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Everything posted by Mower

  1. So, if we assume John has a value, why the **** have we gifted him to Bristol City? (No need to answer, I know why)
  2. All the best Jan. Hopefully you'll appreciate that you're better off out of this mess of a club. As you know, you never fitted in at this club. You appear to be a gent, surrounded by slimey leeches, sucking the lifeblood out of this club.
  3. Mower

    Kenwyne Jones

    Let's not forget that the lazy ar5ehole refused to play for us.
  4. 1. Redkunt - I hated him when he was here and even 3 years down the line, I still wish he was dead. 2. Branfoot - Well meaning but ignorant and pig headed. 3. Burley - Baffling waste of fresh air. The jocks are welcome to him. 4. Souness - Legend in his own mind...big time quitter. 5. Wigley and Gray - coaches not managers.
  5. WTF: I heard Claridge go back on what he'd originally said, but believe it or not he did slate the Dell and claimed that Saints fans who'd prefer the Dell to SMS have false memories of those times. Just because you didn't hear it, it doesn't mean it wasn't said.
  6. Stuff Mcmanaman, Steve Claridge is a bigger ****!! Was anybody listening to 5 Live on Friday evening? Claridge completely slated the Dell, claiming the ground had no charm and anybody who remembers the place fondly (including Saints fans) are fooling themselves. Despite being a skate w@nker, I've tolerated Claridges pathetic "punditory" on 5 Live for too long. Complete brainless ***t in my opinion. Nothing decent to offer yet the BBC keep squandering my licence fee on him.
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