Not quite on subject, but bear with me: Larry Ellison (the 14th richest man in the world according to Forbes magazine back in August, CEO of Oracle), sailed into Auckland today on his superyacht. I thought I would look him up on Wikipedia (, and after listing his career, wives (4 at last count), and interests - especially sailing, I fell off my chair when I read:
Ellison has been rebuffed in his attempts to buy the Golden State Warriors and the San Francisco 49ers. He is now pursuing ownership of a potential future NFL franchise in Los Angeles as well as a possible investment into British soccer team Southampton FC.[citation needed]"
In Wikipedia world presumably "citation needed" means that the source is unattributed; even so, this could be the start of a great rumour. Who was that other American computer software chappie who wanted to buy Saints for no other reason than it would be a good place to park his boat? Anyway, I'm looking forward to us putting in a bid for Kaka, Hampshire is so much more congenial than Manchester. If I bump into the great man over the next few days I shall quiz him on his knowledge of past Saints greats, to see if he is "a fit and proper person" to take over our club.