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Everything posted by Jones91

  1. http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/law-and-order/hampshire_police_put_strict_rules_on_saints_fans_attending_december_s_south_coast_derby_1_3163226
  2. Ian Dowie
  3. He'll be in prison by then anyway...
  4. You won't like it, please stay out of this corner - the beer queue is fine how it is.
  5. If we end up with the situation where we can see all games on TV somehow, they'll have to reduce ticket prices to keep attendances up...
  6. Yeah, but November and December are wall in the park...
  7. Yeah I agree, definitely more chance of seeing a fox in an evening game.
  8. Cardiff are gonna go for the win as they've dropped too many points so far and we play better against attacking teams. 3 - 1 Saints
  9. Because its a good idea at the time. Shall we?
  10. Yeeeeess!!! This is ****ing brilliant news! get in there! Yessssssss!!!
  11. I think Bolton normally knock us out of the league cup
  12. Who are you playing in the cup tonight?
  13. I'd perform 'The Spiderman' on her.
  14. I think there needs to be more emphasis on the dangers of beer goggles
  15. Duh, its blatently obvious the missing 10k fans are watching the Rugby in New Zealand...
  16. Budget airlines Onling gaming Sky Sports Pubs not closing in the afternoon Mobile phones
  17. I go to the gym before work, because the fat bastard population is rapidly increasing (thanks guys), which makes me look even sexier. Whereas 30 years ago most people were thin, so not much point going back then.
  18. They are signing Huseklepp for £1.5m??? where'd they get that from? http://www.skysports.com/story/0,,11674_7107297,00.html
  19. They've been in Millbrook and Hedge End - being moved to somewhere else now in Hampshire.
  20. "Gala - Freed from desire" Stevie De Ridder #insert lyrics here# Stevie De Ridder Na na na na na naaa naa na naaa naa na na
  21. Its tighter over the shoulders
  22. School boy error.
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