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puff the magic dragon

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Everything posted by puff the magic dragon

  1. Mike Wilde killed the Trust at the time it was formed. He led the Trusts board along with the carrot of a "fan on the board" and used the Trust as a PR vehicle in the build up to the EGM in much the same way as he made use of Keith Legg/SaintsForever. By accepting Mike Wildes token gesture proxy (a proxy that a member of the Trusts board suggested would be withdrawn prior to any voting) the Trusts board made a massive mistake. From there on in the Trust wasn't seen as a voice of the fans, but as a focus group that blindly supported Mike Wilde (rightly or wrongly). At the time the popular opinion was in favour of Wilde, but the scant regard for independence was always going to be risky and the opposite divide of the fanbase (Manji etc) were lost forever.
  2. Don't you just love the sound of your own voice. What a sad act you really are.
  3. That's nothing to the reception Lowe will get if we do as predicted and lose our opening three games. I'm well up for a LOWE OUT camapaign as are a good many others. I doubt you and the other internet Luvvies will crawl out from under your rocks to speak up away from your computers.
  4. Frankly i couldn't care tuppence what a Lowe Luvvie thinks of my stance.
  5. Ditto that comment. I'm going to Cardiff on Saturday and plan to do quite a few away games, but i won't be spending a penny at home games on principle.
  6. If and when the Lowe Out protests reach the point of a boycott, and the said boycott impacts on club finances, should Rupert Lowe resign?
  7. Didn't Lowe's PR company start posts along similar lines?
  8. Under the alias of SaintMarc a certain person posted this: FWIW I heard that Wilde resigned because there was too much media and fan pressure focusing on the investment issue and that this was putting the whole Board under pressure. He resigned to take the heat off the club and its executives and allow them to get on with the job while he carried on working on the investment issue in the background and out of the spotlight. The statement that he resigned because of a failure to raise finance was only issued to try and reduce fans unrealistic expectations. IMO, it was through Wilde's efforts, that PA was clearly aware that his approach would be welcomed rather than shunned and this is a big factor when looking at a potential acquisition. We now know that PA had contact with the club several months ago, before MW's resignation. IMO it is down to Wilde that we now have this opportunity to stabilise and secure the long term future of the club. If this takeover goes through I think we all owe him bigtime. Many of you know who Saintmarc is and therefore what i've highlighted in bold contradicts the original poster.
  9. The fall in the share price is good news, but sadly it means nothing if Lowe and Wilde choose to hold out for more money for themselves. What is good for SFC and it's supporters, and what Lowe and Wilde see as the number 1 priority are not necessarily the same thing. I fear the club will continue to decline under Lowe and Wilde at least in the short term. In the medium term the current financial situation is unsustainable so something will have to give.
  10. Will Lowe and Wilde be attending or are they still bottling it? If Lowe does attend: "What efforts are you making to find investment in SLH, and would you advise investment in SLH to W H Ireland clients given that you are non executive director and chairman of the company?"
  11. I'm not sure i can take another relegation battle at this level, but think that's what's coming.
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