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Everything posted by saintinlondon

  1. is anyone else trying to get through ****ing nightmare. what is lukers email?
  2. cant get through!! aaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhh
  3. I'm with DD. In mark we (me and DD by the looks of it) trust!!
  4. haha woops! somewhere in there meant to write ten yellow cards = 2 games out. feeling sharp today. either way shame as think we will miss him
  5. james is out for 10 games with his suspension. think jake thomson will play rb
  6. jake thomson
  7. was there not a rumour that some article(s) in the echo had scared off paul allen when he was supposedly about
  8. think you are implying that i am biased against Crouch. in a sense that is true. can't stand the bloke and definitely don't think he is the right man for the job. however to a slightly lesser extent i would say the same about lowe although since coming in he has done exactly as he said. if you believe my comments earlier then you can see that we are financially more secure (this is the only point i am trying to get across - for the good of all us worried souls!) but then he also is responsible for the appointment of JP so with his successes come faults. i reserve making any serious judgement on him til we know where we are going to be come next season.! HTH
  9. yawn. i do want him out but have a much more balanced and unbiased view than most.
  10. this all just bull**** spun from Crouch and the likes and welcomed by many as another reason to vent their anger at lowe. have been told on good authority that we are not near administration and that the club's financial situation has been steadied for now. two months ago we were definitely going to have to offload at least a couple of our more valuable youngsters and this hasn't happened. Saga and others have come back in. doesnt sound like a team in too bad a situation. think about it
  11. which surely will not be able to happen without good reason. There are plenty of reasons why people would want lowe out that are justified. People have put everything on Lowe and anything arguing against their view, even when it makes complete sense, results in dismissal or being labelled a Lowe Luvvie. I would like to make clear that i am not one of these and that everyone can have their opinion but stanley and those of his strong views can hardly expect respect or to be listened to with their sarcastically toned resonses and refusal to acknowledge sense shown by others.
  12. I agree with you to an extent. However the rest of the board and those from the previous regime appear to have got off so lightly in comparison. I didnt mean for this to be taken as supportive of lowe but more to question why he alone has taken the heat. Wilde seems to be next in line whilst Crouch seems to have got away with his terrible dealings at SFC unscathed. Clearly there is a huge divide in the fan base now but it is obvious from this thread and many others that some will not listen to reason. Stanley's dismissive responses to Nick's reasonable arguments highlight this.
  13. I agree with almost all nick is saying here and think, sadly, that your response stanley sums up the misguided views of many of the anti lowe vigilantes. whilst i agree that he has much to answer for and has made some bad calls he is clearly not to blame for everything. to think so is madness but I dont see that as the problem. To me your response to nick's comment about our situation not being entirely lowe's fault highlights the personal hatred towards lowe by many of the fans. To an extent this hatred (although strong) I agree can be justified but it has now become totally irrational and a case of him taking the flak for everything. Your inability to accept any valid points from N I (personal reasons again??) also shows a complete lack of sense on your part and sadly you are not the only one. shame.
  14. not that it is of much use to anyne without revealing source but was told that there would be no saints players leaving in the transfer window. same person told me that molyneux was coming but did not mention anything about cork leaving so who knows what to think but can assure they are well informed. in particular did mention that it looks as though drew, lallana and schneiderlin will all stay though. fingers crossed
  15. partly because there is no choice but anti-lowe actions in the poll?...
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