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Everything posted by Pip87

  1. Well, it's when you go to the council and tell them you're homeless. They then tell you that you'll go on the list but there's no hope of getting anything soon because you don't count as a priority. I assume one then ends up waiting for ages and eventually gives up hope and stops trying.
  2. I would doubt that they'll pay you if they find out you're 'rat arsed' when you should have been on call. I'm pretty sure that being on call means you should be in a fit state to go to work should the need arise?
  3. I don't buy it but apparantly I should. It's apprarantly a very good idea that has got a lot of homeless people working. I can't see it myself because selling the big issue is never going to get you enough money to find somewhere to live. Also, surely it must be very degrading to stand around saying 'big issue?' all day?
  4. I apologise for my poor spelling. To be fair, it's not a word I often use.
  5. Maybe it's Pompey humour then!
  6. I haven't seen any others. Maybe i'm just behind. It wouldn't surprise me. Thank you for updating me Mr Bates
  7. I found it funny
  8. I once played the part of one of those dudes with the tea towels on their heads in the Jesus play. This was at my first primary school which was a 'god squad' school, as I called it... Eventually I moved to a normal school. No where near as cool as the part my friend got to play once at secondary school, which was Nicholas the neckrofeliack. I'm unsure what the play was about because I didn't watch it. I shall ask him.
  9. That's fine. I'll be dead by 3005 so I won't notice *unsure what smiley to put with that*
  10. I can see their point. She shouldn't have told them. But really, some teachers are absolutely terrible and they don't get sacked. I assume the theory now is that you don't have to teach children well, just so long as you don't take away their belief in Santa you're alright.
  11. Pip87

    Oh yeah

    Was it sitting on someones head? I saw a large bum and clicked the little 'x' in the top corner.
  12. I found this, this morning: http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?forumID=5776&edition=1&ttl=20081210101106 Some of it useful, some of it amusing - especially the ones about putting vicks vapour rub on your feet, drinking 10pints of cider a day and drinking a cup of liquid nitrogen.
  13. Thank you! I have now bought some nice soft tissues from boots. Couldn't find the kleenex balsam ones... will try when I go to asda to get whiskey on the way home!
  14. Thanks for the article. Hot drinks galore in the Pip household for the next few days then (mostly with whiskey, lemon and honey during the evenings ) I can't believe the amount of snot. Getting through so much tissue. I've been cheap and nicked loo roll from the uni... I'm paying for it now and have to go and buy some moisturiser for my poor red nose. I must look like that reindeer... :cool:??
  15. Thank you bungle and bridge too far. I shall purchase whiskey on the way home tonight
  16. They all look pretty nasty to me. Have never tried any though (due to the nasty look) so can't really say they're not nice.
  17. Go home and spend the day in bed or on the sofa?
  18. I have a really bad cold. I'm looking for suggestions to get me through it. So far i've tried lemsip daytime tablets, soother sweets, soup, turning the bathroom into a steam room, blowing my nose as much as possible (the more i blow it the more snot seems to develop?). Anyway - what works/helps for anyone that I could try?
  19. Congratulations to you both! Hope all goes well and they both recover fast.
  20. Well, that was a waste of about 2 minutes of my life then. You're lucky I wouldn't have done anything interesting with them anyway
  21. Well I don't know if anyone that actually existed is/was called Jesus, I would expect so. I know the bible does exist as in it is a book, but then so does the tiger who came to tea book and I don't believe that ever happened either. It's just a story book. Not that i'm knocking story books, some of them are great :cool: The funnybones is my personal favourite atm. So to answer your question I guess 'both' would be the most appropriate response if you using bible to mean do I think the stories within it exist, and by Jesus you mean the stories of the things he did.
  22. or There is no such thing. The whole bible thing, in my humble opinion, always was, and always will be, a story that some unfortunate people have decided is real so that they can use it as a crutch for their mental/emotional weaknesses.
  23. Friday - Travelled to boyfriends. Was a boring journey Saturday - Christmas shopping, then dinner at pub with his sister and her other half, then we all played wii monopoly which is was suprisingly impressed with 9/10 Sunday - Relaxed and played more wii monopoly in the morning, finally got round to picking the last of my stuff up from the ex which was a bit depressing, got dropped back in pompeyland and spent the evening relaxing and unpacking. 8/10 - relaxing and productive but woke up with a cold this morning
  24. I was supposed to be going to the match but plans have changed and i'm now going christmas shopping. Unfortunately it turns out my season ticket was a total waste of money. Still, christmas shopping and dinner out. Should be a nice and relaxing, but fun, weekend.
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