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Everything posted by alsaint

  1. Thanks
  2. Thanks ! I don't mind giving u something for them wether DVDs or VHS . How do we arrange this ?
  3. As the title says has anyone got any saints end of season reviews they are willing to sell. Once had them all but somehow got lost in house moves. Looked on e bay and seen some but not that many . Does anyone knowwhen the first one done think it was first season of live football on itv ? Any help in obtaining these if would be great? Hope I have posted in right place Alan
  4. alsaint

    Fans photos

    Hi, just wondering if anyone has any old photos taken by saints fans with there own cameras of grounds and of other saints fans or photos of anything saints related , old players ,celebration scenes anything really what ever the quality preferably pre digital they would like to share. Been looking at old football books and been on nostalgia trip but fans seem to have been forgotten be interesting if anyone has great saints moments on camera Ta
  5. As title suggest anyone know? who from our team do you think will be in it?
  6. As the title says been left in london over xmas period but with no car any one able to help?.... please
  7. http://web.archive.org/web/20040409105926/http://www.saintsforever.com/hundred.html... found this regarding being a saints fan
  8. just been drinking me tea time cupper from my saints mug and got me thinking apart from being a sad bugger wasnt there a competition open to supporters in the late 70s to design the crest? every body happy with it ? does it sum up southampton fc? thoughts?
  9. just been drinking me tea time cupper from my saints mug and got me thinking apart from being a sad bugger wasnt there a competition open to supporters in the late 70s to design the crest? every body happy with it ? does it sum uo southampton fc? thoughts?
  10. Thing this been posted before but remember a list of things people have done at football match like evicted and got back in etc , i no im vague
  11. hi sorry to be a pain but how did you get that price please
  12. hi everyone where is everyone getting these cheap train deals from !!!! keep trying from london etc getting three figure sums back . any help please!!
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