We started the season with inexperienced players and an inexperienced manager playing some cracking football.
We still play cracking football, but the problem is that we are so one dimensional and easy to beat, it's hard to believe.
I love watching some of the football we play - but if you balance that out with the manner in which teams absolutley tonk us, then it's heartbreaking.
If I have to hear another opposition manger saying we're the best footballing side they've played this season after we've taken a beating, I don't know what I'll do.
The current chairman should have realised very on (after the FA Cup Final) that you need to spend money to consolidate your position and kick on. Sadly that didn't happen and it's all been downhill from there and now it's pretty much too late to rescue the whole sorry situation.
I hate being this negative about the club I love, but David Armstrong is right when he say desperate - the only thing is that oit's a massive understatement.
I just wish we had a chairman who cared more about the business of the club, rather than just protecting his investment.