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Saint Benali

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Everything posted by Saint Benali

  1. Redmond is ****ing ****
  2. About time jwp was dropped. Over 100 pl games and still no return. Time to give others a chance.
  3. When we announcing our £10m signing AR10?
  4. Well AR10 said he expects us to pay around £10m for a player today so we will see.
  5. One of the most over hyped English players in history. Will spend the season in the treatment room and out getting high most nights. No thanks.
  6. Pretty sure that guy is a wum tbh.
  7. Every summer we sell off the team and the pundits say it always catches up with you etc etc. Normally I laugh at them as we prove them wrong time and time again. But this season I think they are going to be right. Mr Les I wanna be a celebrity Reed done ****ed up....
  8. Goes to show you it is a game of opinions. I think Austin has been dire. Every shot has gone straight to the keeper, powder puff shots. This game has shown that he has been limited to long shots which have not troubled the keeper at all.
  9. Long ball after long ball. Boring
  10. Minus Bertrand that is our strongest team we could put out.
  11. AR10+Guan any news on that transfer that was close 2 weeks ago?
  12. We don't fight in trenches anymore mate. That was 100 years ago. A lot has changed since then. And even then I find that analogy interesting as it doesn't matter who was in there with you as you would still be mown down on the orders of some idiot that you would follow blindly.
  13. Agree with what you are saying in general except for the bit above. Every club has a lot of money now and has done so for sometime. I can't see any club doing a Pompey in regards to finances anymore. There is too much money about and a lot of people want to invest in a club. Have a look at how many PL clubs have been purchased recently. The idea that if we spend money we will implode is ridiculous. We will get £80m a season just from tv. That would buy our stadium almost 3 times per season. That is the stupid levels of money now in the game. Reading http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/premier-league/transfers/wettbewerb/GB1 is really interesting as right now in this window clubs have spent nearly £850M bringing in new players. That is insane! The teams to have spent less then us are Stoke, West Brom, Sunderland, Burnley and Hull. Other than Stoke I think it is safe to say the rest will be battling relegation. In terms of players sold we sit at the top by quite some way with £65m. The next team is Everton with £48m which was obviously from just one player. Having money in the bank assumes that the money is ours. When in obvious fact it is the owners. Whilst I doubt it would happen there is nothing stopping that person taking that money. Having money in the bank means nothing to me as a supporter. What matters to me is that the club is competitive as that is the whole point of being a club. To compete against other clubs. To invest the money that supporters pay to watch the team go into improving it. If you run a business where you have to sell every 6-12 months is a risky strategy. And that is why no other club does it on the level we do.
  14. Any news on that signing we were supposed to have had by last Thursday? On a more serious note. If Fonte wants to go then I don't hold it against him. He has been a fantastic player for us and served us proud. He is nearing the end of his career and having won the EUROS I am sure he wants to test himself at the top level and win a domestic piece of silverware before it is all over. People have said bad remarks about him and that he should leave etc. What has happened to our fan base? Our clubs board policy has been to buy then sell. It is short term planning. It lacks ambition. SO when someone wants to take advantage of the policy we have how is that their fault? If we had kept our squads together and added to it maybe we would have been competing ourselves. But we didn't and we wont be. I don't blame him for one second. He has done fantastic for us.
  15. Look so much better without JWP. Look like we are playing with 10 men when he starts.
  16. I agree. I have said it for a few seasons now. For a player with over 100 PL games he has had a really non eventful career so far. But as mentioned above the club want him to be the poster boy. They will continue to push him as that regardless of how good he actually is. And I don't think he is that good at all. My friend calls him "The Crab". Goes sideways and backwards.
  17. Personally I expected it. I don't agree with it but its what the manager has been brought in for. To play the youngsters etc. Koeman dropped him when we found our form and I imagine that annoyed Les and co. Can't sell youngsters if they are not playing and raising their value. I think the one I am more concerned with is Fonte. Thankfully its only Watford we are playing.
  18. Look at Guan and his info he gives. He at least gives us a bit of info on players etc. He told us we would sign two players the day before we announced Pied and Mccarthy. He has on many occasions told us who is on our shortlist for players/managers. In todays world of the internet and multiple people involved in a deal it would be impossible to tell who leaked the info. Look at the Stones deal today. It was actually first seen on their CL squad list before it was announced officially. Keeping things quiet in the digital age is not very easy.
  19. Then you will never know if someone is really itk or just playing. To have any form of credibility in regards to things like this there has to be proof of actual knowledge behind the scenes. Saying we are trying to buy a player isn't itk. Anyone can say that. All I am saying is if he/she wants to be taken serious tell us something that doesn't leak the name of the person, or the club. But is something we can then say they were right after the player is announced. A date of birth or something will obviously do that.
  20. With due respect mate if you want people to take you a bit seriously you need to give more info than a player is on his way..... It is pretty likely we and everyone else in the league (maybe even country) are going to sign at least one more player each. If you know anything I am sure you can give a bit more info than that. You don't even need to say their name. Maybe their age, a club they once played for, a nationality, the month of their birthday, the first letter of their name and so on. It really doesn't have to be that hard.
  21. Bit different isn't it. One is complete fantasy and one is to provide insight into the intentions of a company. It doesn't mean it will be next season or the one after that. It's the ambition of the club to do that. That is what they have been telling us. Is it our fault if we believe in what we are being told?
  22. Les and Co said champions league was our target. So I expect us to either do the same as last year or better. We are told the club is in safe hands and they know what they are doing. So let's see.
  23. That isn't what I said..... The people coming from that area need to be checked. It doesn't take too long to figure out if someone is unstable. There are a lot of people who are vulnerable who can be easily brainwashed into believing things they are told. That in my opinion is the main issue. IS maybe getting destroyed but another one will take their place, and then another one, and another one. It won't ever end.
  24. Exactly. And these are attacks aimed at hurting as many innocent people as possible. People can quote all the crime stats they like but the fact is these attacks are happening on a weekly and almost daily basis. It is just a matter of time before it happens here and I hope it doesn't take something like that to wake people up. If it was your relative who was killed I doubt some on here would be so 'understanding'. I think it was the Bulgarian minister who said things like this would happen if you took in all the middle east people without detailed background checks on them. He was shat on by the media and politicians for not letting these people through on mass. Those who didn't want those checks should be ashamed. The blood is on their hands.
  25. Can't argue with what you have said. But we don't know the ins or outs of the transfer deals. And you are right about the spending loads of money thing. It isn't about that (look at Leicester), its about getting the right people. But you have to remember Les and Co said the plan is to get into the champions league. The vision was to keep progressing forwards. We have sold three key players who got us to where we are. Everyone this season has money and that means prices go up. If we want to achieve the plan that Les and Ralph have said then we need to bring in some quality players. Sadly those don't come cheap. Look at Bompey paying £16m for Ibe. I think that is a crazy amount for him.
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