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Red and White Army

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Everything posted by Red and White Army

  1. These signings are a bit worrying to be honest. We don't have any assurance Cortese isn't going to do a Poopey. Nobody here knows if we can afford these transfer fees and wages - all we can do is HOPE and TRUST Cortese.... exactly the same as the Poopey fans did before they ended up penniless in League 2. I don't think Cortese is going to ruin the club, but I have to accept this is based on blind hope rather than any sound judgement.
  2. Round here, we call it the MLT position.
  3. Only a month? What on earth possessed you to keep him off it until only a month ago?
  4. Great news for Sir Rickie. Very pleased for him and hope he gets to pull on the shirt and stick one in the Jocko net.
  5. Just stuck 50 quid on them to be relegated. Shame I wasn't organised enough to get on it pre-season though, it's only 40/1 now. Portsmouth @ 40/1 £50.00 Single 06/08/2013 15:42:02 50.00 0.00
  6. Moderately funny, nice work Pompey fans. Guess they have to take what little amusement they can, off the pitch
  7. Any Saints fan who criticises Adkins is proof we have just as many idiots in our ranks as any other football club in the country. Adkins was immense for us, he was respected and did an amazing job. Stunning how fickle our more moronic fans can be.
  8. I'll take survival. Onwards and upwards for next season.
  9. Not trolling, you're a cock and always have been.
  10. Now up to 1.56.... moving in the opposite direction to the Oracles predictions.
  11. Don't hold your breath. He is still waiting for something to happen and then he'll claim thats what he was talking about - thats his form!
  12. Welcome to the new era of transparency!
  13. No details... no date... no deal. Just "LOOK AT ME"?
  14. Phil just guessing that something is going to go wrong (given the lack of disclosure on the settlement, it is obvious there is something the PDT are hiding) and he wrote a teaser so he can say he told us so. Pathetic!
  15. Who do I email at the FL? Anyone got a nice precis of why this is so unfair, apart from the ****ing obvious?
  16. "The bottom line is that despite the title of this thread, the takeover has NOT collapsed, Al Fahim has NOT failed the FPPT, we are NOT going down and we are NOT going into administration." Shalalala you ***t!
  17. It has been updated again, but can't see anything about Poopey there?
  18. KL is a dump, I wouldn't advise staying too long.
  19. Turkish Racist fools Turkish. And cyclists.
  20. I can't believe that there is a genuine reason for not releasing the details of this agreement by now... other than they need pledges and they know full well the fans will be outraged when they realise that "I am secured, I wlll get my money back Chanrai" is still secured and still plans to get his money back.
  21. 100 pledges would raise 90 grand, not the 9 grand mentioned. Big difference! Pretty obvious the Trust is on a wing and a prayer here, they clearly don't have anywhere near enough money. The question everyone needs an answer to is what security BC retains to make sure the Trust don't mug him off as the club has mugged all previous creditors. I don't expect the Trust will be keen in disclosing this, especially while some idiots are still converting pledges.
  22. Can't wait to see the terms of this deal.
  23. Sterling has appreciated against the US dollar since your comment.... now 1.53.
  24. Trillions dollars worth of of forex transactions go through every day, what makes you think you have better insight than the myriad of market participants? Predicting forex rates is a real mugs game.
  25. I agree that bond funds are cheaper, and agree with most of what you said. However, sterling certain to depreciate because BoE printing money? Don't be so certain - the ECB, Federal Reserve and now the BoJ are all printing money. Race to the bottom maybe - but it isn't clear the the BoE is any worse than the central banks in the other major world economies. The one thing certain with foreign exchange rates is that nobody knows what will happen in the future, even more so than any other financial guessing.
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