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SFC Forever

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Everything posted by SFC Forever

  1. Salisbury are in the same mess as us, financially. Holmes built a good side but costs have meant that like us they have had to get rid of their best players. They could easily get relegated this season and this would be caused in the main by overspending as has happened so often in the past. They climbed to quickly through the leagues and just haven't the money to back up the higher standard of football they now face. Difference with us is that it would only take a couple of Million to stop the slide.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Whitey Grandad The Norwich game is the evening of the 27th so if we are going to give him 3 games to turn things around the earliest that Poortvliet could be dumped is the 28th. That would only give his replacement a couple of days to get in any new faces so I'm afraid that we are what is technically known as buggered. Why would we want to give hime three games anyway? He has to go and go now. Maybe we should be going after him and not Lowe. He would be an easier target after all.
  3. I believe that defeat at home to Donny will bring home to the Lowe brigade the position we are in. The rest of us already seem to have worked it out. It aint bloody difficult for Pete's sake. I believe we could well be bottom after the next three games if not sooner. Charlton only need to beat Forest and we will lose at Barnsley. Perhaps a miracle could happen but I can't see it. 0-1 pt is the best that I can see. God please let me be wrong.
  4. There could be another way to move us forward. If we could have a massive turnout that waited till time of kick off to gain entry. The game would have to be held up in the need for Health and safety of us the fans. Sheffield Utd game is far enough away to get it organised and would show the board that we mean business. Living in Salisbury as I do I would be prepared to use my car for the benefit of any fans in the area who could miss the last bus etc due to the delay we cause. Others could do a similar thing to help the cause. The delay we cause which in theory could put the game back an hour would not be appreciated by the football authorities or the opposition. With the publicity we would have to use for the benefit of away supporters it is possible that some United fans could decide not to bother coming so far. We could all take our time entering the ground and if someone could get some cards printed for fans to sign stating their determination to boycott the next game we could have a double whammy. The first step with some refining would cost our club less than a boycott but the boycott could be used at the next home game. With or without a mass demo. I am a man who does not like a fight unless my family is threatened. The club is in my blood and we have to fight to save our club before it is to late. Thoughts good or bad welcomed.
  5. According to OS we have him for two and half years so not here on loan.
  6. Happy New Year to all on Saints Web from the few on ohwhenthesaints.net. If there is ever going to be a unified protest against the board. Or preferably in a bid to save our club. Rest assured that members on the other site would welcome the chance to join in. Not everyone admitted but a few of us would happily entertain the idea. It might be an idea for someone to visit all Saints fans forums where worthwhile to garner extra bodies as I feel all are losing patience. Whatever happens we are all Sainys supporters in the end. If something is going to be organised we need every Tom,**** and Harry to know. Anyway that is in the future so for now HAPPY NEW YEAR to all.
  7. I would favour the walk out during a game as the club wouldn't lose money. Might be easier to get the supporters to band together as well. I would personally do it at the start of the game so as to make it easier to organise.
  8. That's the answer then. Save the money spent on travel and entry plus all other football costs and buy shares. Only problem is finding the people who are going to sell. Then making sure that the shares will be worth having with no fear of administration. Nobody without spare funds could afford to buy our club with the state it is in. If people save and buy as you suggest who will decide the future of the club? Hundreds of people with a few shares and nobody to lead them. If shares suddenly became available I would think twice and then again as to why now. We are deeply in the mire and appear to be slowly getting even deeper. The last two home games and the next will keep the bills at bay for a short time but not forever. I would be more willing to put savings made from missing games into a central fund run by a professional body ready to strike when the end comes. The only way I would buy shares before that is if I could check the books. I can actually envisage people already waiting ready to move when the time is ripe and the price is negligable. Just so long as the current board members are not part and parcel of whatever recovery is set into motion. We are in a no win situation. Nicks tongue in cheek suggestion just shows how badly we need a moneyman. I believe our club is worth saving. However who is going to spend millions if in a few weeks/months the same product can be bought for peanuts. I want the board removed and the manager either given funds to spend or removed as well. I don't personally think he will make it in this country but question whether he has had a fair crack at the whip. If we were to save for shares it would have to be as a united force run by two or three legally aware members of the unity. We would also need to know that we were saving for something that we could achieve. Again I think it unlikely for anyone without ready access to large funds to be in a position to move. Weekly bills still need to be met whoever took over.
  9. Excuse me for being a mite dumb gentlemen, but Who is going to buy shares that in a month or two will be worthless.Unless we had someone with readies available they would, in my humble opinion, be throwing their hard earned away.
  10. James has taken a lot of stick this season and some early doors was merited. He has been caught out of position and goals have been scored. WOW. In my book this is a team game and he is expected to run up and down the flank by our highly esteemed manager(?) If so where has the cover been on these foraging expeditions. He is a kid who recently has shown signs of improvement. If the bone idle players in front of him were doing their job correctly he would either have someone to pass to or someone to cover his runs. Being a natural midfield player why not play him in front of Cork. I think he could do a much better job of covering than the present holders of right midfield. Plus he does sometimes give us a good cross for the forwards to attack.
  11. Norm and Derry I fully believe that something is about to happen. Apparently the AGM did not go down to well and there was a fracas. I agree that we should stick together and stop the infighting. I have said before that without us the club can not survive . I now feel that the time is ripe for a mass stand to be taken against the Board. Before to long someone could get hurt and all because some prize **** thinks he is above it all. An ego can be a good thing at times but not when someone foolishly allows it to ruin something held by so many as their special possession. THE CLUB IS OURS AND IT IS ABOUT TIME THE CLUB REALIZED HOW MUCH IT NEEDS US. NOT TREAT US AS SECOND CLASS CITIZENS. How we make a stand that shows our true feelings without disturbing the players is my main concern. Perhaps someone better qualified could make a suitable suggestion.
  12. Rupert Lowe isn't listening Even though the crowd is hissing The football is bad The builders are glad For they have got another plot of land
  13. Saturday was the worst day of my life. When my first wife died in87 I was a wreck. When mum died two years ago I was really down. Saturday surpassed those feelings with frightening ease. I am 62 and on a pension.Riddled with arthritis and have a young family yet again. To go to see the Saints I forgo the payment of my rent. I take my so (5yo) and daughter (17) and it costs a hell of a lot more than I can afford. I'm not looking for a sympathy vote. Saturday I was prepared to walk away from the club and never return. After yet again watching the abysmal showing of our team I was down.The total morons who kept their obscene chanting going when the team needed their support was revolting. The behaviour of one of the syewards unacceptable. After Forest scored their second I could take no more and took my kids away from the ground and the abuse. My son with tears in his eyes asked me why we never scored a goal. The atmosphere at the ground was so bad that the team must surely have felt it. Instead of welcoming the missing and cheering the team on these mindless idiots simply destroyed what could have been and should have been a good vocal support driving them forward. As we left both my kids were happy to be away from the game. These the very people that will make the crowd in the future. I was extremely despondant and swore that that was it. Never again would I put myself through the mill like that again. As I reached the footbridge I turned to look for the last time at the new ground. Looking at it I knew that I couldn't do it. Saints course through my blood. Sunday is normally a day for regaining the feel good factor but it didn't happen. Today my son came up to me and asked me" Daddy when we go to Southampton next time can you get me a pack of playing cards?" My 5yo boy had in a matter of seconds eroded all the bad feeling built up inside of me. Today I even heard about the fighting in the Mck Channon suite between our supporters. When will these idiots ever learn. The Board are to blame for most of our problems, agreed. The supporters acting like brainless thugs will not bring back the missing thousands. Instead, it will not only keep them away but drive even more away. We are in a recession and that is fact. Lots can't afford to go and some stay away because of Lowe and his cohorts. Their choice. I admire the fans who go week after week to the awy games and listen to them on the radio when doing the commentary for SaintMike's site. They are amazing. Even on some of the worst days, they have been heard and believe me they are appreciated by a lot of people who, like me can't make it. It makes me sick to the stomach the way certain people have elected themselves as the chosen ones. What the hell has my 5yo done to deserve the s**t thrown at him.Or the even younger girl just a few places from us on her first ever visit to the club and a match. You simpletons are going to help Lowe kill us off even quicker.
  14. We will score early and go on from there. 4 - 1 If we sell McGormless to one of our relegation rivals we should at least finish above them.
  15. That is good news for a lot of younger players. Won't make much difference to us though as a lot of championship clubs already have kids in their squads. Will be interesting to see how the one or two clubs that get relegated cope if they have a lot of overseas stars and buy them quick players bought to fight the relegation.
  16. I may only have ever managed a sunday league team but if my striker did as little as him he would never ever see the colour of the strip again. He has shown glimpses of talent but rarely bothers to turn up ready for work. Of course he says he's happy. He is being paid for wandering aimlessly around the park. And that is only when he feels like it. As has been said before by others Stern John and Rasiak are out on loan because we can't afford them. We can't afford them because we have, Pekhart,Robinson, and others taking our money and can't get a game.
  17. On Saturdays performance we are really deeply in the mire. The team finished clueless and spineless. McGormless is not worth the shirt. James if ever picked should be as a ball boy. Perry has done well in a couple of games but he can not keep playing like that. He is to slow and to old. Lallana for all his twinkletoes feet does not produce enough. Most of this team would never get into another Championship side which in itself says it all. We are going down the tubes unless the Smirking self opiniated leader wakes up and sorts this mess out. If Jan had half a clue why hasn't he brought some players over from his previous league? Kids are the future of our club as supporters.My kids have only seen 3 games at home because of the lack of funds. They are starting to turn down the chance to see our team because they get no enjoyment from it. The youngest is starting to ask for his bedroom to be changed from a Saints shrine to a Chelsea one because they do win some games. SO YES WE ARE IN TROUBLE AND ANYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE IS NOT BEING REALISTIC.
  18. because at the end of the day it is our club. And if it isn't you should be somewhere else and not here.
  19. Lady Saint your a diamond, thanks.
  20. Totally abject performance. Boring and McGoldrick can't have had his wages this week because he did next to nothing.
  21. What is the point of this thread. We all know we are broke. Jan would have to be paid of cheap as he is and no aspiring young manager would be that cheap. Unless it is one of Rupert's sons or family members. At this moment in time it is not a new manager we need but reinforcements for the team.
  22. Sky money talks in this world. They might ask for Wednesday to move to Friday instead of the Saturday. Only drawback would be a lower gate for an evening game.
  23. Like playing Gobern in reserves on Tuesday and then again on Saturday doesn't make any sense. Since when does sense come into our teams selections. Added to that where was Morgan. He is always missed when absent.
  24. I'm hoping 16000 plus after last miracle at Preston.
  25. TSG if we don't get enough points we go down, but we will and then we won't.
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