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Saint Benali

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Everything posted by Saint Benali

  1. Welbeck, Walcott and Cleverly having nightmare of a game.
  2. A million in the PL is nothing at all. If we are getting £60m a season just from TV it puts that into perspective. From reports we got most our money back from Molde anyway. Some transfers work out and some don't. That is life. No team has ever had every transfer be a hit. We have a pretty high % of those turning out well so I don't see how you can say they are doing a bad job? We brought in the right players at the right time to do a job in the league we were in. The league one guys have been replaced (most of them) and the Championship guys are now being replaced. It is a natural evolution of the club. You don't get anything for free so you have to spend money to bring in players. When you are a PL club you have to pay a **** load more for players due to everyone knowing you have cash.
  3. We got two promotions, one cup and a 14th finish in our 1st season back in the pl. Think they done pretty well no?
  4. With Cortese as the driver! That guy would **** himself
  5. Or maybe he didn't 'impress in pre-season' so far? But that wouldn't match your anti-Saints agenda would it?
  6. That is a beast of a bus. Even Adkins would be proud of that one!
  7. Turkish having a nightmare of a performance in this thread. Should sub him as he needs a rest.
  8. For me it is all about the games. As a pc owner i am already used to steam where i cant sell my games so isnt really an issue. Same goes for ones on my tablet and phone. The price is very good for the PS4 but i dont think they showed any games that made me think i really need to get it right now. MS showed more appealing games in my opinion. Titanfall alone will make me want to get one. However ps4 is region free so can grab one when i am in states and bring it make for about £250
  9. I guess you mean this article? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2168763/Southampton-reveal-controversial-new-kit.html You are right there are a few quotes from a few fans who say they don't like it. But there are a few quotes from fans saying they like it too. In the first paragraph they say "can best be described as a mixed response". But isn't that how it always is with anything where people have the chance to show opinion on something like a shirt? I do find it kind of sad that you would use a 50-50 article in a way to imply we always complain or that when we do we are unique in doing so.
  10. Interesting. I tried to find that article but could only find this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/article-2128462/PREMIER-LEAGUE-NEW-KIT-The-strips-team-wearing-2012-13.html They put us joint 3rd for best kit. Wouldn't be bull****ting again would you Fry? Or did I not detect the sarcasm? For a supposed Saints fan you really do seem to hate Saints fans. You have a lot of Skate traits.....
  11. Still not wanting to vote Turkish?
  12. Wonder why Turkish, Kraken, CB Fry etc have not voted?
  13. In case anyone missed it Benali's company was liquidated in March and he has debts he must now pay. He sold his house to help with this. So think it is safe to say he would of been the more likely in wanting to reach an agreement due to his financial situation.
  14. How many of those games were against top 6 teams? MP Man Utd Man City Everton Spurs Chelsea AD Arsenal Chelsea Nice trolling again Kraken
  15. I don't think it makes you a superdupersaint to think we have a better academy then West Ham right now. That doesn't mean I think we have the best academy in the world.It is OK to say we are alright now and then you know. It seems every comment you make has an attack on fellow fans included with it, so that sums you up.
  16. It is a fair comparison but you have to say they haven't really produced any good ones for awhile. We are still churning them out. Every few years a good one appears I.e Bale, Walcott, OX and now Shaw. And the only thing that is odd OCD Fry is your constant belittling of Saints fans. We are not this small club you keep trying to portray. We are not the bestest and I don't think many if any think that.
  17. Think the same can be said of the OX. Not getting into his clubs team so shouldn't be anywhere near the national team. If that started to happen it might make players think about joining clubs where they are more likely to actually play.
  18. A loss and the negatives are having their day. Must have been hard for them seeing as we had not lost for awhile. So right back to being in trouble, slagging players off, bashing management and criticizing everything. Really? How I do enjoy reading those views because they are laughable. We are 13th in the league, we have had a great season. We will not go down this year. We have played for the majority of the season good football. We have had some bad results too but that is football for you. You have to expect losses. To cry about them when they happen is stupid. If we lost week after week then it would be understandable but we haven't. The summer we will add to the team just as we have every summer. Some will do well and some won't. There is no way to predict who will turn out good before hand. Everyone is a gamble. But I have faith in this team, in this management and in this chairman. Maybe it is time a few of you started to enjoy where we are and how far we have come. There is nothing to be negative about at all.
  19. Top 4 finish next season I think is a bit mental. But I guess it all depends on who we bring in. Spending loads does not guarantee success. It is all about who you bring in. Everton have shown you can compete for that 4th spot without spending loads. If we keep progressing and add quality to what we already have then I can see us competing in the future. But to expect it to happen next year is just setting yourself up to be disappointed.
  20. When you say good posters you mean negative knob heads like yourself right? Must be a suicide forum somewhere you "good" posters could join?
  21. Can't she pay for it herself from the wealth she has left behind like everyone else?
  22. What I don't get is how can a funeral cost millions of pounds? Some are saying it will cost the taxpayer £5m? Surely all her supporters like CB Fry and Sour etc can chip in and pay for it as we are told there are so many? I would rather my money went to better projects then putting someone in the ground....
  23. 1 out of 6 right today. Not sure what is more funny his predictions or CB Troll and the Derp posse crying about people *****ing about his lack of predicting skills...
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