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Everything posted by graymalkin33

  1. If SFC go into administration thi sseason it gets deducted pts. If SFC is still in administration at the start of the new season it gets hit with a further points deduction.
  2. Luker - good guy - hands tied - nuff said.
  3. Like minded? You mean these morons have minds? I see nothing to be gained by jeering anyone at the game. Leave it for half time and then again after final whistle. Nothing to be gained by sending negative vibes while play is in progress. But i guess the "like minded" people will not get this, or understand it or maybe even care about the effects on the team. All Rupert will do is smile the smug grin and quaff more champagne and laugh at the little people. Lets get behind the team. Then give Rupert some stick after. I think maybe "like minded" should be replaced with "bloody minded" For what its worth im not a Lowe fan, hes made some huge errors, tried some interesting things and had some sucesses and failures.
  4. lmao Id agree with that
  5. Yes JP will keep us up Yes Alpine really should keep taking the medication.
  6. Was the day that some one at Saints leaked the news that Strachan was leaving at the end of the season. I think it was mid January in Strachans last season. Then he and the team seemed to loose impetus and there was a steady decline from that day forward leading to him resigning.
  7. But thats a bit like opening the cupboard, nothing in there to drink except floor polish and a bottle of listerine.... sometimes its better to go thirsty. Have idiots in the ground who give grief to the players, give grief to the manager and board, give grief to other supporters because they wont stand up or they wont sing or they wont sit down.... sometimes its just best that SOME people stay away. Putting bums on seats IS the overall target BUT when the bums are ****holes then in my mind we are all better of with them not being there.
  8. eeerrrrm Stadium and academy
  9. Its ok. Saints dont need supporters like you. Best you stay away. I'll be at Cov on Saturday - in the Cov end lol - free tickets n all that
  10. Agreed.
  11. Brighton just beat Man City - puts it all into perspective. Come on get real. It was the cup - anything can happen. Rotherham had already beaten Championship opposition. Rotherham were at home - was always going to be difficult. Stay positive. What else do you have?
  12. Oh ffs grow up!
  13. Sorry maybe i am mis-reading this but did he just call Laurie Mac Scum? If he did then surely thats just totally out of order. Who is Scooby and does he actually support Saints or is he like... 8 years old or something?
  14. awwww Ponty - Chin Up MLT well done for posting the original Item. You must have had an excellent day there. Great Pic. I would imagine there are many many on here that would like to be photographed with Matt LeTissier I would have liked to have gone. Anyone being abusive is just jealous, ignorant, stupid - oh there are so many words to describe them.... But anyway I for one hope that Shearer does not become manager IF/WHEN we get taken over because with millions to spend id rather have a proven coach or JP in charge.
  15. Well to be fair only 4 teams got any kind of exposure this week. Maybe keep a timed comparison of all the teams featured then you can make a valid argument. 39.37 seconds was more than enough for me
  16. wow surely you are forgetting Wigley & Gray and Dodd and Gorman.....
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