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Red and White Army

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Everything posted by Red and White Army

  1. I am sure the other boys were very grateful for your services
  2. Well, since Chanrai won't get any PPs in this scenario, what incentive is there for him to pay off TBH?
  3. It has to be close down. I have read and occasionally contributed to this thread for years now. Put these sick, cheating ****ers to death for all our sakes. PFC must die, the FA Cup win should be expunged and all football fans should be entitled to **** on their grave. **** OFF YOU CHEATING ****S.
  4. Apparently Harry Redknapp will pocket around 3 million quid when he leaves spurs, which after tax is around 3 million.......
  5. He isn't looking to make a 30m marquee signing!
  6. If you want to look good, get bespoke If you want to look like everyone else, get Thomas Pink.
  7. This is a good example http://www.raja-fashions.com/appointment/tour.php?tr=2512 Well worth the investment in my view. I am still wearing shirts I had made in 2003 and they still look at good now as they did then.
  8. All custom made for me. You can always tell the difference between bespoke tailoring and the kind of off the peg rubbish Turkish favours. I generally pick up my shirts from Jantzen in Hong Kong, but I know there are a bunch of traveling Indian taliors who come to London every few months and you'll get a proper tailored shirt for about 40 quid in top notch fabric and with the design of your choice.
  9. Dune in talking complete **** and trolling shock http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/liverpool/9273752/Liverpool-target-managers-from-Pep-Guardiola-to-Roberto-Martinez-and-Brendan-Rodgers-to-fill-Anfield-hotseat.html
  10. I really miss the Barbie flogger. Shame he has not had the balls to show his face around here again.
  11. You don't half talk a lot of crap Phil.
  12. Bloody day trippers. Bet he was there with his SLR, not talking to any of the real fans.
  13. Perth is a lot further to fly to than Tokyo from Britain. Plus, Perth makes Tokyo look cheap and that is saying something! Are there even any (proper) football teams in Australia?
  14. Are you really that thick? You think the atmosphere at those grounds is solely due to the Japanese fans? Hahahahahaha Please don't post in future. Your level of stupidity is infuriating.
  15. Oh yes, the famous day-trip from Tokyo to Southampton, with hordes of Japanese tourists outnumbering the real fans. I am sure the expensive 12 hour flight and eight time zones won't be an issue for them to pop over for the day. Either you have issues with delusion or issues with racism.... not sure which one it is. Probably both.
  16. Not a real ryokan at those rates, more likely a minshuku! 10,000 yen for a Tokyo ryokan is far too cheap....
  17. Sounds like you have some issues. It is very strong - was 250 yen/pound a few years ago... now it's 128 yen/pound.
  18. Did you get jilted by a Japanese boy or something?
  19. How much have the Coventry owners invested? How much has Markus invested? I am curious to know. You say we have diligent owners - but nobody has any idea who our owners actually are, other than the intangible "estate of Markus". We criticised Poopey fans for not asking the right questions when they were on the path to ruin, but seems nobody here is asking any questions at all. I don't think we're on a path to ruin, but I wouldn't be able to confidently assert that - we're relying on faith, not facts.
  20. When will the estate of Marcus be disbursed to the people he left the various pieces to in his will? On the face of it, I agree we look in a great position - but without knowing the financials behind it we can not be sure. Chelsea and Man City are doing fine on the pitch but are not being run sustainably. Our dream friends down the road were not either. The last set of financials showed we were in no way being run sustainably either. I suspect this will have changed or will change, but impossible to know for sure - isn't it?
  21. Why not?
  22. I have finally started to recover from a great weekend, and like many other Saints fans my thoughts have turned to the season ahead - especially how Adkins squad evolution will take place. This lead me to think about how much money we have, and how we are doing financially. Marcus clearly did us a massive favour by taking over, and the money he pumped into the club has doubtless led us to be able to manage successive promotions - along with Adkins and Cortese doing a fine job steering the team and club respectively. The debt into equity swap (basically renouncing the claim from Markus's estate to be able to take his money back) was also a superb statement of intent. However, I am still unsure who our ultimate owner is at the moment. Are we still part of Markus's estate, waiting for re-assignment as his will is executed? Have we already been signed over to someone else - his sisters, a trust or various family members.. does Cortese have any equity ownership or he is just a CEO? If not, is there any date set in the horizon when these affairs should be cleared up? Furthermore, I wonder how sustainably the club is being run. I know we panned West Ham & Poopey for overspending on players but the latest financials show us running a huge 93% wages/revenue, which is completely unsustainable. The good news is that this was before AOC was sold, and promotion to the Premier League changes everything financially. I do suspect Cortese knows what he is doing, but it would be good if we had some more information on how the future lies in terms of who and how we are going to be run.... for peace of mind, if nothing else. Does anyone know any answers to these questions?
  23. Would love it to be Japan. My Japanese brother in law is an Arsenal fan but I think I can turn him to Saints! Especially with Lee playing for us now.
  24. Home to Man Utd. Promoted teams often have a good start (carry forward the momentum from promotion) and what better way to announce ourselves in the Premier League by beating the best team over the past two decades? It will also give the players confidence they can live with (and hopefully beat) anyone.
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