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Everything posted by tulip

  1. the only way to avoid administration is for lowe to stand down,then we appoint a proper championship manager i.e an ince or dowie type of manager.the crowds will then go into 20,000 plus,which in turn would keep the wolf from the door.with lowe at the helm it is costing us 5-6,000 on the gate each week.if he can't see that he's more blinkered than i thought.
  2. i thought wilde was supposed to be the football club chairman,strange we haven't heard a thing from him
  3. i agree,the time has come for poortvliet to be the target,the man is so tactically inept,i believe the man still thinks the fans are 100% behind him,so he needs to be told how we feel.
  4. :smt044:smt044:smt044
  5. i agree,sod the cup,if we beat united you wont be able to get that smug look off of lowes face,i hate hate to say it but we need to get turned over by 5 or 6.Jp needs to start getting some stick aswell,the man is clueless.total football,more like TOTAL CRAP.we need a dowie or ince before it's too late.COYR.
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