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Everything posted by Stubby

  1. I was unaware that Anders Behring Brevik is a Christian. What makes you say he is?
  2. Perhaps the article itself is an example of prejudice - prejudice against conservatives.
  3. No it isn't. Not in British English anyway. It is in American English. And, I regret, the American usage seems to be taking over.
  4. Good enough for Sunderland but not good enough for us? Are you sure about that?
  5. I think exactly the opposite. If he played regularly, he would settle down, learn, grow in confidence and become a very good player.
  6. It's good to give anyone a second chance. I've no idea if he'll behave or not. We'll find out soon.
  7. He's got natural talent. He needs to learn a few things, and the team need to play the ball to him where and when he needs it. He'll come good, unless the crowd start to get on his back.
  8. It was all amusing but my favourite bit was "It would be his second club ownership in a year — he was in charge of Serie B club Salernitana for 11 days last year". How long would he last at Pompey?
  9. Redknapp is acting in his own self interest. We are acting in ours. Gratitude doens't come into it.
  10. Groves, Dixon, Speedie, Delgardo, George. And can I include George Burley? It OP didn't say it had to be a player.
  11. Bottom line, then: - Whether a person is racist or not, and whether is comment is racist or not, seems hard to define. None of us is perfect and I suspect we all pick and choose our arguments to some extent. It might be helpful if people of all ethnicities and political pursuasions would show more tolerance, including Diane abbott. - Diane Abbott is a hypocrite. - Saintandy66 has posted a huge number of times on this thread, defending Diane Abbott - perhaps because he shares her left-wing politics. We all try to defend those with whom we agree. Sometimes loyalty can seem a higher virtue than objectivity.
  12. Sorry if I've missed something. Is that a recent quote? Where does it come from? If it's genuine, why would a club in so desperate a plight refuse to talk to him?
  13. Dean was more articulate, measured and intelligent than most. Are you suggesting he's had more coaching than the others? Maybe he just is more articulate, measured and intelligent. Good grief.
  14. I said the same in post 217.
  15. Lallana must be carrying an injury to be playing as he is. Guly needs to be dropped, especially away from home. Holmes seems to be fit (if only briefly). I'd go with: Davis Richardson-Fonte-Hooiveld-Fox De Ridder-Cork-Hammond-Holmes Lambert-Connolly Bart, Butterfield, Martin, Harding, Guly This would give us options: Richardson at RM if De Ridder tires, Fox at LM if Holmes tires, Guly up front if Connolly tires. But I don't expect Nigel will start with Holmes.
  16. Very disappointing night. Once again struggled to beat a team from near the bottom of the league. But: - Bristol are better than their league position suggests - SDR is becoming a very good player - From the way he's playing, Adam must be carrying an injury. Maybe NA will have learned from this game that Adam needs to rest and get himself right - Aaron Martin looked solid - On another night, some of the many crosses we put in would have resulted in a goal - NA/NC should now have sufficient incentive to spend some money in January I think I'll keep the faith for a while yet. On the other hand, Davis should have done better with the first shot (from distance) that led to the goal, and DC did nothing when he came on. But these two have not suddenly become bad players.
  17. Pap, No, I don’t mind you asking. I think the best way I can try to explain how I feel is by analogy. If someone insulted my mother, calling her stupid, immoral or even imaginary, I wouldn’t just disagree, I would be emotionally hurt. Perhaps you would feel the same if it was your mother. For me, Jesus is just as real as my mother, although I don’t expect that’s easy for others to understand or believe. You’re welcome to consider me crazy for this, but it’s true. And I accept your apology for doubting that my distress is real. I understand that it might be difficult for you to comprehend. I was raised an atheist. I don’t think the disrespectful remarks towards God, Jesus and Mary on this thread affect the confidence of my faith. I’m as sure about them as I am about my parents (again, feel free to think I’m crazy) but they affect me emotionally because I love Jesus Christ (or I’m deluded enough to think I do). The “background noise” on this thread doesn’t make me call my faith into question, any more than my posts make you call your belief system into question, but they genuinely do distress me, as they would if people were talking unkindly about my mum. I know that’s not a perfect analogy, but it’s the best way I can think of describing how I feel. Also, to answer Saintandy 66, I agree with you in disliking the idea that atheists should shut up. I would never make such a suggestion. I think that atheists, theists and agnostics should be able to respect each other and each other’s views, and to discuss them with generosity of heart, seeking mutual understanding rather than attempting to ridicule others. I hope I have not shown any disrespect to those which whom I disagree on this thread.
  18. Yes. Are you honestly surprised by that?
  19. Is there not a difference between debating and deliberately causing distress?
  20. Why is it that homophobic or racist posts would be considered unacceptable but anti-Christian posts are not? Does this sort of thing not count as an infraction?
  21. Proving either the existence or the non-existence of God is impossible. Neither believing in God nor believing in the non-existence of God, is "ridiculous". Why do you think you need to use a word like "ridiculous" to describe a belief different from your own?
  22. I've been on an Alpha course. It was nothing like that.
  23. I'm so glad you're wrong
  24. Oh that made me feel all warm inside. It is a great dream. Maybe, just maybe, its NC's and NA's dream too.
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