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The Rover

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Everything posted by The Rover

  1. I have a hunch that this might be your lot Daren: (Hopefully I've got the right thread this time!)
  2. I have a hunch that this might be your lot Daren:
  3. Sorry FF but that seems to be a bit below the belt. Are you suggesting that the meeting report is a fabrication?
  4. Join the Ugly Inside and PM Nick Illingsworth. He's an IFA and will be able to help on mortgages. http://www.fansnetwork.co.uk/football/southampton/fb_mb.php
  5. Couldn't agree more. Adkins has shown loyalty to S****horpe by giving the Chairmen a chance to agree compensation. If he continues to let any impasse block his move he is being a fool to himself, unless he's getting cold feet in which case we don't want him. If there is no agreement today and he won't commit, let's find someone who will. NB From what was said on Solent yesterday it seems to me that Howe probably wasn't actually offered the job and backed out well before Adkins was.
  6. He makes no pretence of being a professional. He's a fan speaking for himself. It so happens that the press have his number as being someone who will talk about Saints. It would appear that there aren't many willing to do that. This spokesman bit doesn't come from him - it's a standing joke on TUI. Rather than offer him a training session why don't you phone the BBC and give them your number then we can hear a professionally trained speaker talking about the club? There are certain people on this site (not you Phil) who seem to delight in being negative for the sake of it. I feel sorry for them if that is their outlook on life.
  7. Just in case there is anyone on here with an open mind, this is the point that Nick was trying to make. He's just clarified it on TUI:
  8. Vince Bartram is our Development Goalkeeping Coach it would seem FF - according to the OS anyway: http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/Management/0,,10280~1640469,00.html
  9. Judging by Agform's past record I wouldn't trust you to pick a horse for me. Who is the poor sucker this year?
  10. The Rover

    Libellous posts

    Well if you see SF76 tell him he's a fascist bastard and that my mate Old Sarum Saint sends his regards.
  11. The Rover

    Libellous posts

    You're sure about that are you? What was it Churchill said about fascists? Oh I see you've just deleted the quote against your Location - FAF.
  12. The Rover

    Libellous posts

    This thread reminds me why I never bothered to join as a full member. Thank f*ck for The Ugly Inside. Say what you like about Nick I but he very rarely finds the need to censor or lock threads and it all goes along without problem. Not that you're one to talk SF76 - when you had the chance to screw up ForeverSaints as a Mod you did it by completely editing other peoples posts to reflect your own opinion. I see you don't use the Klu Klux Klan Avatar on here.
  13. Yes there clearly aren't more than 18,000 passionate Saints fans. It makes you wonder how we managed to find 40,000 for the JPT final. I wonder how many armchair warriors there are on here who had more important things to do last night than help give the team the support and impetus they needed to win by going to the game?
  14. We weren't fecking awful today. A few players weren't at their best but we had our moments, Lallana was magnificent and we won. "My reputation isnt enhanced when so many are ready to jump to conclusions, is it ?" Your reputation would be much enhanced if you only posted your sweeping condemnations on matches you actually attended.
  15. Agree but when we have such good strikers as Lambert and Barnard we need to play both imho. Good to see you copying posts from The Ugly, DellDays. .
  16. It looks like Pompey aren't going to enjoy Silverspoons on their day out: "I have just had a call from EC to tell me that Silverspoons is NOT allowed to open on semi-final day. He has been in extensive talks with Brent Borough Council and the Metropolitan Police who are both adamant it will not open. Hampshire police backed the idea by telling The Met it will be in their best interest's because all the Pompey 'fans' will be in one place and not roaming around Wembley High Street, sadly it fell on deaf ears. The council have revoked Silverspoons license for 28 days, this was due to trouble associated with the club on football days. Trouble inside and outside, drunkeness and damage to nearby property, not having the correct number of doorstaff working etc, the council seem to have pages of objections. Anyone who has bought a ticket from me will be repaid in FULL. Please bring your tickets on Saturday (Just to let me know exactly how many you have bought) and I will refund you. EC apologises for what has happened but he tried his hardest to get in open. " Presumably EC is Eddie Crispen. http://www.thepompeychimes.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=56761
  17. Nothing rickety about the coach I was on Stu. I'm surprised that an astute man like your gooodself would pay a coach company £880 (50 x £17) to hire a coach. Sorry if I upset your sensitivities but you do seem to enjoy banging on about making money out of your fellow Saints fans which does seem a little distasteful. Perhaps you'd feel better in yourself if you gave half to a recognised charity?
  18. I enjoyed the Green Man which is where our coach parked as well. As the coach was organised on a break even basis it was only £10 a ticket too. Can't really understand how some so called Saints supporters could live with themselves for charging £20 a ticket. Must have been making £500 profit per coach out of fellow fans.
  19. I didn't hear anything other than cheers. If anyone did boo they would fall under the category of being totally moronic w*nkers in my book. Without Liebherr and Cortese there would be no Saints at all never mind day trips to Wembley.
  20. The Daily Mail (a legacy of the great Lord Rothermere) has been pursuing truth and justice for many years. See this from Wikipaedia: I wouldn't believe a word they said about anything. Duncan comes across as a decent genuine guy to me although I don't know him personally. What the Mail have done on that article looks little short of victimisation to me. Whatever Duncan's working arrangements with BA and Unite are they're feck all to do with the general public. The Daily Mail's attempt to Scargillise him are risible imho.
  21. Just caught sight of this. I look forward to buying and reading the new book Duncan. Have you a scheduled release date? Happy Christmas.
  22. I don't think we're that much inferior to Leeds. Pards has done us proud so far - let's see what the January transfer window brings. He's surpassed my expectations for this season up til now
  23. Excuse the typos - can't edit unfortunately.
  24. Absolutely - we're getting stronger by the day. We're almost mid-table despite the handicap. 9 points from a platy off place and 11 points from 2nd. I'd have settled for theat at the beginning of the season. We have a brilliant manager and a great team. Thanks to them I'm enjoying my Saturday's again. We lost 1-0 away to the team at the top. So what. Let's see what happens when we meet the at Wembley and SMS. As far as I'm concerned the glass is three quarters full not half empty.
  25. This forum is full of people who don't go to games and therefore get their thrills from the statistics rather than watching the performances.
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