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J Bizzle

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Everything posted by J Bizzle

  1. Pipe down you boring tree hugging ****.
  2. They only open it for midweek games don't they??
  3. Why is the Itchen closed? it was open at the end of last season and it hasn't been stated anywhere it will be closed this season.
  4. Muslims, this is not racist. Just my own opinion and if I am infracted for this then techncally everyone else has to be infracted for stating who they 'hate'.
  5. Only in the case of giving medication, blood transfusions etc.... none of which you do in first aid.
  6. The hottest girl ever in football history is the mystery girl that used to sit in block 1.
  7. I am a student, and agree most students are ****s. However I am not.
  8. This should be the Itchen North blocks 1-3. Northam is full of pikeys.
  9. Hoddle would be a great appointment.
  10. You have to give us a sugar daddy..... probably around £5mill transfer money and £10mill in the bank is about right.
  11. Someone Swiss.
  12. The Parish of White. Out of the 3 pubs go to the Parish Lantern and Kings Head the most.
  13. He's not that young for a footabller breaking through. He can't pass, shoot tackle or head. Will never be a prem player.
  14. Most overated player we have. Just because of that goal at West Brom. What else has he done??? **** all!!!
  15. I would quite happily offer my brother to be his rent boy.
  16. Apparently we've been looking at Joe Lewis to replace Kelvin.
  17. I banged Hannah Fosters sister, does that count?
  18. 2 that I have played in and I know some ex team mates of his who don't rate him. Other keepers out there better than him.
  19. He's not a great goalkeeper. He is average at best and will not make it.
  20. He's wa nk. Played a game against him we stuck 7 past him 4 of which were scored by me. I'm ****ing awesome.
  21. Why are people complaining? When you're that good at something you can do what you want.
  22. Just a cameramans shadow.
  23. Why anyone would waste money on a pre season friendly like this is beyond me.
  24. My father owns a rolls. They're not THAT uncommon.
  25. HAHA Silly Scottish ****s out!
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