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Wiltshire Saint

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Everything posted by Wiltshire Saint

  1. Well, it is getting a little tiresome now, best if you just be quiet. Oh dear, someone's upset about something. Is it because the Pakistani fella on Eastenders kissed the gay white chap? I think there's something more to your anger than the 0.01% of immigrants who don't do the right thing (your figures, not mine). Let us estimate the number of foreign born people in this country as 12% (it was 11% in 2004 - http://cep.lse.ac.uk/briefings/ea_wadsworth.pdf). Now if the population of the country is 61 million that means the number of foreign born people is: 7,320,000. Now, you say you are happy with 99.99% of these people, so this means you are unhappy with: 73,200 immigrants. So, your voting patterns seem to be influenced by quite a small number of people. Really you should be voting for some kind Muslim extremist party because there are more than 73,200 English born people who are out of order in some way, surely? Take some time out and see if you can estimate how many non immigrant peoples behaviour you're unhappy with? It might be that 99.67% of English born people are well behaved and doing the right thing, but that is less than the percentage of immigrants (99.99%). Maybe it is the English born people who should get out? They seem to be far worse than the immigrants.....99.9% of whom are fine. I also agree about the hierarchy that you talk about in the muslim community (another I would do is introduce spelling tests for people coming into this country, I don't want those illiterate migrants coming in here). All it would take is for the people at the top to say "stop the out of order behaviour" and all Muslims would behave. That's the way their society works. It's like us English people and the way we follow what the Queen says as she is Supreme Governor of the Church of England. If she says "stop messing about Wiltshire" then I stop messing about. That's all it would take from the Muslim community, but they're not interested are they? Of course, much of this argument is based on your statement that 99.99% of immigrants are fine.......unless of course you don't mean that. That might explain things a bit more. That might explain why you vote for the BNP? Maybe you just said 99.99% of immigrants are fine to make it look like you're not a racist? I think you're a racist. I think you don't like Muslims, not because they're Muslim but because they're brown. I'm sure you'll probably say you have no problems with Sikhs, but again, I think you'd be lying. I think you're just a big, big racist. And for the record, I don't think anyone should be protesting in Wootton Bassett. But that doesn't mean I don't
  2. I was agreeing with you, you idiot. You said "why can we allow this to happen...is this how feeble we have become...allowing protest by groups against our very own country.." and I agreed. Like you, I don't think people should be allowed to protest against the country. That's what you said, I've quoted it above and here: "allowing protest by groups against our very own country". I agree with that sentiment Delldays. I cannot fathom how we can sit back and allow people to portest against our country. We are in agreement. No one should be allowed to protest against our country. That's what you said and I agree. No trolling, just agreement. I just wish there were more people like us. Strong minded people, not feeble people who allow such things as protests.
  3. +1 We must crush all protests against our country. I don't care whether they are Muslim or Christian, white or black, gay or straight - no one should be allowed to protest against the country.
  4. Maybe it would have been better for everyone if you had just stopped.
  5. I lent Al Faraj earplugs for a Sensus gig
  6. I lent Al Faraj £1.65 for a cup of tea! I lent Al Faraj £1.75 for a hot chocolate! I lent Al Faraj £1.85 for a cappuccino! I lent Al Faraj £1.85 for a medium Espresso! I lent Al Faraj £1.79 for a herbal tea! I lent Al Faraj £1.95 for a Caffe Latte! I lent Al Faraj £2.80 for a large Mochachino! I lent Al Faraj £2.05 for a Cafe Au Lait!
  7. LOL! This is brilliant! A football club is going out of existence and people aren't getting paid and losing their jobs! I have never laughed so much!! LOLOL!! I am spitting my coffee all over the screen! Hahaha! I cannot even see what I'm typing! Football is dying! Fantastic!
  8. Exhibit 138,327 Can we just accept that it should have been Dulldays put to death for being monumentally stupid.
  9. They had a lovers tiff? Is that what you're saying? Either way it doesn't really matter. We've kicked racism out of football (virtually, if you exclude Spain and the Eastern European countries) surely it's time to kick homophobia out as well? If Roy Carrol and AP had a relationship that is there business. I wouldn't mind if AP were to have a relationship with one of the saints players (maybe not one of the academy boys) as long as it does not get in the way of him (and the player) doing their job. I don't know what ML would make of it all. I know that the Swiss did not give women the vote till 1971 (the last European country to do so, I believe) so maybe their views are a little outdated and backward? That is the only worry I have, that ML might not like this kind of thing and sack him. It would be harsh though, in this day and age.
  10. It was very good, but I personally would have gone for a 3-0 rather than a 2-0, just to be on the safe side. :confused: Firstly, I don't see what AP's sexual preferences have to do with this thread and secondly, so what if he's gay? Would you rather have a straight manager who the players didn't fancy but got poor results or a gay manager who the players "took a shine to" and got results for? However AP is geeing them up before the match, it seems to be working and I for one don't care about his sexuality. In fact, your post on this thread seems at odd with your posting on this thread - http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=18790. Maybe you are confused about how you feel on this matter?
  11. +3 I am actually pleased we lost today for a number of reasons: 1. It means ML and NC will see that we're still rubbish in some positions and sign some great players. 2. It might have put off some other teams from bidding on our players 3. It will hopefully be the kick up the arse that our "fans" need. Let's make some noise! We are the 12th player when the lads are out there, so let's make it count. I wish I was able to make it to games and I know that if I did I would be so loud the stewards would be trying to eject me from the stadium, LOL! Not just a blessing in disguise, but maybe a masterstroke by AP? It seems he may not be as daft as he seems...
  12. I hope there's plenty of people travelling today to make up for the poor atmosphere on Boxing Day. Come on people - get behind the team! Ok, maybe you don't want people behind the team, but I do. That's what being a fan is all about, getting behind the team. Maybe you should take your negativity elsewhere? I have no idea what you are on about. Also, you have insulted me and I expect the mods to infract you. Tit. You do realise that supporting a team involves more than just paying £5 to start threads telling people the results of games? Being fans, most of us know most of the results. On the odd occasion I forget a game is on or have other things to do then I usually find out myself by looking at the Saints official website. Maybe it's time you stopped trying to put http://www.saintsfc.co.uk (the official site, in case you're not aware) out of business and focussed on supporting the team?
  13. Oh, Wes Tender doesn't agree with someone's point of view so he gets all aggressive and insulting........what a surprise, he's never done that before. Yes, why are we debating things? Why can't we all just agree that Wes Tender is right? Come on everyone, stop being foolish and let's just all agree with Wes. After all, he knows everything. He is so confident in his own abilities that he can guarantee there is no God and therefore he must know everything about football as well. Grow up Wes.
  14. It may well have been a large crowd, but I have read a number of times that the crowd was quiet. What's the point in going if you're going to be quiet? I haven't gone to any games this season, but if I did go I would be making noise. Those people who have gone along, just because it was Boxing day and then just stood there cannot claim to be real fans. Real fans make noise. I would have made some noise if I had gone. I'd rather we have small noisy crowds as it makes a better atmosphere than a large silent crowd. Get behind the team FFS!!
  15. I have never seen him play, but judging by most people's reaction on this thread he is rubbish so I think we should release him on a free, save some wages and try to get someone brilliant in at LB.......maybe Hingingbottom? He can play left back and I am sure he has unfinished business here that he would like to resolve before retiring?
  16. Couldn't agree more StL. What people don't really think about is that Holmes was operating in a dangerous time. The late 1800's had an underground scene that would frighten off most crime fighters, so Homes would have to be a pretty tough guy. I have never really read the book, so can only base my views on films and TV. Stephen Fry would have been awful as either one of Homes or Watson. He's just too camp. At that time he would have been a bit of a fatty as well, not the way a crime fighter would be. That's why I Robert Downey Jr has got to be the best Homes that there has been to date. He brings a toughness oto the role and a sexiness, that has been really lacking. He makes Homes seem like a real crimefighter. I like the way he shows off his toned body.....a crimefighter like Holmes would have to be fit. I like the way he gets involved in sexual deviancy......it's a great insight into the lonely life of a crimefighter. Whenever you see other detectives portrayed, they are always shown as struggling with relationships (Morse, Frost, Juliet Bravo etc) but never do they accept that this lack of relationship building will inevitably lead to sexual deviancy. I like that and I like the way Downey does it. He is by far the best Homes and should be applauded. I just hope that the writer is able to come up with a sequel or two because this Homes story has a lot of potential and Downey as Homes has a lot more to offer.
  17. I think he means: Hit - finding out my girlfriend is pregnant Miss - finding out I am a jaffa
  18. The old finger up the bum while she w*nks you off! Always been a favourite of mine. Did she suck her finger afterwards?
  19. No problem Eddie. xx
  20. I agree with Ponty. These people should be punished in some way. Many of them stopped emergency vehicles getting to places on time and some people died as a result, probably. The deserters of cars should either have their: a) car towed away and they have to pay the fee b) be clamped and they have to pay a fee c) Prosecuted and taken to court with the maximum sentences imposed once these criminals have been found guilty I would ask you all one question - how would you feel if one of your loved ones had died as a result of an ambulance not being able to get through because of abandoned cars?
  21. I agree. Normally those Public Sector Workers would have said "I'm not getting out of my nice warm car, I'd rather people die". So well done this fella for breaking the union rules that basically have us all as secondary to their loony lefty ideas. What makes this even more impressive is that this chap is a Muslim! Normally they're just trying to blow us up aren't they? Well done Muslim fella for not only saving lives, but not actively blowing us all to bits like you lot normally do.
  22. What a wnker, quite frankly. Rather than trying to pull off poor publicity stunts him and his blood sucking family should think about using some of their ill gotten gains to actually make a difference to homeless people (or whichever unfortunate group they're going to use to make themselves seem less of a bunch of over privileged leeches). Maybe this PR stunt is linked a little with the fact that there is about to be more transparency of their costs? Those horrible b*stards spent £41.5 million this year (£1.5 million more than last year). Maybe some of that could have paid for a charity to do some long term work with the homeless? It's not even as if all of that has been funded by the tax payer this year either......they were given £35 million and the rest of the spending has come from her "savings". Well how about they stop f*cking spending quite so much? Here's a good example, why not tell Andrew that he cannot keep plying everywhere by helicopter and that he will have to sit in a car and be driven an hour or so to wherever he wants to go? (see this link http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/this-britain/andrew-wasted-thousands-using-helicopters-like-taxis-say-officials-487934.html) I am not exaggerating when I say that if they were looking for volunteers to shoot each and every one of these bstards in the brains then I would be happy to come forward, as long as I could be helicoptered in and out. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1237440/Queens-finances-public-following-landmark-ruling.html http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/debate-over-escalating-royal-costs-set-to-come-to-the-boil-1846349.html
  23. Then yes, you are a thicko. There are two issues here. (1) You worship people because they play football. If you are aged 9 then this is fine, but I get the impression you are not. (2) You are worshipping false idols. You're not meant to do that. I don't read this forum to hear what you read this forum for. Keep it to yourself. How have I insulted anyone? Saying people should be more appreciative of the message of this time of year is hardly insulting or bigoted. Maybe you are bigoted. You seem to have an issue with people who have religious beliefs. Maybe you should get back to worshipping footballers, that seems the limit of your mental capacity. For now Are they really friends? Or are they people who hang about because of your excessive spending on frivilous gifts. There is only one being whose acceptance you should be concerned about (and that is not ML) You have made the mistake that many people in todays society make. You believe that money, gifts and worshipping false idols is the way forward. It is not. You were sold this false life by advertisers and merchants. +1
  24. Haha! It would be great if the big man were a Saints fan, unfortunately I don't think he is (see, Christians can have fun with God as well, not all of us start shouting "blasphemy!" when people like you say disrespectful things about God) Pancok is NOT a ****ing ****! I wasn't suggesting that anyone lecture us, just that it would be nice for them to recognise the more spiritual side of this time of year, maybe remind people of what is actually important (and that isn't getting maximum points over the festive period) Well, all this says to me is that you spend too much money, be it on football or presents. You do realise that Christmas is not really about presents don't you? If you're spending that much money then it suggests to me that your life is one massive vacuous spiritual hole that you desperately try and fill with either gifts or football. Open your eyes son, there is more to life than football and material goods. Try saving some cash whilst also saving yourself. Well he has alienated people. He's alienated me because he didn't take his opportunity to make all the thickos take a minute to think about their lives. There are people on here who seem to hero worship ML and NC and I don't get it. Why? Because ML has money? Is that why we admire people nowadays? Seemingly, it is.....look at Wes Tender. He spends so much money he is probably in debt, but he has been sold a lifestyle that involves being Godless, but having lots of things. Why hero worship a man because he has money when you can her worship God.....he has everything!
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