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Everything posted by Pip87

  1. Where did you get that information from? I'm the first person in my family to go and I didn't get an extra bursary for it. I'm wondering if I can apply now?
  2. Oo oo oo... I'm looking to go away in September. It needs to be somewhere with decent warm/hot weather, nice beaches and a few things to do I guess. It has to be outside of Europe, not Egypt and BA need to fly there. I'm finding it impossible to find somewhere that fits everything and I will be able to find my way around with my not speaking any other languages.
  3. I'm not. I've never even tried them. I guess I never will now either!
  4. Ah - they have been discontinued. Here is a list of the breakfast cereals they do sell in the UK: http://www.nestle.co.uk/ourbrands/productrange/breakfastcereals/ How sad is that? It's obvious I have too much time off after the exams before working full time for the summer.
  5. Curiously Cinnamon is the new name for Cinnamon Grahams, according to the packet in my kitchen. I don't know if cinnamon grahams was the new name for golden grahams though but it seems very likely. They came in my variety multi packs and I don't like them much. You're welcome to them.
  6. Pip87


    From that video footage alone he appears to be, to me, a disgrace to football and to humans in general. Though there are often more sides to stories.
  7. I'm pretty sure you can purchase the gum shield thing from boots for not a lot of money.
  8. £2.68 worse off. I don't think i'll notice that too much.
  9. I've just written my proposal for the dissertation i'll be doing next year. It's on football so I hope you are all looking forward to filling in my questionnaire!
  10. Of course I do! Yes if that's true. But I am guessing/hoping that you're joking.
  11. Pip87


    Well i'm back. Went up Arthurs seat and that was really good. Also went shopping which was very good. I can suggest that no one goes into a club called Lulus at 125b George Street. There's one bouncer that thinks it's appropriate to push someone half his size up stairs for no reason. Didn't go to the castle as the pub we went to before the club was really expensive and the castle was expensive too. Will go next time.
  12. Pip87


    Cool - thanks for that. I have to go to work soon but will take a look at that tomorrow. Why don't you like your hair cut? How short is short? When did you have it done? It took me a bit of getting used to and sometimes i still look at it and get a bit upset it's so short (even though it's still well below the shoulders). But it is a vast improvement so i'm happy overall. I'm looking forward to the length growing out a bit though. I'm trying to put a picture up that shows how much hair I had simply chopped off before she even washed and began styling it but I can't. I have taken the picture from facebook to my memory stick but when I go to put it up it asks for a URL, which i don't have. I shall ask about the shopping areas when i'm up there :-)
  13. Pip87


    Thanks! I think i'll go to this arthurs seat place (which seems to be less of a seat and more of a hill?) and the castle. I'll have a look into the Rebus tour too - what exactly is it? Never heard of it before. BTF - I was told there is some outlet shopping, is that the princes street place or somewhere else? The boyfriend needs (wants?) new clothes so we'll have to do some shopping :-) Yes i did get my hair cut. I'm very pleased with it! :-) What did you go for?
  14. Pip87


    I'm going there and am trying to find some things to do. Anyone been there before? Any suggestions?
  15. I'm going to see this bloke in October - I was put on the spot being asked if I wanted a ticket and had to make a decision then so I just said yes. I'm seeing Jimmy Carr in April. I liked the MM DVD I watched but have seen nothing of Jimmy Carr - how does he compare?
  16. Pip87


    I live here and i'm not 'up in arms' about it. I haven't heard anyone mention it either. Though I have noticed an increase in the numbers of very drunk people in the middle of the day so maybe it's just that no one has noticed yet. Doughboy: my road is nice. Well, it's more of a tiny kinda semi circle of houses and doesn't actually have a road.
  17. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/hampshire/7939187.stm
  18. Pip87

    Fruit Gums

    Juicy jellies are better imho
  19. Indeed they do, womens cuts cost so much more than mens too. I now know these products aren't cheap either.
  20. I had SO much cut off it was unreal! There's a picture on facebook of the hair next to a credit card sized card to show the length of what she hacked off before even starting. Surprisingly I was fine with it, after spending the whole morning being nervous. It all needed to come off. Something about not putting some product on before I dry and/or straighten apparently. I am now in receipt of this product so hopefully I can grow it out a bit more nicely now. I'm glad it was cut by a friend of a friend or I wouldn't have believed her about the product. She was very reassuring and didn't do anything without me being happy about it first Anyway - I got something similiar to the first one, it's a bit shorter. It's lovely and feels so much more comfortable. I do have fairly thick hair, i'm not sure about thinner hair. Apparently you can go in for 'consultations' to chat about what you could have done without actually having it cut. You can have 'colour consultations' too to talk about all forms of hair dye before having it done. There is so much I never knew about hairdressers! The layers thing is great - i'd recommend it.... I think that's what she did anyway. If it wasn't that then whatever it is it looks nice. Instead of having it all straight at the bottom so when you move your head all the hair moves at once it gives a much more natural feel and doesn't all move in one 'lump'.
  21. I have the same problem. I've had long hair for so long, I don't want it short but even going to a medium length seems scary as if i don't like it then it'll take ages to grow back. http://images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/20080407/425.annable.vancamp.040708.jpg http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p183/syoung7819/qemilyblog.jpg To give you an idea something between these two pictures. The style of the shorter one (with the long fringe down one side thing that could be clipped back) but more the length of the other one because I will be very upset if I have too much cut off at once. I think the longer one would be the most I could have chopped off this time.
  22. Nope. It's too long now because i keep putting off having it cut and the only times I have had it cut have only braved having a couple of inches off. It keeps getting leant on etc and that hurts
  23. Who's SRS? Sounds like he might kick me in the head
  24. Would my season ticket get me in to watch this? It sounds like it could be absolutely hilarious
  25. Really? I wasn't suggesting I am upset by it or anything. I was just wondering what people seem to have against students because I can't see any reason. It just seems a bit strange?
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