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  1. Well what a surpise, we decide to take one failed person out and place another in the cahir all becuase this is the cheaper option as he is already on the payroll and they do not have to pay from someone who just could possibly save the club from relegation. I just can not believe what is going on at this club and every change that is made is another nail in our coffin. We can only hope the protests really gain momentum against swansea and show a united front against the pathectic buch or tossers call a board of directors. never have before have i felt such dispare for our beloved club.
  2. not at all this is just the baord making a tand to say we are doing something and hope we fans do not direct our anger against swansea....... well thing again you gutless board
  3. Guys we have no chice now we need as many people at this march as possible. The board are now scared after the Doncaster Game as they know the protests will get more agressive and with more venom. They have takne the easy option to sanck the fall guy and act as if they care and doing something before the next home game to save there bacon. we never before as a saints fan is it time to act to save our club and get this posion from running this club to its death
  4. fantatsic idea, I am sure we would all do this if this was set up correctly. this needs to be done using a web site where we go in and register that we will be there. As for the biggest banner again lets use the web site and pay money for the banner. I would support any initative to get poison out of our club. Just need some suportes with the know how to set up. Save our Club......
  5. What a detailed and honest letter from the heart. I agree with all you have stated and think this should also go to the Echo and indeed to the top papers and raise the profile of the death to Southampton football club. Being at the game on Saturday really hit home that this once great club is in the worst state I have ever seen and being run by people who just to not have a heart to our beloved clubs future. We need to all do the same protests again next home match and contimue with the outcry against Lowe and Wilde. Unless supporters take things into our own hands and keep the pressure on the board nothing will change and we will see our club die before our very eyes. Supporters need to watch the game and all get round to the corpoarte are and vent their frustration and mush as possible. It time for us Supporters to make the stance and enough is enough and we will not take this anymore . "Save our Club"
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