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Everything posted by CabbageFace

  1. p.s. this offends me, so i wish for it too be deleted, you piece of worthless skin
  2. lol, my parents are thou! When have you seen my hair, **** up?
  3. I think you will find its written in the qu'ran at any point when called too, we will be ****ed. Ohhhh im must be racist for typing **** like that, quick burn me. Much like Catholics thing we are all going to burn in hell, Hindu's think we are going to come back as lowley pieces of **** etc etc etc, but if anyone has a slightly "racist" view on things its ok to have a go at them. one rule for one, one for the other. I just find it funny, that people come on here slag of the BNP, i dont support them, but everyone is entitled to a opionion whithout fear of persictuion, isnt that called Demorcracy?
  4. I see the just slagging off the unjust??? Just because their beliefs differ from yours does not mean the should suffer persecution of any kind, muslims who hate the infedels are allowed in the police force but not a bnp member? Fair? not really. What a crazy world we live in.
  5. Cant find any recomended players on this thread? Start a how to bum saints on fm2009 fred, gimps.
  6. Nintendo Wii less than a year old with the following games and accessories 2 Wii Controllers (one with no sound but otherwise fine) 1 nunchuck 1 Classic Controller 1 Wii Wheel (for mariokart) Mario Kart Mario Party 8 Wii Play Big Brain Academy Wii Sports All orginal leads and packaging for wii and wii remotes. Hardly used nearly new condition on all items Live in southampton area so can arrange pickup, please pm if interested £200
  7. I have a 16gb one and it amazing.:smt065
  8. INS, Look at the shape of Look at me, what does it look like?
  9. 6 for me.
  10. WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  11. lol 5 is a dildo
  12. Ohhhhhhh level 4, im brainyy.
  13. [snip] Put that in you address bar, mong.
  14. I got the clue, eightynineplusone, which would be 90, they hate me [snip]
  15. i cant do 3. olsollsospapololism
  16. I do apoligise, can you tell me how many windows, doors, rooms, type of insulation, bathrooms and what type of house you have please?
  17. Why do people watch this rubbish, get a life and a virgin clown.
  18. Javi is the riddler.
  19. Not being funny, but you seem a mongbearded arse clown, and she has obviously found this out after 2 weeks of living with your sorry ass, ditch her before she ditches you and makes you feel like Dale Wintons bum hole in Brighton. Then come on here, tell us about it and what previos wok's you have owned. Then kill yourself live on youporn with a dildo.
  20. INS, Get rid of her, women are snakes in dresses and only serve one purpose, cum buckets, they are thick, pointless and morons. Love C_F xxx
  21. Celso Borges Michael Morton Robert Lewandoski Rok Kronvater Mika Aaritalo freebies Edgar Davids Quinton Fortune Abel Xavier Dibrijl Diawara TIP TYPE "NO CLUB" in search bar. ;-)
  22. Finally working and its alright. Must have a cross bar error on it, i have hit it 14 times in 4 games. Lolism!:smt072
  23. Im going to walk this league,
  24. makes a mockery of kebabs.
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