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  1. 23rd December 1972 Saints 0 West Ham 0 viewed in wonder (aged 7) from the chocolate boxes
  2. Lost my ££ today too. In the family Centre concourse there was no draft beer available, despite them advertising Saints Ale prominently. When I pointed this out to them the took the sign down in a hurry, then told me it was being served at the other counter, which of course it wasn't. It's not like the Saints Ale is any good, but choosing between bottled Carlsberg, Magners or Singa is no choice at all...
  3. Randomly saw one this morning outside Denmark Hill station as I went past in the car! Don't know if it was anyone from on Saintsweb
  4. In the middle of the top tier going f*cking bonkers. Apologies to all around me :-)
  5. Still have the last visit there haunting me. Time for payback, time for revenge...
  6. Stadium bus 12 for me...
  7. A combination of chocolate boxes and the Family Centre in the Milton until 1980 Under West Stand bench seats until the last games at the Dell Various places in St Mary's, ending up with season tickets in the Family Centre as the next generation starts watching Saints :-)
  8. Mowbray may well be a very good candidate. However, talking with my Baggies supporting brother-in-law his comment was that "If Saints appointed Mowbray we'd play nice attractive football, but let in lots of goals...."
  9. Babel fish says translates Gonzalez's nickname 'el moco' as 'the snot'!!
  10. Cup win 76 - At home in our front room (couldn't get tickets). You can still see the dents in the ceiling from when we all jumped up when the goal went in - followed by the longest 8 minutes of my life.... Keegan signed - Saw it on Newsround and went nuts! Saints put the sixth past Man Utd when Egil scored- Driving a van full of my stuff through Bristol as I was moving house St Marcus passes away - Sitting by Lake Garda checking the latest Saints news, quickly followed by texts and phone calls :-( One special moment for you - So very many.. 1st game at the Dell 0-0 vs West Ham 23-12-72 (Thanks, Dad) 1979 LC Semi-Final second leg vs. Leeds & going to Wembley for the 1st time All those great games in the early 80's - Keegan, Channon, Ball George etc (especially a 3-2 home win over L'pool in 1979) with my all time hero Nick Holmes Following the '84 win at Krap Notarf on the radio and going crazy at the end while I was living in Sheffield (no-one understood quite what it meant) Keeping in touch with Saints while living out of the country for most of the 90's - early days of Saintslist, dutch teletext website etc, before the advent of SaintsWeb in its many disguises. Back for the last game at the Dell and the move to SMS The wall of yellow and abide with me in Cardiff Play-off away at Derby - ending up several rows further forward when Rasiak scored! :-) The emotional roller coaster of administration and the take over Taking my kids to their first ever Saints games... plus JPT at Wembley with 2 of them Probably next Saturday v Orient...
  11. Block 238 Row 15 :-)
  12. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/football_league/article7070442.ece
  13. Denmark Hill for me! I sometimes see someone cycling north towards Camberwell Green wearing an old Saints shirt (the one from the great escape years)...
  14. They did indeed. Thanks!
  15. Does anyone have copy of that great wallpaper from the League Cup game in 2003, with Beats standing there in front of the Poopey fans after scoring the 1st goal? My copy is at work and I just have to send it to someone as a reminder... :-)
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