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Everything posted by saint_kev

  1. Er, I really like the new format. Photos look great and can read decent amount if text on one page. In row V of the Northam and keeping it dry is easy, just behind my seat that I don't use. Teams inside cos I guess the covers are printed way in advance of the inner pages. Change eh? Some if the most conservative people on the planet in this forum
  2. Chaplow - great when he was on loan and so much energy when he came back permanently. Energy, drive, commitment and belief - I was happy to see him in the side. A key part of our risse to the prem, my father in law who is not Saints bigget fan at all was always impressed by Chappers. I wish RC nothing but good fortune in the future - hope his signing on fee for Millwall or whoever makes him for life, and I hope he keeps tweeting pictures of his Christmas tree
  3. Or maybe people are really impressed by him. Just a thought . The guy in charge at my place of work is a tough no nonsense bloke but he's the most driven, insightful and visionary leader I've ever come across. I wouldn't put him down on my Christmas card list but he's the very good for us. He'd be no good at SFC though
  4. It was Cortese that persuaded Morgan to sign a new contract, so his position is no surprise.
  5. Such as the ones in charge of Leicster, Brighton, Peterborough, Reading, QPR.. Drive, ambition, belief and delivering success ? Where's that ignore button..
  6. If for four years you have been the sole decision maker, changing that to having to get the okay for Big Decisions from others less involved in your day2day... It's tough to take. It's effectively becoming second-in-command. Could you imaging trying to argue the case to get rid of NA? The extra links in the chain, rumours escaping, crap being stirred, factions being born? Nightmare scenario
  7. When he gets frustrated, he gives away silly yellows. It's cos he's French. Hot headed, see?
  8. off the pitch?? up to the point he left his wife and kids for a z-list teenage soap star. And as for legend status...is MLT is being eclipsed by one Ricky Lambert?
  9. I though Lee was really exciting, can't see Hammond playing again and Guly's going to try some to get his place back. Just one thing... what was the chant for Lee? Couldn't make it out...
  10. So just remind me what was so impressive with his first half performance? --- I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=50.911556,-1.360674
  11. You saying that no one who's not White has been prosecuted in the last 5 years?? Jog on mush, plenty of stop n search for anyone with a san tropez complexion and plenty of UK White trash to do the robbing
  12. F**k me, which one of you whingers do I have to ask for permission to miss a game? I'm going but I don't care who else is - the only thing I care about is 3 points. Anyway, when was that last time we sold out 32K on an opening game?
  13. Night out in Wigan? Epic! Their 'going out' street is rammed with pubs and clubs all next to each other, open till god knows when, ppl are friendly, one of the fanciest 'revolutions' in England.. But rugby is their game of choice, heck of a following in the town. In two words? 'Earthy charm'. The oak hotel's a bit of a toilet tho, even if it is central.
  14. Jeez, I thought that was a made up URL, I can't stop laughing now...
  15. Utter cr@p Why sell season tickets at all then? Posts like this one make me wish for an 'ignore' feature from the tapatalk app...
  16. I guess until you know what you've spent on players, you don't know what your costs are and how much you need to charge. And the other point is I don't think ST is an impulse purchase... It's a necessity!!
  17. LKO looked like exactly the same package south today had, I.e. 30 seconds of clips. Not checked Saints Player yet but the gallery of shots is pretty good.
  18. You don't know who he is?? One if the best drivers this country has produced, a great talent and rightly decided to let jezza clarkson make a complete hash of motoring on the BBC, setting up fifth gear on ch5 and employing the delightful VIkki Butler Henderson. Saints fan too? He truly cannot do any wrong.
  19. Man rents house. Man has dispute with tenant. Film at 11
  20. You need help with that paranoia! Such an idea makes zero sense.. I miss about 5-8 games a season but happily keep my ST, whatever the league or quality of the footy... I'd go much less if I had to faf around buying tix individually and get random seats/stands. Why give up guarantied income versus unpredictable income? Crazy talk. But I guess this is The Internet
  21. PR? Of course you do. The Echo phones up.. who exactly, for a quote? The TV phone up because they want an interview.. who do they get put thru to? The Press Office? and who runs that then? A public relations person. Or do you thing that Nicola and Atkins field all the calls? As for managing opinions, it's clear from any sample of posts on any subject, that you can't manipulate opinion. Some people will always see black as white, while others will see it as green with a hint of orange. So yeah, why not employ a PR person?
  22. I like a place without the cyber thug and happy racist posters, so keep up the banning orders. Saves me the trouble of having to find the "ignore" button.
  23. From the games I've seen lambert is busy trying to provide the ball into the box because no-one else is. No Antonio, no papa, right now, no lalana, so lambert is doing it. Waste of his talents IMHO.
  24. NC is obviously man enough to admit when he's wrong. No one is infallible and only the stupid pretend they are. The Sun is entertainment - and their subs ARE the best too. It's not as thrown together as people think. The Mail, however, is a piece of s h i t e
  25. With Reading he gets Championship footy, a chance to shine, a chance to get promoted or a chance to get bought by a Premiership team. At Saints he gets fan love and a great chant. Last season we made Antonio for Reading really and that's just the way it is.. sadly.
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