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Everything posted by saintbob40

  1. Needs Cork next to him. Outstanding pair in a 4 2 3 1.
  2. Runs around a lot. His second touch is uusally a tackle though. Should suit Leeds.
  3. I still have nightmares about that cross field ball v Reading that went slightly awry at SMS last year. Hopefully Barca haven't seen that footage and we can sell them a fantastic player who really suits their fluid style. Insert "Sarcastic smiley face"
  4. 34 tins of ace lager?
  5. Get Cork, Morgan, Shaw on 5 year contracts. Extend Rickie up to the age of 33. I think we already have Adam, JWP, Yoshida, Clyne, Ramirez and Jay Rod buttoned down. Thats the basis of a pretty good premiership team in years to come as these lads will only get better with age and experience. Stay up and we will thrive. I think the biggest danger is the manager brings in 3/4 new (and foreign) players now and we disrupt the side too much.....
  6. A waaanky hanky-shouldn't this thread be a sticky one?
  7. What about the yoof, they dont tend to have hankies. They tend to wipe their nose on their sleeve if it gets a bit snoty. Should they just hold up the offending snotty sleeve instead?
  8. I worked up North in an office training up in my chosen profession. I came home from lunch to be told that the chap I had shared a room for a year had been axed and had been "black bagged" that lunchtime (i.e. put your personal stuff in this black bag and accompany the nice man in a uniform out of the premises and never return, no farewells no nothing). Bizarrely all that was left when he had gone was his work shoes left in the bin. Initally I thought that he may have spontaneously combusted which would have been quite cool..... Since then I have seen numerous cold hearted and often ridiculous decisions in my various working environments. On balance there have probably been as many "face doesnt fit" as competancy decisions. I think this is more a face doesn't fit /(NC/NA rapport) decision which means the press are probably barking up the wrong tree when they bring up NAs record. A sad and sorry affair but we all need to move on these things happen in all walks of life.
  9. Yes it's a ridiculous act and may get us relegated. Let's not act like those idiots atChelsea. Save the bile for Cortese not the new manager and get behind the team. I hope we put 5 past Everton as a fitting epitaph for NAs reign.
  10. If I lived in Switzerland/Austria (whereever) I would be a sad old depressive wishing I was back in the UK as well. Dull, dull, dull............perhaps a prozac and diamond white cocktail to start the day and perk things up. .......and in response we are a young team who will only get better and in Luke, Clyne, Cork, Morgan, Jay Rod, Ramirez, Adam , JWP , Yoshi, etc we have the basis of a very solid young premiership side.The key is to stay up this year, get them all on long contracts in the Summer and add further good young(ish) players (espy. CB, GK, DM,CF)
  11. nothing to do with Adams absence. Everything to do with Corks return from injury and Shaw's emergence. 4w 6d 2l. As I keep saying............
  12. Of course not. But with cline,shaw,cork,Morgan,Adam we have the basis of something very special. Get them all on long term contracts.
  13. Cork is our best and most influential player . Right up there with mother Teresa.
  14. Punch has sticky feet and needs to move the ball on with more speed. Ramirez needs to add a bit of strength so that he can hold the ball up better.
  15. Robbie Savage?
  16. Kit to be themed around the Italian Battle flag, white cross on a white backround apparently.
  17. With Cork and Shaw in the team in the league we have: Won 4 Drawn 5 Lost 2 (both by only one-nil) of the last 11 games. Amazing turnaround really but with a number of difficult games in the next few weeks. Hold out for the first 30 minutes V Chelsea and the atmosphere could get ugly for them so you never know.
  18. They like to counter attack so lets not attack. That will confuse the **** out of them!
  19. Villa remind me of us without Cork in CM. Good going forward but no defensive screen. Ramirez should have a lot of space to operate in front of their back four as I have seen more work in a Scouse Docker's sick note than I have from Barry Bannan and Stephen Ireland.
  20. saintbob40


    A bit leftfield, but I will go with Christ as well.
  21. Spot on. I think very few will leave (despite "encoragement" to do so by the Club)and we will have a densely populated "naughty step" at the training ground. The difficulty may be in keeping the first team squad away from marginalised and disenchanted (due to lack of playing opportunity rather than lack of £££)former first team squad players.
  22. Huddlestone always look like he eats too much and/or is in the gym to often. Big and cumbersome and, more importantly, injury prone. So that's a no from me. That said, I do not see either Davis or JWP as deep lying defensive midfielders. They like to get beyond the ball, hence the problems v Chelsea where the defence was constantly exposed when we got caught in possession/ on the break. We do therefore need another technically and defensively minded DM as back up.
  23. I don't think a team that gets an away draw at Stoke can be called lightweight if you are thinking physically. If you are thinking in terms of quality in depth I would agree as shown with Clyne not being available and its repurcusions to the team. Fonte situation to follow....... We need a goalkeeper, a right sided centre back who can fill in at RB and another defensive midfielder to cover for JC and MS. Then we will stay up.
  24. The bigger issue is at CM where JWP and Davis are patently not holding/defensive mids. We need cover for JC and Morgan + ideally someone who can cover both RB and (right footed) CB.
  25. Clyne fit and Cork and Morgan back as CM and we will be fine. Hopefully Bradford City will give them a good kicking and run them ragged tomorrow night.
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