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Everything posted by CabbageFace

  1. Arsecandle
  2. Somalian Wife Fund. Steve has 4 Baj has 9. We are paying for there wives and the release of this game.
  3. You make me sick, that is my son who has type 4 malaria caught from a rabid goat in Uganda.
  4. Fy8850?
  5. Motorola Startac?
  6. I will pay your £5 subscribtion if you reply before 15.00hrs.
  7. Im CabbageFace on there and i will own anyone at COD4, fact.
  8. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/kent/7540679.stm Shame.
  9. I love Pancakes.
  10. http://www.bored.com/games
  11. Its Dean "im a ****" Gerkin.
  12. Yeah, gash.
  13. He drives like he is still in a go kart. :smt019
  14. I am hung like a Saddam.
  15. Had a team meeting with free sandwiches, i had a tuna, prawn and cheese and pickle triangle sandwich with some frazles and a glass of Orange Juice. I also made a joke in this meeting that no-one laughed at, im cool.
  16. http://www.yawnboring.com:smt117
  17. They are ok. Fiats are expensive on parts thou.
  18. Lol, all i know Stevo is when you lose a car fob thingy it costs a fortune, i think if i lose mine it will cost me between £170 and £200. Bargain.
  19. Will these work on a Nokia 3210?
  20. Why where have i been? ;-) wink nudge poke poke nudge poke wink wibble.
  21. Yes it is. Boob o'tron.
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