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La BoIS Saint

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Everything posted by La BoIS Saint

  1. Cortese has instructed them to change numbers so he can sell more shirts.
  2. Sit down protest called for. Cortese out FFS!
  3. ****. Cortese out FFS!
  4. Did they have shirts hanging up? Any unannounced signings??!!
  5. To turn it on its head what odds would you offer me if I gave you £100 for promotion and winning the league?
  6. Respect and fear are two different things.
  7. So basically you would be pretty happy if Saints won every game of the season and stormed the league in front of no fans because no one could find out when we were playing? Bizarre.
  8. How difficult is it for the **** Cortese to let us know anything? ****ing unbelievable!
  9. Typical Cortese. It's not as though the game has been announced with three days to go. STs can't get their own seat??!! Pathetic Nicola.
  10. Communication has been **** as is par for the course with Cortese. I honestly don't think he wants any fans just robots with credit cards.
  11. As much as I hate Sky ****ing about with kick off times this is actually good for me. Means I can get back for the end of GBBF and the staff party. Hurrah!
  12. Or at least explain why they have ripped it up.
  13. The problem is that too many fans after supporting the club through years of crap have been blinded by the Liebherr and **** Cortese headlights. They simply cannot accept that the club is anything less than perfect and want to gloss over obvious problems so as not to rock the boat. I am not affected by the instalment plan withdrawal. I am also not affected by the ticket tax on away tickets due to being a member of London Saints. That doesn't mean I can't see what's happening. I haven't renewed my ST yet and am still undecided whether to do so. Living near London midweek games are a bit of a pain. I also missed two or three Saturday home games last season due to doing other stuff. From being 100% certain of renewing, that percentage is now far less. Football club owners treat fans like **** because they know they can get away with it. All I would say is that if you decide not to renew your ST because of the non instalment plan or make a conscious decision to go to fewer games because of the ticket tax then contact the club and let them know. They might think think you haven't renewed because they couldn't be arsed to send out reminders.
  14. Just downloaded the Vuvuzela app. Top free app in the Apple store
  15. They sound great, really add to the atmosphere, brilliant. Bring 'em on!!!!
  16. Pretty much sums up my feelings
  17. All you are going to get is **** like Kfc and McD, and the usual crappy chain restaurants and bars. Nothing with any soul at all. Will totally ruin the whole point of going to the game.
  18. Another **** idea from Cortese
  19. I thought there was a song called The Sash anyway?
  20. Lol! Can't remember which camp I was in at the time, probably sang both!
  21. Just bought a 120i M Sport. Liked the colour. **** at driving it though!
  22. It's a total shambles Mr Last! I assume if there is one it will be somewhere in the week 17 - 24 July so they are back for Barnet, can't be much earlier. Only three friendlies definite so far? Haven't organised holiday either, need to make sure I don't miss Rochdale away!
  23. Do they give any dates?
  24. I really don't understand why Dune has received so much abuse on various related threads. Lots of people seem to be happy to roll over and have their tummies tickled by Cortese. He is going to be laughing all the way to the bank. It's a joke to say we don't need a shirt sponsor and then increase some away tickets by 20%.
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