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About prideofthesouth

  • Birthday 11/04/1984

prideofthesouth's Achievements

  1. Hi can you email me at salisbury10@salisbury-arc.org please
  2. is this still available?
  3. Excellent a longer walk means a longer run
  4. Just got my student ticket with no problem, showed my Solent campus card and that was enough proof.
  5. I am interested, I think I know Justmike? I don't have PM facilities currently as I believe Steve Grant gets paid too much anyway!
  6. Due to not having enough numbers I will race that weekend instead so I won't be playing either.
  7. As tickets go on sale this week is this a confirmed match?
  8. Never stop running.
  9. I can't see what the problem is, the first batch were available for 6 hours when they were first released. Surely enough time to get yourself on the phone, online or down to the stadium to purchase one.
  10. I have just heard that B Rabbit has picked up the order of red and white wigs from just for fun, for bus 14.
  11. Bus 14 with B Rabbit and stusdad from the stadium
  12. The fact that the metal walls will prevent anyone from actually going anywhere except for where the bus is will probably ensure that everyone goes back on the bus.
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