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About luke8588

  • Birthday 08/05/1988

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  1. http://www.firstrow.tv/watch/102050/1/watch-nottingham-forest-fc-vs-southampton-fc.html#
  2. http://www.oleoletv.com/watch/live/stream/online/free/tv/video/channel/feed/link/broadcast/vivo/gratis/p2p/4/january/14/2012/14/134/v-353446/nottingham-forest-fc-vs-southampton-fc.html
  3. 4 Tickets for sale on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Celebrating-125-yrs-Saints-FC-Tickets-Mayflower-/260699213420?pt=UK_Tickets_Tickets_LE&hash=item3cb2e24e6c
  4. does any1 know how were gettin with tickets for this game??? how many we've sold/ got left?? do u think there will b many left as im goin 2 try and book a load up 2moro...?
  5. Skysports say there doing highlights of every league match as wel this year
  6. Is it tru pubs will be shut for this one? thats what a m8 told me.....???
  7. he wouldnt come here, hes a proper northener, dunno if hes ever played for a southern club?
  8. http://www.goal.com/en/news/711/fiorentina/2009/01/15/1062088/lupoli-nearing-southampton-switch
  9. skacel suspended
  10. I went to the ticket office yesterday afternoon to get tickets and they said there is about 6,000 left!
  11. errr last year
  12. Bit of a skank really for me as im not a member or season ticket holder yet been to about 8 home games and 1 away game this year and was relying on there being some left when they go on general sale.
  13. Stern John, Rasiak, Saganowski
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