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SFC Forever

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Everything posted by SFC Forever

  1. Rasiak, Dyer and Thompson all scored today
  2. That would suit me
  3. Of the 15000 plus tickets sold per home game only a small percentage are sold on matchday. Apart from the ST's which as we know are counted whether you turn up or not, why not hold back paying for the tickets until matchday. That will also effect the way the board react. Seeing the possible loss of earnings must add pressure. It may be to late for Swansea but could be used for the next game if still needed. Barclays and the rest want to see the money going in as early as possible so any delay would surely cause concern. If that strategy gave cause for concern the warning shot would have been fired. That with the threat of a boycott to follow might speed up things. With the media starting to take notice we should surely have little difficulty getting our message across. Things that have happened of late show me that there is the slight rumbling of a panic setting in. Lowe seems to have totally lost the plot and the rest have no spine in my opinion. This is a war that we have got to win and I believe we will. When the victory comes though there has to be someone ready to step in and lead the way forward. I wish we had started this action earlier because then we could have looked at how we help rebuild our club. Perhaps setting up a trust with thousands putting in a set figure to buy shares. Only after checking our financial position mind. If the debts are beyond our means then we would have to wait for Administration. But if Barclays etc knew that the money was there they would surely want to see what we could offer for the future. I am broke but would be prepared to put £400 into a fund just as long as it could save our club. To me that is 2.5 weeks rent, putting me even further into arrears. That is how badly I want the club to live on for my kids. 10.000 staking would I believe give us £4 million. It is not enough just to remove the parasite, we have to rebuild. If a buyer was to appear fine, but if not?????
  4. MLT has had a dig on Sky at the board and even Jeff stelling has spoken about our plight. We are gradually getting more coverage and I think we could with a good turnout get the coverage the protest needs. I also feel that a despairing crowd will quickly turn vociferous if and when Swansea turn the screw. Wotte will feel the force of our feelings and could quickly realise how untenable his position is. Wilde and co will have to do something and with Lowe owning only 6% surely the task at hand can't be that difficult. I will be at the demonstration and fully expect it to proceed without violence. The anger will show once Swansea start scoring. Then those who want spontanious will get their wish.
  5. This protest will surely be the first move so why aren't we planning the next?
  6. Clutching at straws I know, but could "Whats it" actually have some different ideas to Jan?
  7. Sorry I obviously didn't look hard enough. Can this thread be removed?
  8. Killer has joined coaching staff. First sign that just maybe someone has a bit of savvy.
  9. If we win the next two, I might start believing in God.
  10. It is even more important that we stand and show this berk exactly where we want him to go and how soon. I can see the demo being very large now as not one person I have seen post is in favour of this decision. Curbs would be my choice if allowed to do his job properly. He had 10 years(?) at Charlton and did them proud on a shoe string budget.
  11. Now that Jan has resigned it looks even more as though our imput will have the chance of a result. I fancy he was edged out by Lowe though he could have done the decent thing though months too late for our team. If he was pushed then Lowe might just be getting squeezed himself by our real owners,(Barclays etc) as they se us going down the pan.
  12. Sky seem to be saying Wotte has been given the job
  13. Has anyone any news on whether we will have a police presence or even if permission for the march has been given.
  14. One thing that has been mentioned prior to this thread is the possibility of making it a "SAVE THE SAIINTS" demo as against LOWE OUT etc. We could always mix a chant along those lines with a rendition of "OH WHEN THE SAINTS". Another possibility I had considered but not sure of the legality. What if everybody at the game was to stand as we make our point at the game. Or even whilst supporting our team. What the ramifications would be, as according to health and safety we are supposed to remain seated, I have no idea. Could the game be stopped for a while to stop the demo and get us to sit? It is just a thought and will possibly be shot down in flames but it could work if enough people did it. What choice would the club have other than to try to get us sitting as required. They certainly wouldn't be dumb enough to start heavy arm tactics surely. But as I said I have no idea about how the law would be used.
  15. As I have mentioned on previous posts I am a pensioner. Before paying my fiver i was often ridiculed for my opinions. As a father 3rd time round and with 4 yound kids i am only able to see a game approx 1 a month. Normally I get to watch about 6 games per season. I wasn't going to see this game and probably won't thru lack of funds. However I am prepared to go from Salisbury to Southampton just for the Demo. I will be bringing my 5 year old boy and possibly 18yo daughter. I feel that the more families there are in attendance the more the impact there will be. Plus there will possibly be less aggro if a lot of youngsters are involved. After all the kids are the clubs future. If the club has one that is.
  16. Nobody is managing the team. That is the whole problem. A manager no matter how poor would have tried something different by now
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong but there are cameras at all games. If the word was spread the broadcasting co's would be certain to cover it. Especially if they could see how well organised the boycott was planned. And if we had a legend or two involved it would be even more positive for us the fans.
  18. Just a thought but someone like David Armstrong and Big Mac would surely know how to use this letter to advantage. They both love this club and listening to David over the last few weeks he is hurting just like us. With their contacts and others in the same position is it not possible to have our true feelings aired prominantly. I actually noticed in the sun a short article by Steven Howard which was directed directly at Lowe. Our plight is getting noticed and our position must reach the media as quickly as possible. If something is organised I am starting to believe we could draw a lot of publicity to our cause. What we really need is a unity amongst all Saints fans. Being the largest site we have, this one should be able to take the lead. The word of "a happening" could be spread very easily by all members of this and other sites simpl by copying the details and handing the copies out. 15500 average gates. 2000 members from this and other sites copy details 12 times and we have enough copies for a completely full ground. This is just an idea and you may laugh but it would be cheap and no one person would be footing a big bill.
  19. If it was organised properly the police would be there to both assist marchers and keep the march under control.
  20. I may not be bright but even I am able to see why this disclaimer has been entered on the post. Lots complained when charged £5 for the right to membership of this site. Yet seem willing to wish the owners a legal case against the sneaky, arrogant, egotistical piece of s**t running our club into the ground. I found it easier to read all of the posts and agree with the vast majority. It is probable that Lowe will totally ignore this letter. However it could bring a lot of supporters together if published because it sums up so many peoples views. Apart that is from wishing the man a very painful exit. The T**t is a complete fool and he will lose a lot more if he drives us into administration. So well done Beatle and I have posted it on to the site used by me more often. This letter just has to be broadcast to a greater spectrum of support. Just think 20,000 true supporters each pay £400 into a trust and we have an £8 million war chest.
  21. As a member of various forums that are saints related would you mind me posting elsewhere? Christ this letter sums up to a T exactly how I and thousands feel. I could post it on a few other sites if you permit.
  22. RL was not there
  23. And our games next month are a lot harder
  24. Very very true. We have a clueless leader who has the weakest defence in the league. What does Jan do? He takes a defender off and loses the plot.
  25. After the game against reading, Lowe went into the dressing room and started talking to the players. I don't know what he said but it infuriated JP who began rowing with Lowe. He told Lowe to go upstairs to continue the row and they both left the players alone with their thoughts. Since then we have added two players to our squad. Both in positions which were needed. Saga returning could also be a bonus. Saeijs coming over has surprised me, along with a few others, as it appeared we had no imput coming from JP. Is it just Possible that JP has found the balls to tell Lowe to back off? He must have had some imput in the transfer as it has come from a league he knows. If so perhaps we will see another turn in our favour. I have seen how desolute he has looked recently as he wears his heart on his sleeve. He appeared to be a nice man but soft. Is it asking too much now for us to give him a chance? Especially if his row with Lowe was a threat of some kind or another. As for McGoldrick. Give the lad a break. We need a solid ball winner so that Spiderman can be released to do his stuff where it hurts.None of our forwards will score many goals without a suitable service. The midfield gets runover week after week yet everyone blames the forwards for not scoring and defence for not defending. It is a team game. I feel better today and hope to feel even better after Donny. Dare I mention Norwich in the same breath? Keep the faith, we will get there in the end.
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