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Everything posted by graymalkin33

  1. Bound to be away - just hope we dont have opening AND last fixtures both away like last season.
  2. The end is nigh! I agree with the Alpine man on something!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. No we are not. If you are joking then hahahha ha ummmm ha If you are not joking then you are a plank.
  4. I think that picture sums up Saints quite well.
  5. lmao absolute s***e
  6. lmao - well put! Id like to print off the web page - put a grid on it and work out how much is devoted to saints and how much is devoted to adverts. I know beggers cant be choosers.
  7. I understand totally people wanting a fresh start. But i am just fed up with replacing managers every 6-9 months. IT HAS TO STOP
  8. What great news. Id like to buy that man a drink. Questions to Mr Lynam: Money- Does the company start with a clean slate I.E we are not still £30m+ in debt but to different people? Has this been financed in a similar way to Man Utd etc where the funds are financed against assets of the club? Barclays and Aviva have all been paid off and we will be banking with another bank hence forth? Am i correct in saying that SLH & SFC will no longer be listed companies and that we will have an owner instead of numerous share holders? If so where does that leave fans that are shareholders? Personel- Any views on the managment team? Any views on the renewal of players contracts? Will existing board members be replaced? General- When will season tickets go on sale? When will ticket prices be released? New Kit for a new start? Will there be an appeal against the 10pt deduction?
  9. Amazing really isnt it we cant even agree on this lol
  10. Just watched it. Great to see that our defending these days was no better back then lol Oh and anyone notice that Clough and McMenemy were sat on the same bench almost next to each other. Wierd also to see the crowd right behind the dug out and not have 10 squad members sat there. Only one sub ... jeeez those were the days. Oh and interviewing McMenemy at half time - another thong you would never see happen today
  11. Agreed. I had kind of hoped Alpine had been banned... but no. Oh and stirring it up is not necessarily a good thing. I prefer the calmness of an Alpineless forum. Not having a go at alpine i dont know the guy as a man, purely from what i see on here, I have formed the opinion that i personally do not agree with much that he says nor his way of saying it.
  12. I have a question for the standing guys. IF the govt were to allow terraces back in football stadia and Saints pulled up some seats to make a terrace at one end of the ground, would the people that like to stand go and stand in the designated area or would they stay where they are and stand up in which ever stand they have always used? I personally find it v anoying if people stand up, cos i prefer to sit. I pay for a seat and ofcourse if one person stands up then people around him have to stand up and it all goes pear shaped.
  13. Did anyone get any followup info on the two Saints fans that were attacked in cardiff with scaffolding poles?
  14. I'm just thankfull that finally Alpine seems to have mastered the art of multi quote posting rather than posting 4 times in same thread consecutively... I always thought it was attention seeking but i was wrong i admit it... it was just incompetance on his part lol Anyway - keep up the good work Alps.
  15. Thats scarey... can anyone else hear those very same words coming from Lowe in the future because I CAN!......... oh boy! Stanley Out lol
  16. Well i was wondering about a similar question which may be more pertinant to Saints.... Say Reading get promoted this year and come straight back down. Do they still get 2 years worth of parachute payments? Or does the parachut payments have to be "earnt" by service in the Prem, so for example they have to be in the Prem for 2 years before they get the full 2 year parachut payment. So a club that goes straight back down may only get one year or 2 years at a reduced rate???? I dunno.
  17. Took the words right out of my mouth.
  18. I dont think any one single player has it in them to do it. They have to do it as a unit.
  19. Strange priorities for a saints fan Get rid of manager and the bloke upstairs THEN save us from relegation. I think surely we need to win games and stay up - then sort out what goes on off the field. But i suppose you have your own agenda - good luck
  20. Well if it makes you feel better then go for it. It wont make any difference, its not like Lowe opens all the returns. That will be down to someone in admin or the ticket office. They open it and see the comment and in the bin it goes. They are not going to gather them all up and deliver them to Lowes office (well not if they want to stay in a job). But anyway if it makes you feel better then go for it. If i were a ST holder I would be tempted to do the same.
  21. Well its the end of the first week of Feb. As far as i know we are not in administration. I'd like to thank the original poster for his input at this point.
  22. Just been thinking about a couple of "worst case scenario's" Scenario A: We wait until April and we go into administration. We get 10pts deducted and almost certainly get relegated. We then fail to come out of administration by the time the season starts so we are then deducted another 10 pts for pulling a fast one and 17 pts for not coming out of administration on time. So we start the season on -27....... which probably means Div 2 football the season after. Scenario B: We enter administration now and take the 10 pt deduction. We remain in administration and the club gets broken up. SMS Sold Staplewood sold Any player of any value sold. All free agents released. Players still under contract but no longer fancy being at saints can walk away if they find another club with the other club only paying compensation. The Football league then say we cannot pay them the golden bond to commit to our seasons fixtures so do not allow us to start the season. Saints cease to exist. Neither sound appealing to me. I wish people would stop assuming administration is the easy way out of this mess. Lowe out lol .... thats the first time i have ever typed that phrase lol Oh well.
  23. :smt046 Neat idea
  24. I dont know but I dont think it would be any different if we had any other manager to manage us. Managers only really tend to make a difference if there is money to spend or the previous manager has totally lost the dressing room. Of course some managers have come in and got instant results only for the slide to then continue. I think Saints will continue to slide until we get the finances sorted out. I hope he can keep us up. He has my 100% backing - as did Jan. I really hope we dont have a 3rd manager this season as that will inevitably lead to relegation i think whoever is appointed.
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