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Red and White Army

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Everything posted by Red and White Army

  1. Had it done a few months ago, simply awesome. 20/20 in both eyes now.
  2. Not necessarily. West Ham are one of the biggest clubs we will face in the Championship. If this fixture was repeated on Tue night next year when we're both in the bottom quarter of the Premier League then it might well not fill the stadium then. Apples and oranges. You need to look at Premiership 2005 vs Premiership 2012. You can't buy your way to success reliably anyway. There is no evidence our owners have the ambitions to fund a push to Premiership top half. Funding promotion from League 1 is very much cheaper than taking a decent Championship side to top half of the Premier League.
  3. While being on the longest winning home streak in a century. We won't have those in the Premier League. We play very few teams as big as West Ham, and even fewer when we're top of the table. At much lower ticket prices in a very different economic climate The world was a different place. There is no guarentee we would replicate those crowds, especially if we got whipped in our return to the Premier League. I agree with everyone who disagrees with you - talk of stadium expansion is extremely premature at this point. Let's get back to the PL, stay there and assess the demand then.
  4. And how many home games have we won on the bounce?
  5. I disagree with sambosa75 - if you are roughly matched with someone else applying and they are willing to work for 18k and you ask for 22k.... it's not a tough choice for the company. Without relevant experience and skills you're not in a great negotiating position... by asking for 22k you're saying you are worth 22% more than the guy willing to do it for 18k who might also not have any relevant experience. Be wary of trying to be too clever!
  6. 3 points - fantastic. I was very nervous about this, and a sell out crowd too. Game on!!!!
  7. I think I would rather have a PR plant that racist idiots like dune.
  8. Get well soon Dan. That is what counts at the moment.
  9. I think you should post this on the Poopey forum, they are the masters on how not to pay bills.
  10. Are you kidding? Alps loves the misery and gloating when we are losing. Now we are winning and top of the league he can't even log in and start listening. I am sure he will lose his reticence if we start to do poorly.
  11. Finally, we can put this behind us. It sounds like a great deal for us, and finally MLG can leave his state of denial and realise it has been obvious all along AOC wanted to go and was on the verge of going in January.
  12. http://www.firstrowsports.eu/watch/77097/5/watch-southampton-fc-vs-leeds-united.html
  13. I read this today and came straight over here, I knew it would have been picked up
  14. Only an idiot confuses a cash flow statement with an income statement. One can be cashflow positive and still be making a loss... conversely one can be making a paper profit but running huge negative cashflow. You really have no idea what you're talking about.
  15. Looks pretty clear to me: On son Alex’s future, he said: “To develop at a place like Arsenal can’t be a bad thing. “In my eyes, I’d like him to go there as soon as possible, and continue his development.”
  16. You like immigrants?
  17. You could do us all a favour and stop posting altogether. Maybe you would have less time to share stupid tips if you got a job?
  18. Is this as smart as your HMV tip? Red and white Army tip: Get a job you scrounging loser! More Poles, less dunes is what England needs.
  19. Might have, didn't. Huddersfield could have lost more games and the required points would have been lower. Neither happened, the only thing that matters is what did happen.. and that is alpine was proved (again) to be an idiot.
  20. Marlon King is proven to be a complete ****. I would stop supporting Saints instantly if we signed this pathetic excuse for a human being.
  21. That argument is circular though, and you could equally well make the point that we reduced the points needed by playing so well and taking it out of their hands. If our form had been weaker we might have needed the last game; but the fact was that - entirely of our own making - we played well enough to take it out of their hands by then. As such, it is perfectly valid to say we only needed 22 points. Alpine was being his normal loony, argumentative, trolling self and was proved utterly wrong again.
  22. Vote him what? Vote him "Biggest twt on SaintsWeb, including alpine"? Sure, I'll vote for him
  23. I would love you to be right, but Chinny can't be stupid. He wouldn't jeopardise the whole sale for a few million quid. That is akin to picking up pennies in front of the steam roller - you will be squashed eventually. Buyers willing to pay him out must be few and far between - the fact he is able to hardball these guys suggests there is something more than meets the eye.
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