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Everything posted by saintbob40

  1. One legged striker-excellent work.
  2. Once upon a time an England match was a drop everything event. Now I can barely bring myself to turn on the box they have been so dire for so long. I think I'd rather watch a re-run of the Saints/Blackpool match...which just about says it all. They are a lumpen, disinterested group of millionaires who don't seem to give a monkeys. My general rule of thumb would be to drop any player who willingly appears gurning in Hello/Ok/TV Chat (actually I may have invented that one-Alan Patridge??) with their wife/family. That's a top tosspot indicator in my books. I like Bullard though he makes Fulham listen to Chas n' Dave before a game.Now that is awe inspiring. International breaks......ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz..wake me up when its over.
  3. Is Cork playing in the reserves tonight? A run out at holding mid may be a good idea.
  4. we need full backs who understand their position.
  5. I can apprecaite not wanting to change a winning team. However we had already lost two league games, and the last winning team was Tuesday night. I think we all got a bit too excited about the Derby result-they were terrible. Cork seems to have spent most of his time at holding mid at S****horpe, Chelsea and England. Maybe that may be the best solution?? I remember him playing there last year at SMS-best player on the park that day.
  6. Outstanding at right back for 20 minutes (albeit against a lethargic and woeful Derby) excellent against the most potent attacking unit in the division on Tuesday at CB. Bent and Phillips/McSheffrey did not get a shot in all game on Tuesday. Blackpool could (should?) have scored 6 today. I think we kept the winning team from the wrong game, Derby are rubbish Birmingham are not. If we are to play this system we need someone to play the ball out of defence surely? Our biggest weakness in this system has to be the full backs who offer nothing going forward. With two holding mids they should be up and down those flanks like a couple of Brazilians on crystal meth, as it is I think they may be on a valium/mogadone mix. Perhaps thats just the alcohol talking.....
  7. nothing at all from the full backs coming forward. James in particular looks poor. Cork & Dyer should have started and then we would have a right side.
  8. Ben Burgess is 6ft 3in and 14st 14 lbs apparently. What with Hamill, just as well this is football and not sumo.I expect to see all the Blackpool team cueing for a pie at half time. Mind you it never did Alf Tupper any harm.....he'd eat fish and chips for three and then win the olympic 5000 metres.....
  9. Humour actually. Just pointing out the preversity of how we stumbled into such a great position. Are you American?
  10. We are only in this position because we have no money and had to play the youngsters. Could I suggest everybody stays away on Saturday and watches the game on the telly. We dont want to inadvertently fund the purchase of another lazy pampered poddle who doesn't give a toss about anything but his pay check.........
  11. cloning?That's pretty radical? Why not a back four of Perry's with Dolly the Sheep in the holding role (pen?)...
  12. Got to include Cork so either Perry or James drops out for me.
  13. Looks like Cork played the best part of last season at holding mid for Scunthorpe, with some right back. Same for England U-19s where he was captain. He then steps up to play CB v McSheffrey, Philips, Bent et. al and plays as well as that!! A Cork to plug any hole when injuries and suspensions start to bite. A great signing! How much to buy him. I reckon £1.5 mill and I know Chelsea are desperate for the cash (??!!), perhaps not. Better question...when is his contract with Chelsea up?? Better off with the best young team in England I am sure.......
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