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SFC Forever

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Everything posted by SFC Forever

  1. What are you drinking?
  2. As much chance as him replying
  3. With all the boycott talk perhaps we should check the team because some of them have been boycotting for most of the season.
  4. Maybe he doesn't know how to get 3 points.
  5. Some can disagree with anything
  6. Ponty is it not legal if you post with the owner's/poster's permission?
  7. Amen to that
  8. If the engine of a racing car blows up it is not replaced by a cheap copy.
  9. I like a few others would much prefer to see someone come in and take the three lots of shares. The only way we will be sure that Lowe has gone is by getting his shares. Lowe even has the gall to turn down offers unless all their shares are bought. Instead of aiming at him perhaps the buyer should try buying the other shareholders out and forcing the issue in a way that even Lowe can't stop. There must be some shareholders ready to unload now before they lose any more money. These are where the sharks should be hunting. Next season we are likely to be playing in a lower league which will mean lower income. Unless we are in a position whereby promotion is a possibility. Less TV money and less advertising along with ever decreasing gates. The infighting has to stop and the only way I see that happening is to rid ourselves of Lowe once and for all. All IMHO of course.
  10. Like a lot I am resigned to defeat and the inevitable loss of place in the Championship.
  11. Now can not be compared to then
  12. If the club was to go under then just like Aldershot we would see it rise again. Unlike Aldershot though we would still have a reasonable fan base prepared to watch and support the team no matter what.
  13. I will be bringing my entire family and possibly the dogs to the Preston March and demo. Being broke I can't afford to pay for us all to get in so we will wait outside for the walkout to join in once again as we walk away. May I suggest a few words are offered telling the board that the next step is the full boycott. The cameras were at the last march and will presumably be more than willing to appear again to a larger turnout and extension of the same. We need to let the club know that we will not stop until we win. ITV, Sky and anyone else who turn up to record the event should be more than capable of relaying the fact to whoever listens. Let the club know that Preston is their last chance to avoid loss of income.
  14. Why not start at the bargate then. Go to the ground and then go to where you have set up a place to listen to the game and continue our fight. I would be prepared to do both and I feel that a boycott has to happen sooner rather than later. Also if we could get the likes of Corbett, Crouch and/or Big Mac to attend with us they could outline their plans once and for all.
  15. I have got used to the probability of Division 1 football next season. After the march and then the second half against Norwich I foolishly allowed myself the glimmer of hope. Hope that just maybe we were going to survive this season and improve next. Didn't last very long did it. Whatever Mary Corbett has to say about our problems I feel the only way out is one forced on the club by us the fans. I could be wrong but I can't see her going on air to tell us how she is going to help remove the incapable at the helm. I hope that she can advise us that steps are being taken but won't be holding my breath. On the other hand if she is rallying the troops for a concerted attack then fine. But she has to reassure us that those taking up the baton will be able to change the direction the club is headed. We need to know who and how the rescuers are that will step in to rescue the club. Is she with Leon and if so who else? Does this person/group have any funds? Will the new tenant of the hotseat be able to prepare us for next season as it is probably to late for this one? Though we would pray for safety if at all possible for this.
  16. We need a massive turn out for the Preston demo and anything else that will be planned. People keep saying don't boycott because it will hurt the club. I DON'T AGREE. WATCHING THIS TEAM LOSE EVERY HOME GAME WILL DO FAR MORE DAMAGE. FANS WILL WALK AWAY AND BE GONE FOREVER. IF EVER THERE WAS A TIME TO BOYCOTT IT IS NOW. WE HAVE TO ACT BEFORE THE CLUB HAS GONE FOREVER
  17. Well done Wes Tender and I was also there on Saturday. The atmosphere was actually the best that I have seen this season. Us marching supporters took our high spirits into the stadium and made a big impact. If I was going to use the ID "Professor" I would hope to be able to use a few brain cells when posting. Obviously maths is not one of his subjects. The whole scenario on Saturday was good and I am anticipating a bigger showing for Preston.
  18. I'm going with my heart and calling for a 2-1 home win.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by wadesmith I can't beleive it took 6 people to carry that paper coffin. Surely that thing wasn't that heavy. They had the weight of the club resting on their shoulders. The coffin was supposed to be in the image of the death of our club. Surely even you realised that?
  20. Wotte has said Saeijs came on his reccomendation. If this lad is of similar quality or better then perhaps we have someone in charge that can make us a team again.
  21. If the board were serious about keeping our heads above water both onfield and off why bring back the leech? If the board still think he is the man to lead us to the promised land then they need to explain exactly why. And if they can't they have all got to go.
  22. I didn't make myself clear with my first reply. It wouldn't have happened in real life or hypothetically. Lowe came in and flexed his muscles to show who was in charge. Quite what he has got on the others I have no idea. That said in answer to your question, yes but Crouch wouldn't have let Pearson go anyway so the question is irrelevant.
  23. If there was only 300 why did it take nearly 4 mins for us to walk past the pub in the tube video. Why did the police need so many police on duty with several vans parked blocking side roads. We were passing clusters of police for the length and breadth of the march. The officer in charge and the camera crews and interviewers certainly thought we were far better supported with estimates up to 3000. Some joining in as we marched.
  24. Now the window has strtched to weds. Still time.
  25. A mass sit in after the march and game is a good idea. We cpuld also leave the purchasing of our tickets until the day as well. By doing this we would be showing the club that our money can be withheld at any moment. The banks will take note as they expect to see money going in on a regular basis and most people buy well before a game. At the same time we could broadcast the fact that a boycott is the next move. This would give those on the board who can help, time to push him out. We do not want to hurt the club but the board has to realise that we are determined to remove Lowe and possibly Wilde. Problem then is who will take their shares as they could still be a thorn if they keep them.
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