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SFC Forever

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Everything posted by SFC Forever

  1. Sometimes I fail to understand why there are some really dumb bastards wanting us all to return to normal. Catch the flu bug cos it aint that damn serious like some have said. we are not weak so we will all be ok. Only the stupid weak old gits can get killed. And on and on and on ad infinatum. None of us likes what is happening right now. This invisible menace needs to be quelled. How many of those moaning about something that we have never faced to this extent would cry if we all started to live back outside mingling with friends when they have to rush to a covid 19 ward that we should have not been allowed to relax our stand? I aint got a clue about what will happen next. Like the majority I am totally pis.sed off being stuck indoors for at least 12 weeks but that is better than chancing my luck in hospital with the virus. If we have a constructive idea let us hear it. Please let us stop trying to score points and try working together to keep our nhs functioning below full overflowing.
  2. I don't think we will be able to see much change in life by September. I really do fear that we have seen the best of football for a very long time. A lot of high profile clubs are going to suffer as they have contracted long term players at extortionate cost with no income. Plus I see lower level clubs having to let players go to ease their burden and some will go under.
  3. The Paine,Sydenham, Davies era was great and always entertaining. But for me the 3 years from Markus buying us and the two promotions after winning at Wembley has to be my best. We were almost dead and buried until Cortese brought Markus here to save us. I daren't wonder how high we might have risen if he hadn't died when he did. Such a loss, magnified by his daughters failure to keep us riding high.
  4. Again voted for MLT. Also put the League winning players at the bottom of the list as they were not outside of top six at time
  5. Like many I want the season to finish after all games are played. However I am coming to the conclusion that that is very unlikely to happen/ Far too many people are still dying either directly from the corona virus or indirectly. A lot of people keep having a go at the government over the deaths of elderly in care homes. Has anybody considered/wondered how these homes became infected? Someone took the virus into the homes. I get that the buck stops at the top but sometimes we can be led up the wrong path to start with. It could be many months before I am allowed outside my front door and yes it gets damned bloody frustrating. But as much as it pains me I will stay put until told I am free to roam once more. That is if I am able to make it to my car. I was warned last year that it would be years before I given a hip transplant but now I fear I may never get one. Being a septuagenarian I have had some really good times so what will be will be. Once this pandemic gets sorted we need to concentrate on getting the young back to work.
  6. watch sky news at approximately 5pm and see just how tough a lot of the questions are. Today MH had a right grilling as it seems many expect the government to wave a magic wand and cure all ills. Yes they have and will make conservative errors of judgement but remember the vast majority of their backing comes from the rich not the poor. Some of them even take part in business decisions outside of the Houses of Parliament. They will want to kick start the job force as much as anybody. Every week we have no manufacturing is a week that they will subsidise.
  7. He also stressed the importance of washing your hands. Shaking hands is not considered dangerous if you wash your hands immediately after.
  8. Now I am being thick. So instead of having a lockdown as we have you would let us carry on as normal. If maintained, the lockdown stops gatherings and the greater chance of spreading the disease. Thus less chance of quote '' His handling of the foot and mouth epidemic led to the unnecessary slaughter of over 6 million animals. Now we are slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Britons.'' I personally don't know who is advising the government, but from what we have been told there are leading scientists, medical, and business experts. Not just one person.
  9. Maybe I am being stupid but surely by keeping people off of the streets we are stopping gatherings. If we are not allowed to go out except for shopping, working etc we are unable to go to large gatherings.
  10. We were told that a lockdown would be forced on us if the idiots flouting the request to follow distance restrictions etc continued to flout the requirements. Even now we have seen many flouting the rules which are now law. Should we have sent the military out to keep our streets empty? Perhaps start shooting the dumb idiots ignoring the stay at home rules? None of us has an obvious answer to this problem. As for the possibility of seeing the UK have the most deaths in Europe. This could well be caused buy the simple fact that we have more obese unwell people per 10000 than the rest of Europe. The government is blamed for lack of PPE yet these things should be ordered by the medical fraternity. The government stepped in when it was obvious that there was a shortage. Like all of the equipment we need to fight this pandemic previous governments could be held responsible for lack of funding. We have a population that is growing older by the year. Less people earning enough to fund the required amounts to stay afloat has meant a time like this has almost become inevitable.
  11. The government has been following the advice of scientific experts. If you want to have a go at someone try picking on someone that actually gives the information to the government. Nobody has had the misfortune to see such a concerted attack from a vicious pandemic before. If you can do better then you should be giving the advice and not those that are.
  12. /my bad was too early didn't realise the year until checking my old programme. didn't realise was so long ago but was a great evening.
  13. wasn't the Nottingham Forest second replay which we won 5-0 i believe at White Hart Lane qualified as one? +
  14. Boris has just taken power and one of the first things done was to promise more funds for hospitals. Although he was in the conservative governments previously, he has already shown a change in Tory policy. The majority of decisions, if not all, have been advised by the scientists and medics guiding us forward in the fight against covid 19. I am afraid that people like you are so biased that you sound ridiculous and extremely low in brain power. Boris and the Chancellor have already shown that no matter the cost they will pay people without them working to protect their jobs as far as is possible. They have also said that they will keep keep doing so for as long as is necessary. Yes they may have made some errors of judgement but remember that they are supposedly being advised by the best brains in this country. I( also wonder just how many of the people slagging him and the government off will/have applied for their share of the free pot. Or would they prefer nothing had been offered so the majority of businesses collapsed and the majority suffered loss of jobs?
  15. Problem is with such a mess being made by the pandemic we can't guarantee that football will have restarted before the end of the year.
  16. Well thankfully it appears that Boris is at last showing signs of improvement. Likely to take a while we are told but good to know he has begun sitting up and conversing with hospital staff.
  17. Ok so you are the joker.
  18. Boris's style is that of a joker. His mannerism does not mean that he was not taking this seriously. as for his hand shaking gaffe I agree that was definitely not his wisest moment
  19. I really hope that he pulls through.
  20. Beat me to it
  21. If you mare supporting opposition maybe
  22. Reason I asked this question is, will clubs who have/are claiming government pandemic crisis aid be allowed to bid for players if transfer window goes ahead.
  23. If the authorities involved say there will be no transfer window this year does that give us a chance to grab a few non contracted players on the cheap? Maybe on a small wage plus pay as you play bonus until normality resumes. Contracts would need to be pandemic related for as long as this issue remains.
  24. That is as maybe, but we don't have to agree with it.
  25. Morally none but difference is that other two live here and pay their taxes here. John Henry is american and has no allegiance to this country. For me that makes it worse as he is taking money from his tax paying Liverpool fans plus all taxpayers here.
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