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Saint Benali

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Everything posted by Saint Benali

  1. 7 outfield defensive players at home to Burnley.... So repeating the same **** ultra defensive play of the last two seasons and expecting different results? Let's see.
  2. He get's injured on the left get's injured on the right Danny ings get's injured from turning on the light (in jest)
  3. Pathetic if true. In his day he was decent but in the last three years he has been crippled and dome **** all. Feel really sorry for our youngsters ie Gallagher that we would rather take on someone who has hardly played and is likely to be injured as soon as he tries and puts his socks then give them a chance. Pathway for the academy, what a load of ********.
  4. £10m is a joke. That said I think he has had plenty of chances here and for whatever reason it just has not happened. Personally I think it is time to give one of our other youngsters a chance and move JWP on. We need something more than a good corner taker.
  5. Of course it had stuff to do with Cortese.... He left in 2014. Or are you seriously suggesting the moment he left that season we got rid of everything he did up to the point he left? I don't buy the whole doom and gloom thing and think we are a case of just being run badly. In other businesses those people would have been removed so not sure why they haven't been here. But to try and imply all the foundations that were in place in 2014 had nothing to do with the next 6months-18months is quite laughable.
  6. Only pre-season etc etc but we look so disorganised. No naturalness to the team. Passing from back to front seems so difficult for us. We are set up so defensively but still can't defend to save our lives. If we play like this in the PL it's going to be really tough.
  7. Armstrong seems to lose the ball a lot.
  8. Maybe him applying for that job he didn't get ****ed off people at the club.
  9. Didn't know any of them before they signed so will wait and see them play. If we can be more creative and actually attack teams then that will be great.
  10. Can honestly say I'd never heard of him. Hopefully the black box has had a reboot and this guy turns out to be a good buy. Law of averages says we got to get one right surely?
  11. Been excellent against Brazil thus far. Real shame to see him go. Old Les does it again...
  12. Of course not. The point is scoring goals in that league means **** all. Liam Boyce scored 23 goals in something like 30 league games the season before last. He now plays in league one. And that was with Ross County.
  13. Pretty sure most of us could score if we were in that team in the SPL. Their league is ranked 26th in Europe. Cyprus and Azerbaijan have better leagues.....
  14. What a strange signing. If this is the level of player we are now looking at we are in trouble. He was awful in Europe this season in the games I watched.
  15. Classic Les Reed and co. Make your weakest area even weaker. All it takes now is to get in Jack Wheelchair on a monster contract and the madness is complete. But good luck to Dusan. Played a huge part in the seasons where we played attacking football before Les decided ultra defensive football was the future. Sad to see him go.
  16. That is one ugly shirt right there. Just a square and nothing above it. I bet that took all of 5 mins for them to design....
  17. Exactly. As much as I hate the victims Real Madrid are a club that shouldn't even be where they are. £600m in debt in 14/15, borrowing on average £150m a year. Exempt from being a plc, up until I believe last season were given with Barca 70% of the entire La Liga broadcasting revenue, state bail outs and so on. If that was an English club you can bet UEFA would come down hard on them. Citeh got done for their spending but yet Real/PSG etc get away with it. So whilst it sucks it is Liverpool in the final I would love an English team to win it. Especially beating the golden team of UEFA.
  18. Then who does? And are you saying he didn't sign a new contract last summer under a new title?
  19. Not surprised we have no money with Reed handing out monster contracts to just about anyone. Forster/Long etc oh and of course himself last summer.
  20. How do you figure that one out? He had a year left on his contract. Reed supposedly told him to sign a new one or leave. Koeman said he was more than happy to continue. So either right or wrong Reed played a huge part in him leaving earlier than contracted to. With the amount we have paid off Puel, MP and MH wages/bonus we probably could have kept Koeman anyway. But Reed thought he was king Midas and could basically get anyone to do a similar job on the cheap. Not saying it's you but there seems to be a few on here re-writing history a fair bit to defend Reed. I'm sure in the end Hughes will sign up but the people in charge do have history of not getting things done after they have said it's almost done. Just look how many times they said xyz was happy and won't be sold only to be gone a few weeks later ie Clyne.
  21. Something doesn't seem right about that with me. As much as I appreciate the job he did here he still lost 50% of his games. Add to that he pretty much got stoke relegated. I can't imagine he is in much of a position to demand anything really. He won't be getting another PL job by the start of the season. No doubt at some point teams will start sacking managers due to fear of going down and do the fat Sam, Pardew etc merry go round again. So he could get a job possibly at that point. I can't imagine him walking away from the job. Maybe only if it looks like a hiding to nothing ie selling players and not being able to replace them with same/better players.
  22. Disagree strongly. We have had upheaval nearly every summer Reed has been here. We have had three managers in the last 12 months. That shows he can't get the manager position right. We have had terrible recruitment over the last two years confounded with us spending £20m on a back up striker that we did not need. That money should have gone elsewhere. Showing he can't get the recruitment right. He abandoned the successful style of football we had and went for slow, ultra boring/defensive style of football that has seen us win a grand total of 19 of our last 76 games. He has been on the downhill slope for quite sometime and I see no evidence he is learning from his mistakes. If he had a performance review at any company based on his last 24 months he would be out. But he won't be out because he answers to himself. Reed is not the only person involved with football. There will be thousands of people who would want his job. We escaped going down by the skin of our teeth this season and for me that is why big change is needed. If we continue in the same way we have the club will continue to struggle. The past 2 seasons has shown he is no longer up to the job and quite frankly doesn't even deserve to have this job based off of that. The squad needs and overhaul, the staff needs an overhaul, the board needs an overhaul. Now is the best time to do that imo.
  23. Could be 100% want him out, still wouldn't make a difference. He answers only to himself.
  24. Can't believe some people actually believe the **** these guys say. I liked the bit where he was going off on one about how successful we were last season and giving themselves a pat on the back. Giving themselves pay rises. Then was basically asked if it was successful why did you sack the manager? He talks about accountability and says they are all accountable etc. And he is right. But the part where he says we learn from mistakes and we gain experience is complete bull****. How many transfer windows have these idiots messed up. If we accept they learned from Puel why the **** did they replace him with a guy who plays exactly the same way?! Also the we didn't sell players thing. What about Jay Rod? If we kept him we wouldn't have had to spend so much on another striker... In the real world if someone almost lost a company £100m (from being relegated) there would be people paying the price for it. If you are in a job and did something great years ago but recently you have seriously got it wrong you would be out. The truth is both RK and LR should be held accountable for their mistakes. But they aren't. They are accountable only to themselves. And next season no doubt the same will happen and for a third time people will lap it up and believe it.
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