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puff the magic dragon

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Everything posted by puff the magic dragon

  1. My thoughts go out to the drivers family. Get well soon Mick and son.
  2. There's no way back now. Typical Saints. We're sh1t and we're going down.
  3. S4E or WildeForever as it became know by some, was a tool employed by Mike Wilde before the EGM.
  4. I think you've crossed a line there Professor.
  5. You're clearly clutching at straws. The Youth team needed a good start to the season because their confidence will now be very low. Once derby beat us it'll be even lower and what if we lose one of you winable games against Blackpool and then go into an away game at QPR having lost the previous 4. Let's face it out of those 5 games Blackpool is the only one we've got a realistic chance of winning. As for the anti Lowe side of our dis-united fanbase cranking it up against Lowe then who knows, but i guarentee you i will be using it against Lowe because i will not be satisfied until he is gone from SFC for good.
  6. I'm sure our attendances this season will reflect this view.
  7. You little fibber you.
  8. Another 1000. Only 4 million to go...
  9. And don't we have some right pikeys. Just look out for the acne infested Helly Hansen crew.
  10. Augsutin Delgado signs next week. Chief scout Lowe has checked him out personally.
  11. The *****'s confused me. Thought you were talking about club funds, not the shares Wilde bought. That said if you add the amount Wilde has cost the club to the amount he spend it only compounds his failure.
  12. Where do you get this figure from? How much did Lowe and Cowen pocket when Wilde forced them out? How much did the Execs cost to get shut of?
  13. Is scooby a reincarnation Orange_bud? The similarities are stark. O_B often talked about rupert sipping claret on the lawn etc. I do enjoy Scoobys posts as he keeps the debate fresh (a similar objective to that of Lowes PR company on S4E). This assertion doesn't however lead to me to believe Scooby is a PR plant as he quite clearly gives greater service to those opposed to Lowe than those in favour. This then begs the question is Scooby really a double agent opposed to Lowe? I think not as it'd be nigh on impossible to keep it up for so long. Therefore i'm inclined to agree with the consensus that Scooby is a Portsmouth fan.
  14. Disgraceful.
  15. Over £5000 raked in and still no better than keiths site.
  16. Does this mean you've now forgiven Mike Wilde then *****y?
  17. Nice spot there. The waterfront area and the inustrial units aroud st marys are prime for development into a Hythe type marina. Obviously the great unwashed from the slums of St Marys will need clearing and Albion Towers is in need of a ball and chain, but looking to the future run down parts of Liverpools and Londons docklands have become affluent and the yachtty types would flock to a trendy city with a double high tide.
  18. Maria Thompson. Any relation to Paul Thompson the millionaire owner of Sanderson electronics and ex director at Saints?
  19. Lowe Luvvies don't like the truth as they have an agenda. Keep it up mate.
  20. Yes i have considered this, however my thinking is that administration is enevitable. Once Barclays switches off the life support machine we're ****ed. Of course i'd rather we avoided administration and the points deduction (17 points for Bournemouth, 30 for Luton because they broke a technicality) but if it's coming anyway then better to have a consortium waiting to take advantage than no consortium at all. That said it's still conjecture and opinion as to the financial capabilities of the merrington consortium as no-one knows their clout or their game plan. I understand that you and Um Pahars are the financial brains of this forum so i don't want to give an opinion above my station, but even Rupert Lowe asserted that a common schoolboy could work out our predicament is unsustaianable.
  21. With the state of the club has anyone considered that Lowe and Wildes shares may only be worth 1 penny? Any investor/consortium will be taking on the debt. Other chairman have sold up for 1p or £1, i think this is what Lowe and Wilde should do. If the Merrington consortium made it known to Barclays they would take on the debt, and Barclays saw them as a safer means for them to get their money back, then Barclays could withdraw the overdraft leaving Lowe and Wilde with little option but to take 1p. The only other option is administration and a huge points penalty. Would Lowe and Wilde tar their CV's by not taking the 1p? I think not.
  22. Cardiff 1-0. i'll still be having a tenner on saints though:cool:
  23. He certainly talks the talk, but will he walk the walk with the most mediocre Saints side in the last 30 years?
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