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Everything posted by CabbageFace

  1. Jillyanne, My love, I have tried with all my being to grasp a form comparable to thine own, but nothing seems worthy; I know now why Shakespeare could not compare his love to a summer’s day. It would be a crime to denounce the beauty of such a creature as thee, to simply cast away the precision God had placed in forging you. Each facet of your being whether it physical or spiritual is an ensnarement from which there is no release. But I do not wish release. I wish to stay entrapped forever. With you for all eternity. Our hearts, always as one. C_F
  2. thats what you think, he will never be satisfied unless you start spicing stuff up, shove some Paprika on your rat one night.
  3. The only present he wants is you too be quiet and get in the kitchen and put out sometimes. Easy to do. Why make such a fuss about it?
  4. If you have to use a bus because you are so poor then its your own fault.
  5. the only point of women in this world is to be a spunk'd in and thats it. They are moron's that cannot never think or be as important as a man, there thought patterns mimic rabid goats. But other than that they are ok.
  6. Its dull. FACT
  7. Well done for cracking a quality joke Michael Barrymore....... I wish i was stuck in 1995, MR INTERWEB COOLMAN.
  8. So why are 75% of people on the dole English born?
  9. Not by the way you are acting on here, come back when you have grown up, MR CYBER COOLMAN.
  10. Yeah im strange, you are a cyberwarrior and im scared of you e-presence, beat me up mush, braaap.
  11. Dr Who?
  12. Icelandic for "touch my gland"
  13. Because you are making it up too look cool on the internet. Get a life, toolsack.
  14. In that case he would have been taken to the local cop shop and tested on a proper machine. FACTOID.
  15. You tell us, d1ckwad.
  16. Try putting a mirror above your tv, you hideous freak, then you may laugh at something. xxx
  17. Can you touch my gland?
  18. You are boring.
  19. I would love to Bukake Jillywillysaintaine.
  20. So im not coming over?!
  21. F{-}ckle off
  22. Top 1.Jermaine Wright 2. Viafara 3. Alan Bennett 4. Pele 5. Leon Best Worst 1.Gareth Bale 2. Theo Walcott 3. Richard Wright 4. Andrew Davies 5. Claus Lundekvam
  23. Doesnt work. FACT. Look it up on Mythbusters, the guy got wasted, sucked a 2p coin and it didnt make one bit of difference. FACTOIDISMISH
  24. Proved to be a lie by Mythbusters, along with Mouthwash, Smoking a cig, eating a pack of mints. Also, why are you engouraging drink driving? The worst thing anyone can do!!!
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