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Everything posted by CabbageFace

  1. You are a hedonist who holds the nihilistic belief that every decision people make has already been made for them by fate and by effect life in itself is pointless
  2. Yeah, how dare he travel places. Disgusting lives these footballers lead.
  3. dont touch me
  4. YEAH!!!!!!!, Stop coming on our board and talking freaky deaky dutch and go and support Bayern Crepe and a Pancake. I hate Holland, they produce rubbish footballers who are technically poor compared to Lampard. ROAR ROAR ROAR
  5. Im cant wait to see SteveGrants face all destroyed by Sultana's rubbish picture quality. Thats quite positive. xoxox
  6. Well some people do concern me on here, they are really bothered about a player who is so poor its unbelievable. Our next leaugue game is the 10th of jan, i doubt Nathan Dyer will play against Utd as he is rubbish, so panic over.
  7. Do people realise the new year is on thursday? Or are you all spastics?
  8. Can be mate, if you decide to plough into a family or something stupid, hence why modern cars have the controls on steering wheel.
  9. Probably considered as not paying due care and attention, same as playing with your stereo, phone, etc.
  10. Good plan batman, Baj for transport person for the Lib Dems.
  11. The poor dead guy could even be at fault, wont someone think of the children?
  12. Nathan Dyer is beyond rubbish, he isnt good enough to play for Eastleigh.
  13. Nice bigotted view there, congrats.
  14. He will get a year at max and possibly a fine of 20p.
  15. Or she might end up in a tunnel with her head implanted on a mercedes benz's dashboard. I hope not, she is lovely. xxx
  16. Good idea, its a fact that speeding kills, so hopefully this will cut deaths on the roads by 50% or so. Now they need to stop uninsured, drunks and other idiots getting into cars.
  17. Today - Work Tomorrow - Sleep, and prepare to get wasted New Years Day - Vomit Firday - Vomit Saturday - Recovered, go out and get wasted Sunday - Vomit
  18. Plasma's are better than LCD, this is a factoid.
  19. Jillywillybumbummylove, You love it rough, i have to cover myself in sandpaper some nights and just grind on you. Love Cabbagepenis
  20. Too stop being tromboned by jillyanne, its not right.
  21. Not alot, he will always be a portly chap. He was with him. You stalker. xoxox
  22. La petit chat? Femme la dos? Returnai la Banque?
  23. What kind of pants? (i dont look like him anymore! Mong!)
  24. I had one, it had loads of pics of the ex on it, so i destroyed it in a fire, not realising i could take the sd card out. Wh00p for loverage.
  25. Get a pomme de frite.
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