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SFC Forever

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Everything posted by SFC Forever

  1. I imagine that selling our best players and replacing them with dross would perhaps help explain.
  2. If the moderate majority had voted for a moderate government we would not be looking at a Boris led one.
  3. Since when did Gove make that a demand on the nhs.
  4. China has a far different environment to us. How many idiots are allowed to run around in China demonstrating etc and breaking their rules. Not many I guess as they are capable of brutally stopping such events. We have freedom of speech. Perhaps you would prefer us to live under such a strict regime here as they do in China. China had a long start on us regarding the spreading of the virus. We are slowly making progress in the testing capability number wise though there is still a lot more to be done.
  5. Sadly for decades the nhs has been underfunded. Both parties are guilty of making many mistakes or errors of judgement. Right now all that matters is getting this virus under control so we cut the numbers dying daily. Point scoring is not needed right now but working together is essential.
  6. It is simply a case of people getting fed up with the restraints imposed. If those idiots want to risk spreading the virus then that will be on them. If you see how many behaved in that way you will see that it was a very small number in ratio to the number of adults in this country. As one who is waiting for news of how the Bundesliga return went I am hoping it went well and we will see our football restart soon. As long as the idiots don't screw things up for us.
  7. 19th January 2010 A series of botched IT projects has left taxpayers with a bill of more than £26bn for computer systems that have suffered severe delays, run millions of pounds over budget or have been cancelled altogether. 10 Jun 2010 - A portion of the money will have been to support Gordon Brown's economic philosophy to increase public spending to stimulate the fragile ... If I delve deeper I can find countless of times when Labour blew their finance spending, and then borrowing sky high. Plus we have the plans that they had if they had won the 2019 election. Yes the Tories may have done some things wrong but until we see the true Sage recommendations we will never have the full picture.
  8. The thing I wish most is that we were allowed to see the Sage recommendations when they are given.
  9. I agree with most of that but Boris's government has not been in power for long and were trying to help change things before the virus hit
  10. People are still dying. The nhs and care homes have been unable to prepare for this or any similar pandemic because of a lack of funds.Things will get a lot worse but all we seem to hear and see are idiots mouthing off and blaming the government. Both the Tories and Labour have to hold up their hands for failing them. This government has only been in power for a short time and were ill prepared for such a crisis. We have a history since as far back as I can remember of Labour blowing fortunes and the Tories having to make cuts to cut our deficits. It is time we had a parliamentary sysrem whereby the best interest of the country was decided by more than one single party. Time for all to work together.
  11. I am not happy to see us starting to remove parts of the lockdown. Easing restrictions for me will allow a huge influx of people flouting the rules. I really am not comfortable with the way we are easing restrictions before the death rate and contagious levels fall further. Today on the news we have already seen people travelling to beauty spots etc and mixing with others. It takes just one person to have the virus to kick start an increase in corvid 19 contagions
  12. Sarcasm really does not help the situation.
  13. Sadly we are still in need of a good scouting department to get us back in business We will have many more discussions like this until we find a scouting system like the one Les got rid of in his infinite wisdom.
  14. A lot of very interesting bits of information in that.
  15. The reason for no quarantine when coming here from France is the huge amount of food and other goods we send and receive from France. With the restrictions that France has I don't really see much of a problem there.
  16. The FA have come out and said that the football season will be finished one way or another. If unable to be played then points per game will decide positions.
  17. that means a lot to many a lot thanks for posting.
  18. Surprise surprise yet again you failed to answer the question I asked. Maybe it was too difficult for you. However let me ask again. If we are all allowed to return to normal without ending the pandemic and you catch covid 19 who will you blame.
  19. If we are dumb enough to follow your lead that could be a possibility. And when we start getting more and more covid deaths after releasing the country from their severe restrictions, and you have caught the virus what will you say then?
  20. from the government is this statement Strand two is distribution: getting PPE supplies to where they’re needed.We’ve brought together the NHS, industry and the armed forces to create a giant PPE distribution network almost from scratch. This is working to deliver critical PPE supplies to those who need it. We’ve arranged a priority drop of millions of items of PPE to local resilience forums (LRFs). These are local partnerships that bring together the NHS, councils and the police to co-ordinate the emergency response locally and plug local gaps. The LRFs are prioritising delivery to key frontline workers according to local need. In the coming weeks we will be scaling up our PPE delivery system even further, with a new website allowing the health and care system to order from a central inventory. For me it makes sense to have one central site buying and distributing ppe equipment instead of several trying to buy the same things. Unless you prefer to sell to the highest bidder of course.
  21. Just seen this. Best manager we had until Ralph and Ralph has not yet shown he is as good yet. Get well soon Ronald
  22. If possible with a :-)
  23. No government details for slow removal of restrictions has yet been given. Yet we are arguing like children over the possible slow return to sport being allowed to resume, albeit in a far different guise as likely to be behind closed doors. I would welcome a return to televised sport such as football and horse racing being shown freely on terrestrial tv. If, and only if, extreme precaution was seen to be used. Yes we need to think about returning to as normal a life as is possible but all in good time. Being stuck indoors for a minimum of 12 weeks because of health and age it would help me while away so many hours of boredom.
  24. Horse Racing could return as well which will give me something else to watch on tv. Football and racing suits me just fine.
  25. And as an additive I pray that I have not seen my last game at St Mary's.
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