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About clanger

  • Birthday 4 June

clanger's Achievements

  1. We're in danger (if not already) of becoming a laughing stock. NC bans press photographers - The Sun are having a right laugh at our expenxe then this. Just as I thought things were looking up despite the loss of ML. NC Get a grip, the fans ain't happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Can't believe it! Just when we were going places thanks to him. He genuinely cared about Saints, it wasn't just a business to him. His family obviously feel it more than we do but I hope they see this thread to appreciate how well we had all taken to him. Choked! RIP
  3. My fave so far
  4. I'm surprised anyone else is interested in buying (not buying him out as such, he never put money in to start with!), bottom of the table with no decent prospect of staying up can't be an attractive proposition. Must have been a bargain???
  5. I am finally feeling more comfortable with things, OK Pardew may have left a few people s******ing in the Premiership camp but I honestly think he is as good as we could get at this stage, better than L1 certainly. He said in an interview we will do well to finish mid-table. I think we can do better than that, teams have been promoted with points differences of more than 10. It's not impossible.
  6. I'm going to write to Richard Branson, he needs to branch out into football. Job done.
  7. Defeatist talk if I ever I heard any, SFC will be like the phoenix from the flames, even if it does get a bit singed in the process.....
  8. Blimey! Wikipedia's already up to date! Hello by the way. How ironic that i'm joining the forum during what could be Saint's swan song in the CCC. Now living in the smoke but from Soton - folks still down there and thats where my heart (but unfortunately not my job) is. So, Curbs next?
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