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SFC Forever

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Everything posted by SFC Forever

  1. why can't we find a young hungry keeper, good at shot stopping, and collecting corners, crosses etc? There must be a couple in championship or even league one surely.
  2. This is a time for emergency actions. Why can't the MP's get together to work something out to help the situation.
  3. Well yet again the left are trying to smear Boris. As of now I have still to be shown proof of these law breaking incidents that you keep repeating the government is breaking.
  4. Typical! You broadcast allegations but have no proof to back them up. You lower yourself to the level of a bullied child with your name calling. You keep saying that Boris and co have lied then show where and when. you say they have broken the law which one?
  5. If we were not needed so much why the hell is the EU bleating because we are playing hard ball? If things are so cosy for them why don't they just say goodbye and stop complaining endlessly.
  6. I am being arrogant am I Hockey?. The goods that we buy are not going to be sold as easily to other countries at a drop of a hat. How many businesses here in the UK are folding due to the lack of income? The same will be happening in Europe or do you believe they can wave a magic wand and find customers so willing to take unwanted stock. Even if they succeed in finding customers they will have to lower their prices drastically because the world will know they need to move their goods on. I am really beginning to think you are either some dummy or are just so unhappy that we are leaving the EU you can not see how stupid you look. first you insinuate I am a racist because I voted out. Then cast insinuations about being old with a Thai wife. Now I am arrogant because I believe we are needed by the EU. I wonder what you will say next.
  7. Maybe you can finally accept the fact that you are wrong. The EU needs us more as we buy much more from them as last years figures clearly show.
  8. to make it easier for you Taken as a bloc, the EU is the UK's largest trading partner. In 2019 the EU accounted for 47% of the UK's total trade - 43% of UK exports and 49% imports. In 2019, the UK recorded an overall trade deficit with the EU of -£72 billion. A surplus of £23 billion on trade in services was outweighed by a deficit of -£95 billion on trade in goods. The UK recorded an overall trade surplus with non-EU countries - a surplus in trade in services outweighed a deficit in trade in goods.
  9. The EU is not just 1 country though is it? In it's entirety it is much bigger than us so those figures fail miserably to tell the whole picture. Show the figures individually for each country and then tell me I am wrong. The overall expenditure is not as you claim using those percentages.
  10. What you seem to forget is that the EU needs to continue trading with us. We buy more from them than they buy from us.
  11. The fact that you used those examples in reply insinuate the fact even if it is not meant. I have known families destroyed financially by the EU fishing fleet. Fishing in our waters as more than halved our own fleet. You said earlier that we are no longer a power house and could be drifting towards being a third world country. I have long been of the belief that we are no longer strong enough to be called a power house. Our forces are being reduced to such a level that we are a shadow of our previous strength. That said I still see no reason why we should be directed by Brussels as we are at present. That does not mean we do not want them as friends and as trade partners. It is possible for us to trade with the EU as well as the rest of the world. Only those blinkered refuse to accept that this is possible. Even so we are still one of the major participants of the NATO forces. Maybe we are too closely linked to the USA but that has been the way since long before ww2. In fact it was only in Dec 2006 that we finished paying of the USA and Canada for WW2 debts. I know that has nowt to do with Brexit but it does show how they helped us bigtime when fighting for survival back then. Covid and Brexit do not make good bedfellows but we must in my opinion continue to fight covid and work towards our freedom from foreign rule. Right or wrong we may have to wait to find out. I hope and believe we are doing the best thing for our country.
  12. Again I will agree. But at no time have I put you or Hockey with old men with Thai brides, or accused of being racist as Hockey has to me in reply to one of my posts. Nor am I in the NF or other nationalistic parties. I was born English and have fought for my country many years ago but as it is now given the choice I might refrain.
  13. I agree which is why I question what appears your biased viewpoint on Brexit. Funny thing is that in a few years we may all agree that we either did well or made a horrific mistake. Only time will tell.
  14. taken from the web below is a small part of what we have had thrust upon us by the EU. the figure is about 13 per cent, according to House of Commons Library research. This percentage is an average of how much UK legislation was passed to implement EU law or other EU obligations in the period from 1993 to 2014. further to that That proportion does increase signif­icantly when you add the dreaded EU regulations. You know the ones: responsible for all sorts of abominations from straightening bananas to disempowering vacuum cleaners. Regulations apply automatically in all EU member states. We can also add EU directives to this – one of which suggested in 2013 that “jam” be redefined to include only products with more than 60 per cent sugar. As business secretary, Vince Cable fended off this horror, which would have left anything with a sugar content of between 51 and 59 per cent with no legal name. (As the Guardian noted, “The regulations have created what the famously dour Cable has described, in a rare moment of humour, as a ‘no jams land’.”) If we take EU regulations and directives into account, then yes, it does start to look as if up to 65 per cent of our legislation comes from Brussels. But this figure is based on counting every law passed by the European Commission between 1993 and 2014: all 49,699 of them. Plenty of these have been dropped, replaced or rendered redundant. It is thought the total number of EU laws in force is less than half that figure (22,398, according to March 2015 reports). And many of these – measuring the pungency of olive oil, tobacco growing guidelines – are not relevant to British farmers or manufacturers. Taking regulations into account, the Commons Library has conceded that it is possible to justify any figure between 15 and 55 per cent. So, everyone is right. Besides gleefully drawing attention to the loopiest rules, Brexiters argue that there is a democratic deficit in having our laws made in Brussels. Although our MEPs get a say in the standard legislative process, they are not held to account in Britain by their opponents and the media in the same way as MPs. Ukip MEPs in particular take pride in failing to turn up to European parliamentary debates and committee meetings. Among Eurosceptics, the most hated law of all is the Human Rights Act. They claim that it “protects” terrorists and criminals. Yet this is not an EU issue. The act simply incorporates the Convention on Human Rights adopted by the Council of Europe after the Second World War: it’s nothing to do with the EU. The UK parliament passed the act independently in 1998. So yes, a significant proportion of our law is affected by the EU. But calculating just how much is a worthless exercise, partly because much of the legislation would have been implemented – or even initiated – by the UK anyway, and partly because not every law has an equal impact. We may be British, but it’s time to stop counting major acts of parliament, such as the restructuring of the NHS, as equal to a ruling on the ingredients of a Cornish pasty. so that I believe shows that we are not as free standing as you would have us believe.
  15. It is so easy to make judgement when in opposition. Not so easy when you are in power. You call Boris a liar with what evidence? He might have made mistakes but do you really believe he did them on purpose? You talk about a small minority of skinheads but not of the many millions that voted. You put me with old men who have Thai brides and have no idea who I am. You act like a Skate who goes on about how we broke the dock-strike that never was. Believing all the lies being spread by anti brexiteers yet go on about the so called lies that the right wing have spread. Nobody will know what will happen until we are clear of the EU. Then and only then will we be able to begin making serious moves towards regaining a healthy trading balance. I understand that it will be tough for a year or so but we will survive. You sadly, can only cast aspersions rather than have an open honest discussion.
  16. You really are taking the p. I have seen many many losers but one as sad as you, never. I do not get into bed with anybody except my wife thank you. When the general election to0ok place how is it that so many voted for a government we now have. We had the choice of a Corbyn led Russian loving party or possibly a Liberal party instead. I suppose you believe that the covid pandemic has had nowt to do with our present situation. Wait a few years and see how we fare first then make your mind up. We are in a situation that nobody would have chosen so let us get over it and see how we come out the other side.
  17. What the fukk you bringing racism into it for. I for one was married to a beauty from Mauritius and regularly associate with black friends. As do many in our country. I know life is not easy, cut and dried as you say but we voted to leave predominantly to be able to make our own decisions. I for one do not want Brussels dictating what I am allowed to do and what rules, laws we will have. The EU has progressively taken from us more and more for what. We still have some of the brightest people working here so it is time we stood up to be counted and began working for ourselves. The better we survive will depend on how well we pull together.
  18. I totally comprehend the belief that the BBC should be a pay as you watch channel. If then made to work more honestly it would do so or fade into obscurity.
  19. Yes as maybe but we will be free to negotiate with every country outside the bloc
  20. What many don't understand or refuse to accept, is that we voted for the chance to decide our own destiny. Being told what we can and can't do is foreign to my beliefs and many others. Trade is something that every country in the world needs. No longer staying under EU rules means that we can go to seek new trade deals elsewhere. It does not mean we have to lose trading with the EU.
  21. I voted leave and would again. Yes we have made many mistakes since then but the covid 19 breakout has scuppered all of their plans. A vast amount of money has been splashed out on furlough, equipment, free food and scientific research as well as many other things since the outbreak. It feels as though we are heading into a second lockdown now because the idiots fail to understand how serious things are and ignore all rules about protecting ourselves. Playing in a new never before seen state of affair means that a new way of living is forced upon us. Even the brainiest people working at finding a way forward can't agree on how to proceed. There many reasons to feel bitter and twisted but not all is down to our government. The fact as I see it is that the EU will fight to keep as much of our rightful property as they can. I am married to a French national and have seen how stupid the farm rules amongst others are. Brexit can be a blessing if we embrace it. Trade deals are needed more by the EU than by us as they sell much more to us than we do to them. We have the chance to begin a new trade agreement with them under our terms rather than theirs. We also have possible trade deals now that we were stopped from getting by the EU. Yes it will cause friction when we leave if with no deal agreed but eventually things will work out. It has to as both sides need each other more than they realise.
  22. And yes I would probably watch anything other than something Spurs related unless it is us beating them
  23. not watched much on Prime but did watch Hannah
  24. nothing different then
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