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Everything posted by Pip87
I believe they are changing the rules, just in time for his return, on sex offenders travelling. Therefore he will have his passport taken away and so will many others who wouldn't have done so before the change. This way we can bring the number up to well above 5. Which would be good to say the least. Sex offenders are incredibly dangerous people and should not be allowed to be free to commit more offences. It's not that i'm against the whole 'doing your time and then being free' idea it's just that the case of sex offenders is a little different. If a burgler reoffends it's an issue, if a sex offender does then another childs life has been ruined forever. Since finding out about the rule change he's doing his best to avoid coming back at all. He's demanded to leave the airport claiming he should be allowed to stay in Thailand. He's now been declared 'persona non grata' (whatever that means) and it looks like he'll end up back in Vietnam if he continues to refuse to get on a plane to Britain. Although I would like to have him in another country if we can prevent him reoffending I would rather he was here.
I'm pretty sure it's still the summer holiday
I live in a flat so shouldn't be a problem.
Jade's got cervical cancer and was given the news on BB? I don't watch it but saw it on the news. What is the big attraction to BB? Seems a bit weird to me.
Vanilla fluff from Majorca. It was some sort of angel delight type pudding. I wasn't pleased when they changed it to coffee flavour one night but it stayed the same colour so I ended up with a huge plate of inedible pudding. mmmmm i think i'm going to have angel delight for pudding tonight.
Possibly. I have it recorded so you can check if you want Most of them in the programme were in america but they've sold over 3,000 mainly in Europe so watch out... it could be the guy next door...
No idea - never heard of him/her
1-1 would be my guess but it could go any way on the day really. Should be interesting - wish I could make it
Yeah, you be quiet you person exhibiting muscle tightness and spasms :smt044 Other than that I watched a show about men who live with life sized, real looking, dolls as their girlfriends. Although it was a little sad it was quite funny. One poor man had to be without his 'girlfriend' for 3 weeks while she was repaired.
I'm still fairly new to Southampton and don't always spend a lot of time here so still not used to it really :smt053 ... i can't remember the name of my local but it's not very interesting in there anyway. So far I like varsity and the pensioners before a match. Bedfords, 90 degrees and reflex after. Anyone have any suggestions of better places? It's a bit weird being in a new area starting all over again.
In which case I consider myself lucky to not be such a total c**t! Although it's horrible I would still rather be a tax payer (although I realise i'm still claiming most of it back atm), knowing that I am supporting both good and bad causes, than such a horrible person like you describe. I couldn't live like that as i have a conscience
I'm now just that tiny bit more glad I got all the tax I had paid back this morning! I think I would rather not be student and therefore have the time to earn enough to pay tax though. Still, for now I shall continue to live in the tax haven that is studentland. Maybe miserableoldgit, the way to look at it is that you are very fortunate to be in a position to pay taxes rather than being in the unfortunate position of having to claim benefits - not many like having to do so.
No, I was simply explaining the reason it sounds so stupid. It would sound equally stupid if i tried to make a joke about something I didn't understand and therefore made a total hash of.
I don't think it's at all funny. It's not a PC thing or anything, just the guy obviously has no disability awareness at all and his statement therefore sounds rather stupid.
I think they say up to 6 weeks but probably more like 4 for it to start. I think.
I think what they're trying to say is due to the upgrade ST holders aren't guarateed to be able to get their usual seat - but they will try. But i've just woken up from a nap so could easily be confused :cool:
I'm pretty impressed at only having to pay £3
I'm feeling quite optimistic. Went for top half. Am hoping for playoffs. Despite being optimistic I really can't see automatic happening but would be great to have a good season and exciting playoffs, followed by promotion
This is partly why i'm intending to buy the away shirt. I really don't want the home one because of the sticker. It's a real shame because the rest of the shirt is an improvement. The away shirt is nice and I will still be 'doing my bit' supporting the club financially (although i will use the 10% off voucher that came with the season ticket). Hopefully they will learn from this and not allow umbro to put this sticker on next season - now that they are changing the shirt every season I assume they'll be able to make changes a season earlier!
People who can't use their/there/they're properly and therefore prevent a sentence making sense :-p Also, people who add some g's to the word exit and say 'eggsit'.
I've been told by people with acer laptops that they are very reliable (though i assume that's a comparison to the sometimes awful reliability of other brands). It's what I'll be going for soon.
I watched Steve fixing it.
I'm quite into the rolo and milkybar ones atm. Last week it was the fruit corners. I'm liking jelly in pots as an alternative to yoghurt. The onken wholegrain is also good and comes in pots which aren't empty after 3 mouthfuls. I'm thinking about yoghurt too much while eating my dinner and it's confusing me.
You realise the timing of the server crashing wasn't chosen?