolute legend MLT is and how his example of hard work and professional attitude is an inspiration to us all? I guess I can kick this thread into touch then for all the right reasons? BTW I do think GM has a point that can be fairly aimed at a vocal and self-important minority. Lets face it, it's a forum first and foremost to discuss Saints not an ex-pats blog, and it would be pretty boring if every poster started off by giving us a weather report or what their plans for the day/evening are. I will be leaving shortly to pick my Mum up from Bingo. This is not normally necessary but she has pulled a hamstring of all things and can't drive. Still saves buying a Mothers Day Gift. Went shopping today and the wind was biting so as the cold weather is set to continue I decided tomorrow I shall try Oatso Simple for the first time, to help set me up for another day in the fast lane. My Mum is an avid Saints fan so any donations towards her physio bills will be greatly appreciated as she does not want to raid her generous annunities and I need to protect my inheritance. She can even tell you the date and time of the kick off for Saints next cup final appearance and is a regular caller to Radio Solent although she doesn't need to wake up at 6.30am to tune in for Saturday commentaries or drive to Hampshire to the first layby in which she can get a reception. Keep it Saints related, no one is interested in Faceblogmybookspace sh1te.
Quite right. Is that the Nationwide like most other financial institutions who are still ripping off the Great British public IMO with mortgage rates between 3.8 - 4.7 % APR over base for FTB's even with a more than healthy 20% deposit? Not a bad margin over 0.5% base rate is it compared to mortgage rates pre -crash? You're an intelligent man though Phil so you will know it's all about the rates banks lend to each other and will know 3 month LIBOR has been arround 0.6 -0.7 % and even 1 year Libor is at only 0.8%. Couple that with I suspect some less than satisfcatory rates for their savers it's grand to see the Nationwide can afford to be a major sponsor of the World Cup for England. I guess potentially paying some notable ex international to promote their campaign is money well spent instead of shaving off a few percentage points off their over inflated mortgage rates and improve their customers standard of living. Taking Le Tiss if you ask me.
LOL - I wonder if he got paid for this? If it was to promote his book you learned more about his attitude in those 20 questions without the need to pick up his actual book that for it's content it is somewhat overpriced even if you can get it with a 7O% discount in my significantly less than professional literay opinion. Still , what a legend the man is and we appear to have something in common in that neither of us actually hate anyone in football - even Portsmouth. That's right fellow Saints fans MLT doesn't appear to even dislike Portsmouth, what an absolute legend. Taking Le Tiss, Fat Lazy ba5tard5, too laid back for superstitions, 10 minute rest on the medical bench before a game...statements that makes you think of the player he could have been if he had an attitude to compliment his undoubted skill. We did learn than Beattie was quicker by 10 sec over 100m than Le Tiss and I would venture our club president at the time would have been 10 secs quicker than Le Tiss. All very self deprecating what a guy stuff don't you think? However, hardly the spirit of a true legend and of the type we need in the game today. I prefer my legends not to have to confuse self-deprecating with self-parody as it insults the memory of the fans who supported them and not to mention it undermines their actual achievements which in MLT's case isn't as near as much as they should have been. IMO with his new found media 'style' it's not difficult to understand why he has little to show for his career in retrospect. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go and remove the hook and finish off this morsel of bait.
An excellent post and although whilst reading it I didn't agree with everything that was being said or at least the way in which it was trying to be said, the sentiment of the message was very clear and I agree 100% with it.
That may well be the case but I wasn't at the game, having to be content with the Merrington musings which are not always an accurate reflection. The opinion I got was Antonio was not involved and struggling but if you were there then I would be happy to take your word. It's a worry though that the common denominator for below par performances away from home is the inability to field our first choice central midfield pairing and that Puncheon is unlikely to fulfill that role should the need occur in accordance with your observation. There are two reasons why we won't make the play offs IMO and it's nothing to do with bad pitches and poor teams and their spoiling tactics. 1) Pardew's intent to go for glory in the cup competitions. 2) The club's inability to sign a recognised and credible Central Midfielder. I know we are all looking forward to a Wembley final but I would trade it in without blinking to be 4pts off 6th instead of 4pts off the false summit of 9th.
Totally flawed, or just flawed? We could have a reasonable debate here BS but not if you are prone to exaggeration. The example I gave was given without knowledge as I said of that players ability to play out of position as many do. We could even convert to a 4-3-3 and throw in Wotton with Schnederlin and Hammond in midfield and play one of a few options to play alongside Lambert and Barnard. Looking at some of our less decent results they tend to be when Hammond and Schneiderlin are not both present. Schneiderlin being out at Wycombe was underestimated by Pardew in hindsight and equally Hammond being out and Schneiderlin on the bench didn't help at Brentford. I think a manager's ability to know the strengths of his individual players and field a side according to the conditions and the opposition is key. Simply keeping a winning side is not always possible or logical and surprising and enjoyable as Tuesday night was it is surely not beyond the realms of possibility that Tranmere would have done their homework on us and snuff out our expectations and worse any undue over-confidence in the side regardless of what Pardew will be telling them. The fact Antonio was substituted at Wycombe for tactical reasons goes to prove my point in choosing horses for courses and IMO in a squad as large as ours we should be able to identify obvious alternatives to not playing Lallana and Waigo for example. Is it my fault I can make a reasonable suggestion but can't readily identify a solution without getting the usual over the top response? Perhaps, you are suggesting that we don't have the great squad and strength in depth that everyone seems to allude to? I agree with you regards Puncheon and by all accounts he was our best player at Wycombe but remember I did say maybe he could be rested and primed for the Leeds and Swndon home games that will both be proverbial 6 pointers especially the latter. I am juut making suggestions and surprised my logic is 'totally flawed'. Knowing we have a problem playing clubs on bad pitches more intent to spoil our own game plan than play their own is it not totally illogical to not try something different to overcome the problem? What that difference is, is open to debate and given we are not going to Charlton, Norwich, Leeds etc on Saturday and therefore probably playing on a pitch more primed for a ploughing contest than billiards, it's a debate worth having. We don't use the wings so beat them through the middle with our 3 strongests midfielders and ensure the game is over by half time by playing 3 up front. More flawed logic? Maybe but playing the same 11 or formation is unlikely to work if the pitch is poor and Tranmere play to spoil and take a draw.
BS, the same players we would bring in if these two get injured from playing uncompromising teams packed with poor players intent on winning the ball at all cost on poor pitches. We have a big squad or have we indentified another reason why are playoff hopes are at best fragile unless we can play all our games on essentially what were premier league grounds a few years ago. I don't know much about Otsemobor but could he play at RM and bring in Thomas at RB for these types of games? Pardew I'm sure has the answer as I would rather win 'ugly' than win playing the beautiful game and risk injury to some our stars that make us a joy to watch at home at the moment. Bottom line is I don't know but neither is it my problem it's just an observation.