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Everything posted by CabbageFace

  1. Thats what they were for!! Now pedestrian, cyclist and the greener things are more important, motorists this is but the beginging!
  2. Im gay.
  3. CabbageFace


    I swear it was called spore on the Amiga or Commodore. Here you go http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spore_%281987_video_game%29 It was a maze came, lol, i thought i remembered it.
  4. I know im funny as cancer of the testie.
  5. CabbageFace


    Wasnt that out in the 1980's?
  6. This fred should be moved to Golden Grates.
  7. i have been banned for so long i dont know.
  8. Pathetic child.
  9. scudamore = stalker
  10. Whomever it is they should be banned.
  11. Roxio is very good.
  12. Pompeylass, Get ya rat out. C_F
  13. Im glad this "Manager that has only managed a non league team and is rubbish" is doing well.
  14. "Dr No, vocal chords"
  15. Yeah i agree Sev, Stevo is possible the best person to rob/mug atm.
  16. St Marco do you sleep with your xbox? Face it the ps3 is future proof and better, the 360 isnt and they will have to make another. This comes from a xbox 360 owner.
  17. Non paying gimpoid.
  18. Also his apperance in Alan Partridge as the farmer is fantastically stupid. "You got anything else other than quacking plums"
  19. Your mate steve is the lord of gays.
  20. Yeah they are credible Photoshop sites.
  21. The fans
  22. Yeah, its good, i love the money reports, make no sense, much like real life.
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