SFC Forever
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Everything posted by SFC Forever
Unlike Newcastle and Tottenham Liverpool; are foreign owned. Although I disagree with what they have done we need to take that into consideration.
Woild be pretty controversial to relegate Bournemouth and villa by a point or goal difference based on their current position. Villa could argue that the only reason they are in the relegation zone is because they had a game rearranged because they got to the league Cup final. or they could have played the postponed game and lost thus making their gd worse
saints right back who managed England?
Even now when things are really being pushed to the limit we have those usual idiots trying to score points. We have never had a fight of this type before and are learning as we go how to react to the dangers. We should all be working together as one to fight against this pandemic virus. I am not happy being stuck indoors when in desperate need for a hip transplant which will be put on hold for years the way things are going and sometimes the pain is unbearable but I will do whatever to stay alive. At 73 with a 16yo son and 14yo daughter maybe I have a special reason to fight. All I hear are people saying the government is reacting too slowly, and not putting enough money aside for this battle. All I know is that our country has done more than most and we will all have to tighten our belts once this is finally put to bed.
Now that lock-down has finally arrived perhaps the mouthy brigade will stop laying into our elderly. I nearly joined in the petty bashing of us elders but thought why bother. If the mouthy few are too blind to see the news that 95% of the idiots ignoring the government request to stay home were nowhere near septuagenarian age it would be a waste of time. Hopefully it will be time now for us to unite instead of having to prove that we are smarter and more correct with our views than everybody else. The thought of being forced to stay indoors is something that I never thought our country would insist upon. I served and fought to earn freedom but we are not fighting a different country. We are at war with nature and it frightens me to think that our planet has begun fighting back against us humans. This is a war that if we lose we are doomed.
Make Heaven Wait - Wayne Brady Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult In My Time Of Dying - Led Zeppelin Ready To Die - Notorious B.I.G Even In Death - Evanescence
Everybody Hurts - R.E.M
Some people always look for the worst case scenario first, and then look again in case a worse one has appeared.
That is no age to go like that.
As a die hard (or soft and jelly like now) Saints fan of many long years I don't believe we should cancel this season as the vast majority has been played. In F1 if a race has reached a certain point even if it is halted for any reason result stands.`Yes I know they are totally different sports and One day is far from the time of a season. However I think it is essential that we finish this season first and foremost. Even if it means next season starting and finishing later we should end it properly with all games played. Many have said that there is only one choice which is cancel and make this season null and void. What happens then if this virus is still here in 6 months? There is a distinct possibility of losing another season as well. Football as we know it would not recover from such a drastic loss of action. No sponsorship would be incoming and many clubs could go under and not just the small fry. A lot of top clubs could not survive such a huge loss of income over a year. Players contracts ending before the last match is played is just the beginning of the problem. No players would be bought with no games being played for clubs to be able to afford their wages. Many outside workers/companies that work for/with Saints FC would also struggle. Even if this season has to stretch into next season we have the time to produce a way for the lost time to be recovered. This pandemic is I fear the start of many suchlike problems we will face in the coming years. Time will tell if we can survive as we are but much thought needs to be given as to the future of the game as well as the immediate presence.
You really are one stupid fool. I read Whitey's comments and agree with him that once tax,m.o.t or insurance runs out they need redoing. tax and insurance may be done online but lack of M.O.T could see the car removed and scrapped. Remember that not everybody lives in cloud cuckoo land. Some of us have no choice but to get on with life as usual. Admittedly taking as much care whilst doing so as we can.
My wife has regular hospital visits due to having bowel cancer . add COPD and arthritis which means she can't walk without pain. Her hospital trips are essential as they keep adjusting her medicines according to xrays and blood tests. Without these trips she would be in a carehome and costing a small fortune to the country in comparison to present costs.
that is ok for most I guess but I must take my 16yo to work the at the stables in the morning and collect him after morning session which can be anywhere from 12.30 to 14.00.Sometimes then back to work from 16.00hrs to maybe 17.30 to feed the yards horses. i hope he can drive soon after his 17th birthday
And no I am not making me out as special as I know that our country is full of people in their later years caring for others.
I am 73 with a 16yo son and 14yo daughter. It will not be possible for me to self isolate for a long time as wife is invalided now and can't get about except when on her mobility scooter. So many things that as a parent of youthful kids we have to do. For many that idea is a non starter. Specsavers yesterday was as full as normal and with me full of COPD and pulmonary fibrosis as well as being riddled with arthritis you can see why my coughing through exertion caused a modicum of alarm to a couple. Shopping is never easy but with so many hoarders leaving shops barely able to offer enough I can envisage matters getting much worse. The time taken yesterday to buy a few items was at least twice as long as normal due to lack of goods in shops.
I feel that no matter when, that the season should be finished. Sure it may overlap next season but we have the intelligence I should hope to be able to arrange next season for when it is possible to start. It might even mean next summer being used to finish next season but a small price to keep the game alive. Liverpool deserve to be named as champions. Lower tier clubs will face going under if we don't do something to help them as well if this season is cancelled. The wrong choice now could well destroy the game if we aren't careful.
Another Saints win over the Skates on the cards
True but some of us could be dead and buried long before that happens.
Maybe we should be looking at the stadium for a reason. A lack of atmosphere as against that which we could produce at our old ground The Dell
He has always shown glimpses but glimpses will never be enough.
VAR will be good when decisions are made consistently. We are told the referee won't use the pitch-side screen but on occasion they do when told to by VAR official. Showing an incident in slow motion as against the normal speed should not determine that a decision should be changed. If some incidents are seen by refs pitch-side all decisions should be made by the same criteria.
St Marys has never been able to reproduce an atmosphere similar to that which we often had in the Dell. I must admit that twice I have been to Fratton Park this season and pangs of jealousy were felt as the atmosphere was so much more intense. Old and well past it's sell by date but certainly atmospherically far superior to our current home. Poor managers buying poor players just magnifies the importance of having a good, loud crowd support.