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  1. Thanks. Shall keep it in mind. Thank god I'm not doing an english degree :smt023 I can't comment much on our away support - I can't exactly afford to go to away games really (my season ticket at NP only cost £99 lol). However I do know that at ninian, it has improved a great deal in the past few years. You generally don't see the large scale fighting etc going on that used to happen. Yes, some sad incidents do happen (as shown by saturdays match) but no where near in comparison to days gone by. They banned us cos the wolves fans played up at Ninian, and they were worried about any "reprisals". And as for what TheSaint75 just said, the people who cause trouble at away matches ARE the minority. full stop. There were nearly 20,000 people at Ninian park on saturday. That number way outnumbers the away support we have anyway. Thus obviously outnumbers the amount of mindless thugs who are part of our away support.
  2. Did type up a nice long post, but my laptop lost battery . So I'll try to sum it up in a couple of paragraphs. Basically, no, I don't think this happens much at cardiff any more. In recent years, the hooligan element, as for the most part, disappeared. Of course, there are some idiots still around, but I honestly think we're no worse than any other championship team now. Point proved last year when most of the trouble at NP was caused by wolves and bristol fans chucking seats around. In the past ten years, things have changed a lot. We no longer deserve our reputation IMO. Of course, the media have done their best to make sure we keep it. The FA cup win over Leeds comes to mind. Instead of celebrating a huge giant killing, the media decide to exaggerate the actions of a few mindless thugs. Of course, its not surprising I'm saying this, of course I would. It's the club I love. And you (as in saints fans in general) probably will choose not to believe me (not that I exactly blame you, the violent minority easily block the rest of us from sight). As for the welsh league thing, believe what you will. But the only reason we are in the english system is because your FA allow us to be. We're officially a member of the FAW, and only associated with the FA. Thus it would be easy for the FA to force us out. But judging by last years events (most notably the FA saying we would qualify for europe if we won the FA Cup), I can't see them kicking us out. As I said above, I am horrified if what is claimed is true. I think I speak for most true city fans that we are all ashamed to have people like that associated with us (the thread on the cardiff boards backs me up). And I hope the saints fans involved are ok.
  3. Firstly, as you can probably tell, yes I'm a cardiff fan. Came here from the link on the city boards, and just wanted to say a few things about what happened really. As Bluebird, I'm horrified if the thing bout the fans being battered by scaffold pole is true. That kind of thuggery should not be tolerated wherever it occurs. For it to happen in the supposed name of football (something which should be enjoyed) is disgusting IMO. As for the events in the Ninian, while it shouldn't have happened, common sense really should have been used IMO. I may be going to Southampton uni next month. Come the match at your place in February, there is no way I'd think to go to have a drink in one of "your" pubs, even if I was with some Saints fans myself. Violence like this shouldn't be accepted, especially as those involved where no causing any problems, and where with a city fan. And while in a utopian society we would be able to go to whatever pubs we want to, in the real world, just use your brain a little. On another note, while walking down riverside (the street from central station to Ninian park) before the match, me and 3 mates ended up chatting to a pretty decent saints fan. Certainly knew his stuff, and it was interesting to hear that he thought we had a good pre season. Also mentioned that he was thinking about not coming, but wanted to see Ninian Park (as this is the last season it shall be there). Was nice to have a friendly chat to an away fan, though doubt he would have been so friendly after the result though
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